Chapter 8 - Alone

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Nightmare was in his throne room again. The others were all mad at him for firing Cross. About every hour they came back to remind him of how they were angry at him. Even Lezzy was mad at him, and she knew how Nightmare felt towards Cross. It was quiet for Nightmare in the throne room without Cross there. Now it felt rather empty. Nightmare was pacing around, thinking about what Cross was doing.

Cross was in the woods searching for a place to stay. The wind howled and the sky was dark. In the distance was a little pitter patter of rain. Cross could tell that a storm was coming, but he realized this as it was too late and it started pouring down on him. Soaked, he ran under a tree with big leaves to protect him from some of the rain.

Chara was next to him, scanning the area. She suddenly spoke, 'Something is watching us..' Cross quickly turned in a circle to see if anything was there, but he didn't see anythi- wait. Under a tree in Cross' view was a shadow, but it wasn't a normal shadow since it seemed more like a black pool of something. Suddenly a ripple went across it.

Cross stepped back and grabbed his knife, holding it in a position so he could quickly defend himself with it. There was an echoing laugh. This voice had something unsettling to it, maybe being that he couldn't see where it came from, or maybe it was the sound of their voice. Their voice sounded drippy, like a single raindrop on a completely still pond in the dead of night, making an ominous echo in the still darkness.

Cross gripped his knife tighter. Suddenly the 'shadow' surged up and whatever it was stepped toward Cross so he could be seen. This figure looked like Nightmare, but different. Their eye glowed a dark violet instead of a deep blue like Nightmare's and their face seemed to be melted sideways. Their dark violet eye was eery unlike how Nightmare's eye cast a calming glow. Everything about this character unsettled Cross.

The voice spoke. "Hello Cross..." Cross stepped back. He didn't know how this character knew him and he honestly creeped him out. The figure must have noticed as he laughed. "Oh trust me, I won't harm you Cross. By the way. The name's Ink Nightmare." (Ink Nightmare is my oc, here is a picture)

Cross glared at Ink Nightmare, but he was mostly wondering now about what he wanted

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Cross glared at Ink Nightmare, but he was mostly wondering now about what he wanted. Ink Nightmare laughed, with that same eery, drippy sounding voice. Cross narrowed his gaze before answering, "What do you want and why are you here?"

Ink Nightmare gave him a non-threatening smile. He sighed and said,   "Well I felt positive and negative sentiments coming from here including love, sadness, and heartbreak and longing for the one you care about. So I came to find where these emotions were coming from. That's when I ran into you." Cross shivered involuntarily. Instead of saying something else, Cross just stood there. Then Ink Nightmare spoke again.

"Join me... And I'll make sure that Nightmare NEEDS you and wants you, instead of throwing you around like trash. So. Do we have a deal? Join me and I'll give you what you want." Cross looked hesitant, but in a moment he looked determined. "It's a deal..." Cross shook Ink Nightmare's hand.

It had been a few hours and it was getting dark, metaphorically speaking, considering it was always night at the castle. Nightmare was getting ready to rest for the night, but there was a knock on the door. Nightmare sighed and opened the door, only to find Lezzy there.

Nightmare ushered Lezzy to come in, which she did. Nightmare said, "What is it that you want now?" Lezzy sighed. "For some answers. Why did you fire Cross? I know you love him, so why did you fire him?" Nightmare sighed and looked at Lezzy with regret, as he explained why. "The reason I fired him is because, yes I care about him, but I was scared. He's already lost a lot of his memory and if he gets hurt I know it'll be my fault, since I'm the one who let him come with me here. So I fired Cross, so he wouldn't get hurt." Lezzy nodded and left through the back door of the room.

Outside the other door, everyone but Error was there, pressed against the door. They all stepped back and exchanged glances at eachother. They now knee that Nightmare loves Cross, and he only fired him to protect him. They really needed to apologise for how they acted towards him. They all went to the medical area to go tell Error, but when they entered they saw Error and Ink.

The others glared at Ink. Error quickly sat up, wincing at the pain and tried to explain. "Don'T wOrrY. InK iS jusT hEre To hElP mE...." The others looked at eachother and all nodded. They all knew by now about Error's crush on Ink. They all explained what they heard through the door and told him that they needed to apologise. Error nodded, but added, "WheN we sAy sOrRy, we hAve tO cOnvInce Him to lEt CrOss bAck iN, aNd we nEeD to reAllY coMe uP wiTh soMetHing cOnvinCinG."

The others agreed and Ink even decided to help. He, of course, couldn't say anything to Nightmare himself, but he offered to help them come up with ideas for what to say.

Ink Nightmare laughed after their handshake, which Cross was curious about, but didn't question. Ink Nightmare just then told him, "Get some rest. We can start with everything tomorrow." Cross nodded and laid down on the ground under a very shaded and weather resistant tree. When Cross fell asleep, Ink Nightmare started laughing ominously and then spoke quietly in his eery, dripping voice.

"Oh you have no idea what I plan to do to when I get my hands on your friends and beloved Nightmare. You have no idea."

(Ooo what a cliffhanger. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. But yes, this cliffhanger is different because its actually in a way that it gives so much suspense of what will happen next. I also have another thing to say before ending this. I'm doing another story other than this and its Error x Ink. If you like that ship and this story, then you'll really enjoy 'Error X Ink - Painted Destruction'. Don't forget to check it out, and I hope you all have a great day/night and I hope that you have enjoyed your day.)

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