Chapter 3 - Torture and Confrontation

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(Underline with ' means its in his mind. Nightmare = Bold)

Cross was in the dungeon with Leo, who was chained in a cell so he couldn't cause any harm. He had a serious look on his face. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You choose." In return, Leo just scowled and refrained from saying anything. Cross shrugged. "Hard way it is then." He said with a grin as he shot forward and held his giant knife to Leo's throat. "Who hired you?!" He questioned angrily. Leo gave a low hiss so Cross put slightly more pressure on his knife "I said who hired you?!" He yelled. "I-I don't know his name. He looked like you, but he was wearing  a blue jacket, gym shorts with a white stripe on the sides, and pink slippers." Was Leo's response.

Cross thought to himself. 'Classic? Why would he want King Nightmare dead?' Leo was shaking. "He a-also had a weird black glitch thing covering his face." Leo said, nervously. Cross sighed. "Well you are no longer needed." Leo began to yell in protest, "W-Wait-"

Before Leo could finish, Cross slit his throat, killing him in one quick motion. Once he reached the throne room he bowed to Nightmare and waited to be spoken to.

"So!? What did he tell you?!" Nightmare yelled. "Sir, he was hired by Classic Sans, b-but..." Cross began, stuttering. "But what?!" Cross continued nervously. "Leo told me that Classic Sans had a weird black glitch over his face... I-I think that he may have been under someone's control." He forced out, looking at him.

Nightmare winced, upset that he scared Cross as he muttered under his breath, "Sorry..." Cross gave him a confused look. "What?" He asked. Nightmare realized what he said. "N-Nothing! Just go get something to eat and then come back here to do your job." 

Cross bowed and headed out of the throne room, so the only ones left were Nightmare and a girl who was now smirking at him. Nightmare noticed and frowned at the girl. "Why are you looking at me like that Lezzy?" (Lezzy is my oc)

Lezzy's smirk seemed to get wider. "Oh nothing. Just how you reacted when Cross was stuttering. You looked upset, maybe that you felt bad for scaring him?" She asked teasingly. Nightmare felt his face heat up "N-No not at a-all. I'll be in my chambers." He said quickly, leaving the throne room.

A few minutes had passed. There was some noise in the courtyard as some of the other members of the Empire were there. Error was sitting on a balcony that overlooked the courtyard, watching the chaos below.

The others were there, training to get better. Killer stared at the Dust and Horror as they dueled. He was waiting for their next move on him. He would be ready when they tried to attack. He twirled the knife he had in his hand. He mocked attacking with it, motioning how he wanted it to go.

Horror and Dust were at it, attacking eachother full force. Horror carried his axe, swinging it across at Dust. It nearly took his head off. Dust growled in response, attacking with his own knife. "Yo Fell, come join us! Dont just sit there and mope." He yelled to Fell, who rolled his irises.

Fell huffed in annoyance, ignoring them. He didn't need to waste his time with this, he was good enough already. Though seeing as Killer was just standing there, maybe he could take him by surprise. He summoned a bone attack in his hand, slowly creeping up on Killer.

He had a smug grin as he approached him from behind. He swung his bone, though it was met by empty air as Killer ducked out of the way. In one simple sweep of the legs, he was knocked down by Killer. "Guess I win." Killer said triumphantly.

Suddenly they were all stopped in their tracks as they were tangled by blue threads. They looked to see Error walking toward them proudly, a smug look on his face. "I win. Again." He said.

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