All is Fair in Love and War

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Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time

I woke up the next morning feeling somewhat renewed. Something about my conversation with Jungkook had given me what I could only describe as a new lease of life. When we'd gotten home, I sat with Jungkook for a while just talking about our childhoods and the experiences we'd both went through when we were younger. I rolled over in my bed when I heard someone clear their throat. My face broke into a smile when I realised who it was. 

"Hey." Taehyung smiled, placing himself down on the bed next to me. "I thought we could have breakfast." He offered me the tray that he was holding as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. 

"That's very thoughtful of you." I smiled at him, helping myself to some of the diced fruit that was portioned out on the tray. Taehyung smiled at me as he helped himself. 

"I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you're okay. You seem a bit happier than the last time we spoke." Tae smiled. 

"Yeah. I think I'm just starting to realise that the way Yugyeom treat me - it wasn't right. Is that pathetic?" I admitted. 

"I wouldn't say that it was pathetic." He reassured me."The fact you've realised that, it's a big step. Honestly." 

"Is it not a little too late?" I asked, pulling the blankets around myself. Taehyung shook his head, moving the tray from the bed. 

"You got out, Y/N. It doesn't matter how you got out, as long as you're alive. You're brave." I pulled the blanket up a little further. 

"I don't feel very brave." 

"Well you are and I'll keep telling you that until you believe it." 

"Everything is just such a jumble in my head at the minute." I admitted, making sure the door was closed. "I don't know what I'm doing half of the time." 

"I'm going to take a running jump that you're talking about Jungkook?" I nodded my head lightly, blushing furiously. 

"I feel like I'm running from one person straight to another. I just don't want to rush into anything-" I mumbled, not even sure what I was talking about. 

"Believe me, Y/N. Jungkook won't let you rush into anything. He's the type of person to put you first. And I'll let you in on a little secret-" His voice became quieter. He leaned in closer, making sure that no one was around as I looked at him in confusion. "You must promise that it stays between us-" He breathed. "If you think your mind is a jumble or that you're nervous about it." He smirked knowingly. "I'm telling you now, Jungkook has you beat." I looked at him. "He thinks very highly of you. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in his brain." I blushed again. 

Jungkook's Point of View

Jungkook walked towards Y/N's bedroom and held his hand up to the door. He sighed, his hand curled into a fist, poised to knock. He shook his head, retreating back into the living room, pacing. He shook his head in frustration with himself. He'd sat talking to her all night, so now why was he choking? Why did she make him so nervous? 

"Should I ask what just happened there? Or?" Namjoon smirked, Jungkook just shook his head. "Okay, I won't ask." Namjoon went to leave the room, but Jungkook called him back. 

"Joon - wait! I could do with your advice." 

"What happened to 'Don't worry Namjoon, I got this'?" Namjoon teased. "You've fallen hard again, haven't you?" 

"I'm my own worst enemy." Jungkook admitted, staring out of the window. "I really am." 

"Tell me something I don't know." Namjoon laughed, placing himself next to Jungkook and resting a steady hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "But in all seriousness, what's bothering you? What do you need help with?" He asked as Jungkook searched for the words. 

Between Two Brothers {Jungkook/Yugyeom}Where stories live. Discover now