Chapter 7 - Leaving?

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Nightmare was pacing around his room, trying to decide whether he should fire Cross or not. Nightmare decided that he was going to fire Cross even though this would be difficult for Nightmare. And besides, its not like Cross likes him, right?

Nightmare decided that he couldn't put it off any longer, no matter how much it was going to hurt him. Nightmare went to his throne room and had a guard go get Cross.

Cross was in his room waiting for Nightmare to tell him what he needed to do next. Chara kept trying to get Cross' attention. 'Cmon lets go do something! Preferably something fun.' Then there was a knock on the door. "Well I guess we do have something to do, I wonder what about", Cross whispered to Chara. Cross opened the door and a guard was there. "Cross, Nightmare requests you in the throne room. Apparently its something important." Cross nodded to the guard and headed towards the throne room, to Nightmare.

Cross had gotten to the throne room, but unlike the other times that he was requested there, it was only him and Nightmare. Cross bowed to him. "Sir, may I ask as to why I'm needed?" Cross tried containing the happiness in his voice towards Nightmare, but of course Nightmare would just be able to feel the emotion that Cross was having towards him. Nightmare winced.

Cross was slightly confused at Nightmare's reaction. His mind started spinning with questions like, 'what was that about' or 'was he okay.' Nightmare was trying. Trying to get last the awful feeling that he had. He stood up tall and managed to speak. "Cross, you are here for some important news. . . You're fired."

Cross stood there, unable to speak. He was... fired!? Cross stuttered out, "S-Sir you're k-k-kidding r-right? W-Why?" Nightmare suddenly felt even more terrible than he thought he would be. He just had to push past it.

"You've failed me too many times. Go pack your stuff and leave." Cross tried to speak without going up in tears. "B-But S-Sir. I-I've done everything that I c-could to help you. P-Please don't do t-this." Nightmare could feel how much this hurt Cross, but what's said is said. Nightmare knew only one other thing would work, and it would hurt the both of them so much.

Nightmare growled. "You're lucky I'm letting you leave. Don't make me change my mind. Pack your stuff and GO", Nightmare spoke as harshly as he could, yelling the last word. Cross flinched back, hurt showing in his eyes. Tears pricked the corner of Cross' eyes. He turned around and ran out of the room.

Nightmare sighed in relief. There was an outraged growl that came from off to Nightmare's left. Nightmare turned to see Error glaring at him, looking completely outraged. He let out a growl.

"You'Re aN awFul pErsOn, yOu kNow ThaT? HeRe I wAs, tHinkIng maYbe yOu caRed aBouT sOmeoNe oTheR tHaN yOurSelF... ThaT maYbe You loVeD hIm. CleARly i wAs wRonG. He dIdn'T deSerVe soMeoNe lIke yOu anYwAys." Error turned and walked out the door. By the way Error walked, it was clear that it was painful to even be awake. Nightmare was starting to regret what he had done.

It had been an hour or so and Cross had finished packing his stuff, dry tear stains on his face from how much he'd cried. He cleaned off his face so that when he went to leave, if Nightmare happened to go by, that he wouldn't know that he had been crying. He walked out the door of his room, Chara being very quiet. He walked to the front of the castle, but someone was waiting for him. A few someones, including the one he didn't particularly want to see.

Killer, Horror, Dust, Fell, and Nightmare were there. Error wasn't there, but that was mostly, from what Cross guessed, because of the pain. Cross didn't know what the Empire of the Sun had done to him, but neither did the others.

Cross walked up to them and ignored Nightmare's gaze, as he didn't want to know about how Nightmare felt about this. Cross suspected that he would look disappointed in him or happy that he was never going to see him again. The others said their goodbye's to Cross and Cross said the same to him. That was when Nightmare stepped forward towards him.

Cross rectantly turned to face Nightmare, but what surprised him was that none of the looks he expected to be on Nightmare's face were there. Nightmare looked calm as if none of this bothered him, but his tentacles were twitching forward and hidden under the calm look was a hint of sadness. Cross nodded goodbye to Nightmare and walked out the door, but he glanced back Nightmare was waving him goodbye, the others glaring at him.

Cross wondered what that was about. He set it aside and left.

(And that was this part so hope you enjoyed..... But nope this isn't it, I'm going to add a little ErrInk in this. Hope you like it.)

Error was in the medical area, laying on a bed. He was trying to get some sleep, but the pain kept him awake. His time at Empire of the Sun's base was torture, quite literally. Classic seemed to have been recruited by them and he was the one who tortured him and inflicted damage on him. Error winced at both the pain, and the memory of what happened. Little did he know that someone was watching him. Someone from the Empire of the Sun.

It turned out to be Ink who came over to the side of his bed. He went down on his knees and cried. "I-I'm sorry Error. I s-should have tried harder to stop them." Error was wide awake for this and he did his best to sit up, which didn't work because as soon as he got up a little, he fell back down. Ink looked up immediately through the tears. "Error you're okay!"

Ink hugged Error and Error flinched back. "Ow iNk t-ThaT rEallY H-huRts." Ink let go quickly. "Oh I'm so sorry..." Error laughed then doubled back in pain. "I-iTs fIne." Ink smiled at him. "Don't worry. I'll be here until you feel better." Error nodded. "I kNow You wIll."

(And that was it. Hope you enjoyed this part. Next one coming soon. Enjoy your day!)

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