Name game

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"I already told you, we are not naming this child Lucinda it sounds like a witch," Laura called out as she cooked dinner on the stove top. Taylor poked her blonde head back into the kitchen, sighing dramatically.

"Fine. Fine. But what names on the list do you enjoy?" She whined, stepping all the way in and grabbing the sheet of wrinkled paper that read a list of baby names the two of them had put together.

Laura flipped the grilled chicken, rolling her green eyes. She stepped away from the stove, wiping her hands on a dish rag.

"I'm not naming my baby Rose, Charlize, Terese, Matilda, Gretel, or Naomi." She read off the list, avoiding Taylor's gasps and sad faces at each one. The younger woman hopped on the counter, swinging her legs.

"Seriously?! Come on those aren't even bad," She protested, taking a deep whiff of the chicken. Laura nudged her back away from dinner.

"Gretel? Matilda? Taylor..." She repeated the names, going back to put in more marinade. Taylor crossed her arms, huffing.

"Matilda is a literary icon for little girls everywhere!" Taylor argued, pouting. Laura gave her a warning look, shaking her head.

"Maybe it can stay." Laura grumbled as she finished the meal and set up their plates. Taylor hopped off the counter, kissing her cheek.

They had been discussing names for days now. It wasn't going entirely well, mostly bickering back and forth. Taylor had put herself into mother mode more than ever before, reading up baby books and learning everything she possibly could. She felt stupid for consulting books, she had nannied in home for a newborn before but most of that work was cleaning for the mother. Later in bed that night Laura woke up with a pang in her side.

"Fuck," She grumbled, sitting up in the bed. Taylor lay next to her, curled up in a ball as usual. She noticed Laura sitting up by grabbing the sheets and pulling them around herself in her sleep. Laura felt the kick again, this time accompanied by a sharp cramp in her lower stomach. She had no idea what this was and frankly was afraid to ask. She was 8 months almost 9 Laura pushes that directly back into her brain where it came from. It was not going to take hold over her tonight. Maybe it was just heart burn her little girl was suffering from. Another cramp pushed through her system and Laura let out a groan, panting.

The groan startled the sleeping beauty next to her, having Taylor squint in the darkness.

"Laur?" She mumbled, her hand reaching for the bedside lamp. "What is it?"

Laura groaned again, doubling over. This was not how it was supposed to be, she wasn't ready this was not ready...

"I think- I don't know what's happening. I'm only 8 months Taylor, I'm..." Laura paused to let a particularly rough cramp pass through. "Cramping and I'm having pain. I think she's coming. We haven't even named her. Fuck. Fuck." She started to hyperventilate, panicking over if her baby was coming prematurely.

"I'm going to grab your things and drive you to the hospital. Okay." Taylor said firmly, trying not to make Laura's nerves worse. She got up, packing a bag for Laura with cozy clothes and changes of underwear. She also threw in a new born outfit and a stuffed giraffe she had bought. Taylor kissed Laura's cheek, pushing back her hair. "I'm calling the hospital and your doctor to let them know you're coming. This might be false labor. We have to consider everything."

Taylor walked into the living room, so that Laura wouldn't head her panic. "Hello? Hi Dr. Yuriko gave us this number to call when delivery started? Our midwife is Gisele Calhoun, I have to call for an ambulance but Laura is having cramping"

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