Chapter One - Meeting

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(I use pictures to show what characters look like. Cause I'm a lazy person XP. Also art does not belong to me.)

 Cross was sitting in his white void of a world, Chara being very quiet. He was twisting his giant knife around out of boredom, when a figure appeared through a portal.

He flung his knife at the intruder that was behind him, turning to see who it was. It was another skeleton, but this one was black and looked like he was covered in goo. This newcomer had tentacles sprouting from his back, one of them holding Cross' large knife.

 This newcomer had tentacles sprouting from his back, one of them holding Cross' large knife

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This mystery skeleton was smiling at Cross. Cross stared back at the black figure before asking, "Who are you and why are you here?"

The nameless skeleton chuckled. "Oh my name is Nightmare. King Nightmare to be exact. I've shown up here, as I have never seen this AU before, to see what life was here. You seem to be the only one here, so I might as well leave." Nightmare spoke, turning around and opening a portal. Upon doing this, he heard Cross yell. "Wait! Please take me with you! I'm tired of being here, and I want out."

Nightmare simply turned back around to face the smaller. "Well will you make sure that you are useful to me?" He said, smirking. Cross was on his knees now. "Yes, please, I'll do whatever you want." He begged. "Well then follow me." Nightmare said as he turned around and they went through the portal, a giant castle in the distance. "You'll need these." He said, tossing Cross some clothes. "Go and change into that."

Cross nodded, turning to find an empty room. He didn't know who else lived there, if anyone else even did. He walked along the dark corridors, glancing at any rooms he saw. He soon found one that seemed big enough. It was empty, and he was glad. He wouldn't have wanted to walk into someone else's room.

He looked down at the clothing he had been given. He huffed, taking off the clothes he was wearing now. He picked up the black pants, pulling them up. It didn't take him too long to put on the rest.

He soon walked out of his room in his new clothing. "Pretty fancy huh Cross?" Chara said to him suddenly, being just a ghost floating next to him. Cross 'talked to himself.' "Yeah. I feel like this will be great from now on." He replied, leaning on his giant knife.

Chara agreed with him, soon disappearing and leaving Cross to his own thoughts

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Chara agreed with him, soon disappearing and leaving Cross to his own thoughts.

(I hope you guys enjoyed this first part of Crossmare Empire of the Moon and Sun! Expect a new part tomorrow! P.s Sorry if this was short. This is my first story! Also I did this at 10 so bai.)

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