Sinking Ship

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A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams or your dignity. 

I ducked as low as I could muster as the ornament shattered above my head, the pieces falling all over me before decorating the floor at my feet. I lifted my gaze, taking him in as he stood before me. His chest was rising and falling as he looked at me, the rage was unchanging, unfaltering. That familiar feeling of fear started to bubble in my stomach. 

What was he going to do this time? What was he going to break this time? How many days would I have to hide in the apartment? Conceal my face? My arms? 

"Who the fuck does he think he is?! Sending people to my door! Sending letters! I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill him!" Yugyeom flipped again as I made myself as small as possible. It must have been Jungkook again. Yugyeom and Jungkook were half-brothers, their Father having gotten two women pregnant within just a couple of months of one another. They'd never gotten on. They always seemed to be in competition with one another, always fighting to come out on top. I'd never met Jungkook even though I'd been with Yugyeom for 18 months now. 

Yugyeom grabbed for his jacket, gritting his teeth as I tried to avoid his gaze. He shoved it onto his shoulders, shooting me a glance as he picked up his car keys from the cabinet. 

"Make sure you lock the door. I'll be back soon. If anyone knocks, don't answer it or you'll have me to answer to." He slammed the door to a close as I crumbled. I started picking up the pieces of the ornament that were all over the floor as well as the pieces of paper. Curiosity peaked, I ran my eyes over the piece in particular that had set Yugyeom off. 

Tick tock baby brother. Debts are owed and you are overdue. Best to pay up before I take everything that is dear to you and bring your world crashing down around you. Tick tock baby brother. 

I sank to my knees, a sickly feeling rushing through my stomach. Yugyeom was in debt? How? To Jungkook? It just didn't make any sense. I quickly started to dispose of the mess, knowing that Yugyeom would be less than impressed if it were still on the floor when he got home. I tried to push the debt to the back of my mind but it kept niggling away at me. I tried to reassure myself that Yugyeom would sort it, that he would fix it, he always found a way. 

A few hours passed before Yugyeom came home. I heard the door slam as I curled up against myself on the sofa, trying to avoid his gaze. He stalked over to the fridge, sighing immediately before closing the door over with a slam. 

"Why is there never anything in this house when I want it?!" He growled, like an overgrown child. I crawled off the sofa, grabbing my shoes from beside it. 

"Tell me what you want and I'll nip to the shop and get it." I offered. He narrowed his eyes at me, taking a step closer to me. 

"Why do you really want to go out?" He asked, tone threatening. 

"Yugyeom, please. Not this again." I pleaded. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him as his gaze connected with mine, testing me. A few moments passed and my wrist was aching. Finally, he let go. After he'd told me what he wanted from the shops, I grabbed my bag and quickly left the house. 

The cold air was comforting as I walked slowly back from the shops. Thankfully they'd had everything that Yugyeom had wanted so I knew that he wouldn't be able to lose his temper when I got home. Well, I hoped. I could hear footsteps behind me as I slowed my pace, waiting for the owner to overtake me. The footsteps slowed alongside mine, someone walking at my side. I didn't turn, minding my own business. 

"It's a little late to be walking the streets alone. Strange people come out at this time of night." A strange man was walking alongside me, his peachy coloured hair catching the glow of the street lights. I smiled softly. 

Between Two Brothers {Jungkook/Yugyeom}Where stories live. Discover now