Three Years Later

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The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. 

Humming lightly beneath my breath, I placed my paperwork in the filing cabinet before leaning over my desk and skimming quickly over my emails. My attention was grabbed by a short and swift knock on the door. 

"Come on in." I shouted before my secretary poked her head around the door. She smiled sweetly, pointing at the phone on my desk. 

"Phonecall on line 2 for you. It sounds urgent." I nodded my head at her lightly before sitting down at my desk. Clearing my throat, I picked up the phone. 

"Good afternoon, Kim Tzuyu - how can I help?" I spoke cheerily down the phone. I clung tightly to the phone when the other voice spoke. 

"Y/N? It is you, isn't it?" My heart stilled in my chest. My blood ran cold. I stuttered, none of the words making any ounce of sense. "It's me, Uncle Jongin." My breathing was starting to slow down a little. "Your Dad gave me this number..." 

"I haven't spoken to my Father in three years, Uncle. What is this about?" I asked, harsher than I should have. 

"It's your Father, Y/N. He's gravely ill." I clung to the phone, not entirely sure what to say. I looked out of the window before closing my eyes. "I know you have your issues with him, Y/N. But he's asking for you. Please, I know you - Y/N. You'll regret it, if anything were to happen and you didn't see him..." I bit my bottom lip so harshly that my eyes popped open. 

"Is he really that poorly?" I asked, my heart being played with. 

"I wouldn't be ringing you otherwise, sweetheart." He told me and my mind was made up. 

"Tell him I'll be there soon." 

"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you." 

"But Uncle-" I said. "Please don't tell anyone that you've spoken to me or that I'm headed back to Korea." I begged. "It's easier this way." 

"Of course, Y/N - whatever is easier for you." 

"Please, can you call me Tzuyu." I added. 

"Sorry, Tzuyu." 

"Thank you. Tell my Father that I'll be on the next flight." 

Once the pleasantries were exchanged, I hung the phone up. Untying my hair, I headed over to the window, placing my hand up against it and closing my eyes as I tried to still my beating heart. 

After three long years, I was going back. I couldn't help but wonder what had changed, what had become of the people that I'd used to know...

But I quickly wiped that thought from my mind. I was going to see my Father and then I was leaving. In and out in a day. No one had to know. No one would ever find out. 

Placing myself back at my desk, I picked the phone up, pressing '0'. It rang once before my secretary picked up outside. "I need you to do me a couple of favours." I listed all of the things that I needed, finally coming up for air. 

"So, you need plan tickets booked, Jongdae to look after the company for a couple of days and for me to keep this secret?" She repeated back. 

"Exactly. Take the weekend off yourself, I know you were wanting to go and see your Mother. It's a perfect time." 

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave Jongdae in the lurch-" She started. 

"Take the weekend as a paid holiday. You deserve a break." 

"Thank you, Miss Kim." 

I was just about to hang up the phone when she spoke again. "Ah Miss Kim - what about Daesung? Should I-?" 

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