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Everything went downhill as soon as we got back from the beach. It happened every year around the same time, but it actually mattered this time around. Exams were starting soon and more work was getting piled onto our plates. I hated this time of year, but I always got through it since there was never any pressure on me. It never mattered and I always had a chance to redeem myself, but it was different this year.

I was terrible at testing. Everything just seemed to slip my brain once the test was handed out. This meant that I always bombed my midterms and finals. I always studied hard and I actually tried, but nothing worked for me.

When we got back to our classes on monday, we immediately jumped into reviewing. In most of my classes, we were done with anything we had to learn this year. We would spend a few weeks going over and reviewing for finals.

"Exams are going to kick my ass this year," I said to María as we walked out of our second period. I looked down at the paper that our teacher gave us that outlined the next few weeks for us. Everyday was something new, with homework each night to help us study.

"We'll get through it together. I'll even help you study. I know you can do it," she said and gave me a side hug as we walked down the hallway.

"I just hope that I can graduate this year."

"You will, right beside me and the rest of our crew! Just think, exam week is in a month, then we have prom, then graduation, and then we're free to go! Look on the brightside of things."

"I'll try," I said as we approached her class. We said goodbye and she went inside. I went to my class, which was just in the next hall over. I found my seat in the back of the room and sat down just as the bell rang. My teacher left the room to go get something, leaving us all to ourselves for a few minutes. I felt my phone buzz in my hand.

hey princess

whats going on today?

nothing much other than school,
we're starting to review for finals
and it's a lot. trying not to get
stressed out over it

you're gonna be fine, i just know
it. you're so smart

can i pick you up today and we
can get something to eat?

LITERALLY about to make me cry
in the back of my class rn

i would love that so much

i love you so much

i love you

i'll be there at 11:30

see you soon ❤

"This is everything you need to know on one test?" Diego asked me as he read my study material at lunch. I nodded as I took a bite of my food.

"Yeah. I'm lucky though since I only have to take three exams, but I think two of them are on the same day."

"Teachers make the test?" He asked, I nodded again.

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