Sweet Surrender

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Love comes to those who still hope after disappointment, who still believe after betrayal, and who still love after they've been hurt

It felt like someone had poured burning metal across the top of my shoulder. The blood gushed down my chest as I felt a dull pain flooding through me. I looked at Jungkook, panicked. Jungkook's arm was bleeding profusely but he was quickly bandaging it up as he draped his free arm around my shoulders, keeping me close to him, protectively. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him as he hurried me over to the car. He turned to look at me, inspecting my shoulder. 

"Am I okay?" He muttered in disbelief, unlocking the car. "Are you okay, Y/N-ah?" I nodded my head lightly. I couldn't really feel any pain, it just felt completely numb. I cast a glance over at my shoulder and felt relieved to see that the bullet hadn't actually entered my skin, but rather just grazed it. With few words and a lot of desperation, Jungkook bundled me into the car. As soon as the engine was turned over, he hit the gas - getting out of there as quickly as he could. 

Jungkook placed me down at the sofa as soon as we got back. He headed out of the room, promising to be back as quickly as he could. Now that my adrenaline was starting to slow down, I started to feel uncomfortable with the pain. My mind was awash with the possibilities. 

Was it Jungkook's Dad? 

Was it my Father? 

Or at the very worst - was it Yugyeom...? 

I'd been having the best night that I'd had in a long time and now I was crashing back to earth with a bang. A loud and somewhat painful bang. Jungkook came back into the room, holding onto some medical supplies. He hadn't changed the dressing on his arm, I noticed. He sat down in front of me, arranging the supplies. 

"Jungkook, your arm-" I started, speaking out of concern. The blood was colouring his bandage, a lot quicker than it was flowing from me. He silenced me with a look, his gaze powerful. 

"Don't worry yourself. Jin removed the bullet and I've taken some painkillers-" 

"The bullet? The bullet was still in your arm? Seriously, shouldn't you get that looked at-" Jungkook took my wrist in his palm, shaking his head. 

"Hush now. I can wait. You've got a pretty bad graze right there - but it's nothing some antiseptic and a decent bandage can't fix..." He muttered, rifling through his supplies. I tried tugging my arm free from his grasp but he clasped my wrist, preventing me from struggling. 

"I want you to fix your wound first. It's worse than mine." I said. 

"The longer you take, the longer it's going to be before I can help myself." He smiled, his thumb brushing over my inner wrist. 

"I'll let you treat my wound if you let me treat yours once you're done." I offered, Jungkook caught my eye, smiling. 

"It's a deal." He shook my wrist lightly. "Now try and sit still, this is probably going to hurt." 

"Probably not as much as being grazed by a bullet..."

"Yah - you'd be surprised." Jungkook smiled softly. 

"Thanks Jungkook. You've really installed me with hope." I teased, turning my arm around so that he had better access. He smiled at me and I melted. The way his smile lit up his eyes. The way he regarded me as though I was a blessing. I'd never felt anything like it and I wasn't sure I ever would again. "So do you have any idea who shot you? Us?" I asked as Jungkook studied my arm, ready to run the antiseptic across it. I gritted my teeth, prepared. 

"Jin had a quick look at the bullet and it had BB engraved in it." Jungkook muttered as he moved himself closer to me, holding my arm firmly as I flinched in pain. Jungkook was right. The antiseptic wipe was a whole new level of pain. It stung and brought tears to my eyes but I pushed through. I took a deep breath as I tried to keep myself distracted with conversation. 

Between Two Brothers {Jungkook/Yugyeom}Where stories live. Discover now