Chapter 7

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*McGonagall's POV (just to switch things up!)*

I paced the study. If only the kids knew how dangerous this was. And with exchange students here? What was I thinking? I wasn't. Dumbledore was. And I cursed myself for even listening to him, but he did always know what was best for Hogwarts.

It took some serious convincing to get Olympee to agree to this. I had gotten Agilbert Fontaine to agree but he didn't know what had happened the last time. I had to make the announcement this morning and I still wasn't sure if this was the best thing to do.

I pulled out the large cup and with a sigh, headed to the Great Hall. It was time to announce the Triwizzard Tournament.

*Percy's POV*

I woke with a start. It was morning and I was starving. On top of that, we had to go to classes today. I looked around me. Jason, Frank, and Nico were still sleeping. Leo was whisper-yelling at Will.

"Aha! I knew it! With what you said at dinner last night and the way you fell asleep on his shoulder on the train but still have your head? That is way to obvious. So... when did it happen?"

"Fine. But you didn't hear it from me, Will sighed. "Nico had to stay in the infirmary for three days after the Giant War. He went in and out of consciousness on day two and at one point was very drowsily talking. He said that I was pretty and asked it I'd go out with him. Then he fell back unconscious. He woke up the next day and I told him what had happened and that I said yes. That good enough for you?"

"What good enough for who?" Nico asked, waking up and yawning.

"Nothing," Will answered. He went to his trunk and found his school clothes. I did the same. It turned out, we didn't need to go to Luna to get the colors changed for our houses. The house elves (or so I've heard they're called) replaced our grey ties with red and yellow for us. We all quickly scrambled to get dressed. I threw a pillow at Jason to wake him up. He had slept in his school clothes for whatever reason. He flew over to me and I ran quick, laughing all the way down to breakfast. I plopped down at the Gryffindor table with Jason following in a huff. He didn't realize he had flown down here. Harry sat down on the other side of me. He leaned over and said to Jason,

"So, you're related to Thalia?"

"Yep," him and I both said at the same time.

"I wasn't talking to you- wait you're related to her?"

"She's my cousin," I answered. "Why do you want to know about her?"

"Something seems fishy to me. I mean, an all girl group where you can't date? What is that?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Nico asked, plopping down across from me.

"My sister," Jason said.

"Thalia? She's the best cousin ever," Nico answered.

"Hey!" Jason and I yelled at the same time. I pouted and Jason pretended to cry.

"Meh," Nico replied.

"You guys are weird," Harry said as he moved away from us. Annabeth plopped down next to me.

"Morning Seaweed Brain," she said.

"Hey Wise Girl," I answered. We all had to wait for everyone to eat because Annabeth wouldn't share the Greek Fire. Will came and plopped down next to Nico, followed by Reyna, Clarisse, Thalia, Hazel, Frank, and Piper. We exchanged our good mornings then simultaneously dropped our spoons. We bent over to get them with food in our hands. we dropped in into the fire and came up one by one. Then we began to eat. I quickly Coloveriaed my food before eating.

We talked as we ate but the whole hall went silent when the Gryffindors heard Nico call Reyna "Ra Ra." Then the Ravenclaws, followed by Slytherins and Hufflepuffs. They'd all heard Reyna last night and she didn't seem like the kind of girl you'd want to mess with. But she laughed at what Nico said and kept the conversation going. Then McGonagall stepped up to talk.

"A few things I forgot to mention last night: One, I will be keeping my post as Transfiguration teacher for the time being. And your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be Professor Chiron." I looked up at the staff table and saw a man in a wheelchair with a dark beard and couldn't believe I hadn't noticed him before. It was Chiron, obviously.

"Number two. I believe most of you remember a few years ago when we had a Triwizzard Tournament? I am pleased to announce that there will be another one this year. As it was last year, nobody under the age on seventeen may enter and the Yule Ball will be restricted to fourth years and up. The Goblet of Fire, our judge, will be placed here at lunch. I will be putting up an Age Line. Remember, do not enter this if you are not going to follow through with it. We will be competing against Ilvermorny and Beaubatons. That is all. Return to your meals."

I knew I had to get my name into that Goblet. But by the looks of it, so did Clarisse, Thalia, Reyna, Annabeth, and Nico. This was gonna take some work. I knew getting across the Age Line should be no problem for me, and it should take Nico out of the running. Or would it?

(A/N: Why would Nico not be out of the running? And who should get it? I'll let you decide! Clarisse, Percy, Nico, Thalia, Reyna, or Annabeth? And yes, Luna is the daughter of Iris. Below is a minion meme that I find rather funny. As always thank you guys so much for reading!!)

 As always thank you guys so much for reading!!)

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