Period || Daniel (Tumblr)

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As your eyes fluttered open they adjusted to the dark room you were once fast asleep in, the light of the moon shining through the blinds that hung in the window hitting the wall directly across from it. You look beside you to see your boyfriend of two months sleeping soundly, with his arms wrapped around your waist while his head lays back on the pillow next to yours. His peaceful face causing a small smile to play on yours as the soft snores he was making fill the room. This was the first time you had ever spent the night at the why don't we house and if this is what it felt like, waking up next to the boy you were falling for than you could defiantly get use to it. You turned your head to see the clock. The bright red letters causing hurt to flash in your eyes as they weren't ready for something so bright.

4:52 am

You had felt a sharp pain hit your stomach. Deciding that you hadn't ate much today you were probably just hungry you grabbed your phone and headed down the stairs as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake anyone up or cause anyone to get angry. You found an apple and a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting down on one of the bar stools and opened up twitter to see what you had missed in the four hours you had been asleep.

You were just cleaning up the remander of your midnight snack when a sleepy Daniel appeared in front of you.

"Danny baby, what are you going out of bed?" you asked walking closer to him, he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, laying his head in your neck, clearly still extremely sleepy.

"I got worried when I woke up and you weren't there" He mumbled before placing a soft, sleepy kiss on your neck. Your heart melted right away, it was the little things like this that truly made you believe you were falling for him. Everyday he did something that made you feel so incredibly special.

You stood there for a second, swaying back and fourth still in his arms, when another wave of pain hit you, way stronger than before. Your knees when weak, Daniel noticed pulling his face away from your neck to come face to face with you again. Worry flashed through his eyes as they scanned your face which had "in extreme pain" written all over it.

"Lets get you back to bed, maybe its a stomach flew or something" He said, kissing your forehead before taking your hand in his and leading you back up the stairs. Still a little unfamiliar to the house you took out your phone and turned on the flash light, lighting up a pathway to Daniels room that you could both see.

The two of you walked into Daniels room when you both saw it, you stopped dead in your tracks and froze. The huge red stain that had taken up a large spot on Daniels bed sheets. You felt the tears start to form in your eyes, not only was this embarrassing, you had this horrible feeling that Daniel was going to get mad at you. This had only happened once before, with your ex and he had gotten angry and you felt the same way you did then. Venerable and scared.

Daniel turned to face you, his eyes flashing with worry and care. He pulled you into his chest and started rubbing your back as you closed your eyes and tried to stay claim.

"Im gonna go run you a bath, take off your clothes and Ill put them and the sheets in the wash. I think Christina leaves some girl products in Corbyns bathroom, Ill go find you some. Just sit down and stay put" He whispered, placing a kiss just under your ear before placing you on the bed and walking into the bathroom to start the bath water.

You sat there in shock, no one had ever been so sweet to you. No one had never taken care of you in such a loving and tender way. Daniel Seavey was honestly one of the most perfect guy in the whole world and he was yours.

He came back into the room a few minutes later carrying two boxes, one with tampons and one with pads, he walked into the bathroom and turned off the water once the bath was filled up and put the boxes down. He walked back out to see you sitting there, pain and shock written all over your face, but he didn't say anything he just stuck out his hand, waiting for you to wake it. You took his hand in yours and you followed him as he brought you into the bathroom.

You started stripping, in too much pain to care if he was still standing there behind you. You rolled up your pants and underwear, careful to make sure the stain wasn't showing before placing them on the counter. Daniel came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your exposed stomach and placed soft kisses along your shoulders. Just his touch alone made the pain subside and make you feel a little better.

"Ill be back baby, go relax" he whispered again, before walking out the door with your stained clothes in his hand. You got into the bath, the warm water hitting your skin. You leaned your head back, closing your eyes as you laid in the big soaker tub.

Daniel came in about 20 minutes later, holding a pair of his sweatpants and your favourite hoodie of his.

"I put these in the dryer, along with a blanket so they will be warm when you get out and I changed the bedsheets, come out when your read baby" He said, before coming over and bending down to place a kiss on your forehead before leaving you be again.

You had never known a boy could be such a gentleman, he had stood behind you naked and didn't try anything, he didn't even make a flirty joke, he had then see you in the bath tub naked but his eyes never left yours, not even for a second. He had made you feel so loved at 5 am and not once did he even seem to mind that you had kept him up.

Once you got out of the bath, you cleaned yourself up and took care of all the girly busniess you needed too before putting on his clothes that he had left for you and walked out to see him sitting on the edge of the bed on his phone.

"You could have gone back to sleep love, its 5:30" You said as you sat next to him. He turned off his phone, putting it on the night side table before sitting back up to place his head on your shoulder, grabbing your hand and intertwining your hands.

"I didn't want to go back to bed without my girl,I wanted to make sure you were okay" He said, smiling up at you.

"Come on Danny boy, lets get some sleep" You told him, this time placing a kiss on his forehead before standing up to to turn off the lights.


Heyooooo long time since i've been on Wattpad 😂 ( Creds to the creator of this smut! (: )

IG: seaveyydxniel

word count: 1213 

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