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"Come on, you couldn't have emailed us all? At the rate this snow is falling, we'll be snowed in here. And while I love it here, I don't need dead children ghosts of Christmas pasts to haunt me." Natasha complained, crossing her arms at the table while they waited for Jenji to start telling them her final news before holiday break. Taylor murmured in agreement, itching to get out of New York.

"Alright calm yourself Tasha, it looks like everyone is here now. I want to thank you all for a strong first half of the season, and I mean it you guys always bring it." Jenji praised everyone, looking around the room to meet eyes with her favorite faces. "Now we've got some news to share, right Laura?"

Taylor turned in her chair to face Laura who sat across the room. She stood up, pulling her jacket a little closer, running a hand through her black hair before taking a breath.

"Hey guys, no no don't worry this isn't like season 2, but I uh well I'm pregnant..." Laura pauses to let the crescendo of congrats, whoops, and hollers pass. Taylor smiled softly, seeing the blush start in Laura's pale cheeks.

"So, with that we'll discuss blocking and how we're going to cover the bump when we get there. Thank god for prison uniforms. Listen, I will be sending out scripts the weekend of the Golden Globes. Have a happy holiday break all of you!" Jenji chuckled, releasing them all to run home.

A crowd of people directly went up to offer congratulations to Laura personally, blocking Taylor from getting close to her. The blonde sat back down, scrolling through her phone while she waited for crowds to dissipate.

"How far along?" Yael asked, cooing gently towards Laura. Laura smiled, placing a hand on her bump.

"About 3 months, almost 4." She replied, her eyes searching for Taylor. Eventually they made contact with her baby blues, staring as Yael rambled off.

"Oh you're so lucky it's such a small bump right now. Gonna be a cutie. It's your fiancé...Ben right oh and you're a redhead too? I bet the baby's gonna be a ginger, so pretty. Stay warm this break, see you Laura,"

Laura offered a nod in response, still watching Taylor. The other woman made eye contact and pulled away, fixing her hair. They had to talk before Taylor left for Boston. Laura made her way through the sea of people, thanking them all before it scattered, and she made her way to Taylor.

"Taylor," She said softly, placing a hand on her knee cap. The blonde jerked her head around to look up at Laura's slender features.

"Congrats," She chuckled, blue eyes searching green to read her emotion. Laura took a deep breath, sitting down.

"Its been hectic this week, I've been meaning to talk to you...um so I left Ben," Laura blurted out, her hand rubbing Taylor's knee out of habit. The blonde didn't seem phased by the touching.

"You left him? Is that even allowed...with you know..." Taylor asked, raising an eyebrow. She put her hand on top of Laura's on her knee, stroking gently with her thumb in circles.

"Not really. I have to do a lot of cleansing now. But whatever, what's done is done." Laura shrugged, trying to keep it together. Taylor licked her lips, thoughts curiously swirling in her mind.

"What made you do it?" She asked softly. Taylor had never expected Laura to actually take the step it did to remove Ben from her life. And subject herself to scrutiny from her own church, it seemed like a reach but she did it.

"You really want to know Tay? He said that you threatened him, except he didn't...well he, he called you a dyke, I'm sorry Taylor," Laura whispered in a hushed tone so only Taylor could pick up the vulgar term. She still didn't feel comfortable saying it even in reclaiming terms, because Laura couldn't put a place on her sexuality right now.

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