Chapter Two - A Traitor

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(The pictures are in order as I said them. This is when Chara speaks)

It had been almost four years since Cross was 'taken in' by Nightmare. During this time, they had met new allies that agreed to work with Nightmare. However, as Empire of the Moon was growing, so was the Empire of the Sun, ruled by Dream. Dream was Nightmare's brother as well, though he also acquired new members. Empire of the Sun swore to protect the Multiverse against Empire of The Moon, who destroyed the AU's of it.

During the four years that had passed, Empire of the Moon hired five others. Error, a black-boned skeleton with blue tear marks streaming down from his eyes. Blue strings extended from his yellow and red fingertips, one weapon that this universe destroyer has.

 Blue strings extended from his yellow and red fingertips, one weapon that this universe destroyer has

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Fell, a skeleton from an alternate universe where many monsters hate eachother. He was found and taken from the somewhat abusive world and agreed to work with them.

Killer, a skeleton that had learned about past genocides who now has liquid hate flowing out of his eyes like tears

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Killer, a skeleton that had learned about past genocides who now has liquid hate flowing out of his eyes like tears.

Killer, a skeleton that had learned about past genocides who now has liquid hate flowing out of his eyes like tears

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Dust, a sans that had learned of all the past genocides. He had gone on a killing streak to gain LV in order to stop his Chara. This included killing his own brother, who now talks to him as a ghost, a simple floating head.

And finally was Horror

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And finally was Horror. He came from a cannibalistic world and loved to make headdogs, hotdogs using the heads of others.

 He came from a cannibalistic world and loved to make headdogs, hotdogs using the heads of others

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Now Cross had ranked up from being the new guy to Nightmare's personal guard. He was now the highest ranked in the castle, obviously other than Nightmare, of course. He was currently in his own room, Chara right beside him at that moment. "Cross why are we still here? All he did was beat you, yet you still work for him?" Chara pointed out. Cross heaved a sigh. "Chara, he hasn't done that in over, what, two months now?" He shot back. Chara sighed. "Cross that doesn't mean anything. He could start beating you again. I do-" He was cut off by a knock on the door. Cross opened the door and a guard was waiting there. "King Nightmare requests you in the throne room. Immediately."

Cross quickly grabbed his knife and headed towards the throne room, where Nightmare needed him.

He arrived in the throne room and his king was standing just in front of his throne, holding a cat monster with a tentacle. Said cat monster was moving around and hissing. Once they saw Cross, he flattened his orange ears, still hissing.

Cross bowed to Nightmare and waited to be spoken to, as he learned his lesson a while back. He recognized this cat monster as Leo, who was recruited to work for Nightmare only about 7 months ago to work as a guard.

Nightmare took notice of Cross's silence and extreme focus on him, narrowing his eye socket. He laughed. "I caught this one trying to attack me. Leo, what an interesting predicament that you've gotten yourself into. I had a feeling that there was a traitor in our midst, and it just happens to be you." He scowled at Leo.

Cross looked at Nightmare and asked, "Would you like me to get answers out of him?" His response was a nod as Nightmare then spoke. "Yes. get him to tell you why he betrayed us." As Cross bowed and turned around, one of King Nightmare's tentacles lightly brushed his Cross's side. He thought nothing of it and took the prisoner down to the dungeon for questioning.

(I hope you enjoyed this part. Sorry if it's short or bad, because I'm still new at this and it's my first story ever so I just hope you liked it. Next part will either be later today or tomorrow.)

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