Loser takes all || Jack (Tumblr)

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I turned to look at the clock, only to see i was late for my lunch date with Jack that was at 12. It was currently 12:05pm. I groaned as i jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of clean leggings and a random hoodie I found in my hamper of clean clothes. I slipped on the closest pair of shoes to me and grabbed my keys and phone. I headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before I left. As I drank my water I sent a text to Jack, which turned into quite the conversation.

to jack baby♡: shit i overslept. #sorrynotsorry im on my way tho.

from jack baby♡: of course you did baby but it's fine, it's only 5 mins lmao. all you do is sleep.

to jack baby♡: yea but by the time i get there it'll almost be 1pm. and hey, I do not just sleep. I play music very loudly and jam tf out in my beloved mustang bc im a dork with a sick ass car. also I can't forget that I have bomb ass sex with a constantly horny, curly haired fucker named Jack Bobby Avery.

from jack baby♡: so what, I'm still spending the entire day with you so who cares if you're almost an hour late. blame the traffic. and ya you're a dork but you're my dork tho. you know you love me more. das right you do baby. our sex is the best. let's test that theory later? ;)) jk I love you. also, im at chipotle now, IHOP was closed for maintenance. and p.s, totally not my fault that you are so damn fine that you make me pop a boner the minute you appear. and don't mock my hair.

to jack baby♡: I feel bad tho, so therefore im sorry and I love you. I'll make it up to you. but LMAO. dont push it. my car is my baby, and okay, i wanted chipotle anyway. but you're such a goon but you're my goon. and ps you know i love your hair and that I love you more than my car. and im totally down to test that theory. ;)) but im leaving now. see ya soon baby. ♡♡

I chuckled and turned off my phone as I headed out the door, making sure it was locked and left. Our conversations never failed to make me laugh. I took a look at my car and facepalmed. I muttered a quick goddammit as I remembered that my car was in need of a deep cleaning. I guess it really didn't help that i was doing donuts and drifting around the empty dirt bike track late last night when Jack and I couldn't sleep. I quickly pulled out of my driveway at 12:15, hoping there was no traffic. I was disappointed very quickly. I looked at the clock for the second time today, it was 12:30 pm and I was stuck in the lunch traffic. As I was stopped I called jack. "What's up baby?" he answered. "you're never gonna ask me to meet up with you again. The traffics fucking stupid." I groaned as I laid it on the horn, hoping the sunday driver ahead of me would speed up and thank god they did but I was still annoyed "Hurry up grandma! Some of us have places to be fuck!" I yelled as I rode the driver ahead of me's ass. I could hear Jack laughing. I finally spotted my destination at 12:45, after 20 minutes of traffic. I totally didn't have road rage.

"Shut up Jack! But I'm here." I yelled at my curly haired boyfriend. I hung up as I pulled into the Chipotle parking lot. I turned my car off and got out. I walked in, spotting Jack sitting by back of the restaurant. I sat down across from him with a huff of annoyance. "That bad huh?" he asked with a small smile as he slid over my usual order. "Thanks baby." I said, grateful for dating a boy who knew how to cheer me up.

We sat there eating and discussing the upcoming tour and if I had started packing to join them. Of course I hadn't started yet. After lunch we drove around L.A for a bit. I was lost in thought while sitting in shotgun when Jack placed his hand a little higher on my thigh than usual. I smirked as an idea popped into my head. "Jack baby?" I asked feigning innocence.

"Yes love?" he said not taking his eyes off the road. "I have a proposition. Only if you're down for it." I asked, hoping to gain his interest. He then took his eyes off the road, quickly glancing at me, thus noticing the smirk. "Whatever it is, you're going down." he cockily stated. "It somewhat impacts our sex." He rose his eyebrow but let me finish, showing that he was down for whatever it was, "For the rest of the day we try to tease the other, til one hits their breaking point. The catch is, we can't grope or touch each other with our hands. We can kiss and leave hickeys but we can't hold each other. Like you can pin me against a wall or whatever and box me in but your hands can't touch me. Whoever caves first loses and the winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser. All has to be consented of course." I continued. He looked at me with a smirk, licked his lips tauntingly before speaking, "Prepare to lose baby." I chuckled and looked him dead in the eye and replied with "Don't get too cocky now. Good luck daddy." I smirked as I watched him visibly gulp. We pulled up to the boys' house and headed inside, for a very interesting rest of the day.

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