Chapter 11 - On the run

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Cross soon woke up and looked up to see Nightmare there. Nightmare was asleep, but he was still holding Cross close to him. The others were talking and Cross looked towards them. "Guys..?" They all suddenly turned to face Cross. They all ran up to him and Nightmare.

Nightmare just woke up, hearing a quiet voice and the hurrying footsteps towards him. Nightmare looked down and saw Cross was awake. "Cross!" Nightmare hugged Cross tightly, making Cross wince from the pain. "S-Sorry." Nightmare let go and looked away.

Cross sighed and hugged Nightmare, which shocked him slightly. Nightmare melted into Cross' hug, his tentacles dropping to the ground.

Nightmare looked at Cross, who returned the look. Nightmare slightly got closer to Cross and Cross was confused. Before Cross could say anything, Nightmare pulled him closer and within a moment he pressed his teeth to Cross'. Cross was completely shocked, as he hadn't expected it, but he didn't protest or pull away, instead he kissed him back.

Lezzy and Ink were quietly laughing to themselves, Fell was trying to keep in a smirk, and Killer, Horror, and Dust were giving thumbs up, which turned into them whispering, "ship it" to eachother. Error purposefully coughed loudly. Nightmare and Cross quickly pulled away and stayed there awkwardly.

Error laughed at their expressions. Cross was blushing and Nightmare narrowed his gaze at Error. The moment was cut short by a shrilling laugh. It was unsettling, but not in a way that resembled Ink Nightmare's. This laugh was a dark kind of unsettling, like the feeling of being followed.

Everyone looked towards the sound of the laugh, to see a giant Sans with a black glitch over his face. The Sans resembled a dragon, but with only two legs and wings, instead of four legs and wings. They recognised this Sans as Wyvern!Sans.

Nightmare narrowed his eye in an intense glare at Wyvern!Sans, remembering his last encounter with him, but Virus. It had to be Virus, because no one else had that feeling that he gave off. Last time with Virus, he had Cross under his control, which ultimately led up to the act of Cross' memory loss.

Virus laughed. "Long time no see, buddy." None of the others knew that this was Virus, but they did know about him and what he did to Cross. Nightmare growled. "Virus... Leave now."

Virus laughed as if this was the best joke he had ever heard. "Oh I don't listen to you. I only listen to Ink Nightmare, the new King of the Empire of the Moon, or should I say, the Empire of Darkness. My job, is for him." Virus pointed a talon at Cross, who recoiled back.

Error looked shaken and seemingly terrified, which is true because he is. Nightmare could sense strong feelings of fear from Error, wondering why he'd be this scared because of Virus. He didn't even actually know much about Virus, so he shouldn't have had this fear. Then he remembered what had happened to Error. He had been to Wyvern!tale and faced off with this Sans, nearly getting killed in the process of destroying the place.

Ink quickly opened a portal and shouted to them. "Guys quick! Into the portal!" The others listened and went through the portal. Cross tried to get up, but nearly fell over if Nightmare hadn't been there to catch him. Nightmare picked Cross up and ran through the portal after the others. As the portal was closing, there was an ominous laugh from Virus. "Oh you can run, but you can't hide Nightmare! We'll always find you and you won't be so lucky in escaping next time!"

Where they ended up next was the doodle sphere. It was only a very temporary stop, since Virus finding out about the place would almost certainly mean certain doom to the Multiverse. Error opened a portal to Flowerfell and stepped through, the others following behind. He walked over a few feet away from the others and sat down.

Ink started towards Error, but was stopped by Lezzy grabbing his shoulder. "Don't. He might want to be alone right now." Ink sighed and nodded, then looked back to Error with a sad expression. Nightmare set Cross down on the ground and then sat beside him. Cross looked at Nightmare worryingly. "What do we do know?" Nightmare sighed and pulled Cross in for a hug and then spoke, his voice low. "I don't know Cross. I just don't know."

Virus entered the base of the Empire of the Moon, now known as the Empire of Darkness. He walked to the throne room and once inside, bowed to Ink Nightmare. He got up and looked at Ink Nightmare, an emotionless expression on his face. "Sir, they got away. It will take me a while to find them again, but I promise you, I will get them next time."

Ink Nightmare glared down at Virus, who still hid all emotions from his face. It honestly unsettled him how Virus almost always had no emotions showing on his face. The only time he didn't have that look was when he was looking at Nightmare, where he smiled insanely at him. Even Nightmare, who always hid his emotions from everyone, had atleast a calm look on his face or an angry one when things went bad. Virus just always had this unsettling, emotionless mask.

Ink Nightmare sighed, dismissing this fact. "You have one more chance. If you don't succeed, then don't come back until you have." Virus nodded. "Yes, sir." And with that, Virus bowed and left the throne room. After leaving the throne room he whispered to himself. "Oh don't worry Ink Nightmare, I won't fail you again. You can count on that." Virus now had an insane gaze. He left the base, now on his way to finding Nightmare and the others.

Ink Nightmare sat on the throne, his throne. He laughed at how he would soon have Nightmare and his gang. "Oh Nightmare, I can't wait to see your face when I take away the one you love most. Soon I'll have you all back in my clutches. And soon.....Cross will be good as dead."

Cross looked at where exactly in Flowerfell that they were, which was Waterfall. The others were also sat down, talking about where they should go next. Error still sat away from all of them, closer by the water, but just far enough that the water wouldn't come close to touching him. Cross leaned into Nightmare, who looked at him. Cross looked at him tiredly.

Nightmare pulled Cross closer with his tentacles and hugged him, the tentacles also wrapped around him in a hug. "You should get some sleep. You look.... tired." Cross nodded lazily and closed his eyes. Within a minute or two Cross was asleep in Nightmare's lap.

Nightmare chuckled and whispered. "Don't worry Cross. I'll make sure you're safe. I won't let you out of my sight, I promise." Nightmare closed his eye, just listening to the sounds around him. What he didn't know is that they were in for a lot of trouble and bad things would happen, and you know what they say...

             Promises can be broken.

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