Chapter 10 - Escape

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Nightmare was leaning against the bars as close as possible to Cross. It had been 3 hours, as far as Nightmare could tell, and Cross still hadn't woken up. Nightmare was getting worried that Cross may never wake up, not without proper healing atleast. A voice whispered to Nightmare. The person behind the voice was glitchy, which as far as anyonw knew, belonged to only one person. "Error?"

Error was in the cell opposite of Nightmare, who Nightmare had just noticed now. "YeaH itS mE. I heArd you anD CroSs' cOnvErsAtiOn." Error slumped back against the cell wall. "InK wIll hElp uS.... I knOw hE wiLl..." Nightmare gave Error a confused look.

Error went wide eyed, remembering that he wasn't supposed to tell Nightmare anything about it, but it was too late now. Error sighed and sat back up. "We hAve bEen woRkiNg wiTh hIm foR a lIttLe and..." Nightmare gave Error a look for him to continue. Error sighed. "We'Re tOgetHer..."

Nightmare stayed silent for a moment and then chuckled. "Oh don't worry about that. I figured a while back that you liked the creator." Error looked at Nightmare shocked, before leaning more back on the wall. Nightmare sighed and looked at Cross, who was still unconscious.

There was a small sound coming from the entrance to the dungeon. It was a sound of someone's footsteps. Nightmare feared that it was Ink Nightmare who was coming to hurt Cross again, but it was just a guard that traded allegiances. The guard was carrying a few plates of food. The guard opened Nightmare's cell and put the food in. The guard closed the cell door and locked it, before heading to Error's cell.

The guard unlocked and opened Error's cell door, and in one quick movement, Error was ontop of the guard. The guard frantically tried pushing Error off, who was a bit bigger and definitely stronger than him even if Error was still weak from what happened to him. The guard wriggled around before giving up.

Error laughed at the guard's attempt and then fail, before hitting the guard upside the head, knocking him out. Error took the keys from the guard and struggled, but still managed to unlock his wrist cuffs that stopped magic from flowing. "FiNalLy, tHesE tHingS weRe so UncomFortable."

Error walked out of the cell and closed it, locking the guard in there without any way to get out. Error went over to Nightmare's cell and unlocked it, soon freeing Nightmare of the wrist cuffs. "Error, go free the others and then we'll leave and come up with a plan." Error nodded and walked deeper into the dungeon. Nightmare walked out of the cell and he grabbed Cross' cell door with tentacles. He pulled hard and the door came right off.

Nightmare gently picked Cross up and walked out of the cell. He managed to get the wrist cuffs off of Cross and he waited for Error to return. A few minutes later and Error came back with everyone.

They turned to leave, but Ink Nightmare was waiting there, glaring at them. He laughed. "Oh you think you can escape that easily? How pathe-" Something hit Ink Nightmare and then quickly chained him up. They all looked to see who it was, and it was Ink. Ink smiled at them and Error sighed, relieved.

Ink ran up to them and immediately to Error. "Are you all okay?!" They all nodded except Nightmare. Ink looked over at Nightmare and saw Cross and how badly he was injured. "Oh no, thats not good. Cmon, lets go!" Ink opened a portal and they all stepped through. The portal closed behind them and Ink Nightmare growled. After a moment he broke free from the chains. "Oh they will regret this. And I'll tale away everything they love, starting with killing Cross."

Ink and the others ended up being portaled to Outertale. They were in one of Error's favorite spots and Nightmare put Cross gently onto the ground. Ink sat down next to where Nightmare put Cross down. He grabbed some green paint and spread it onto Cross, which started to heal him. It healed his leg fully and his hp went up a little.

Ink sighed. "I healed him as best I could and he'll wake up soon, but he'll be very weak. The damage was done mostly to his soul so I could only heal him a little. He might not be able to walk without help, until he heals completely." Nightmare nodded and looked at Cross, hoping he would just wake up right then and hug him. Nightmare sat down and put Cross in his lap. Ink looked out at the stars with a sad expression. "I wish I could help more..."

Error went over to Ink and gave him a hug. "Don'T woRrY, yoU dId wHat yOu coUlD. YoU trIed and If yOu hAdn't cOmE whEn yOu did, we wOulD haVe bEen cAptUreD agAin anD we'D stIll bE stUck tHere." Ink hugged Error back, leaning into him. "Thank you Error." Ink smiled brightly at Error, who looked to the side slightly.

Back at the Empire of the Moon base, Ink Nightmare had a portal window opened to Outertale. He watched as everything happened, including Cross' being healed. He growled. "How pathetic. I'll go after them in due time. They will regret what they have done." Ink Nightmare sighed and closed the portal window. He walked back to the throne room and sat on the throne.

Ink Nightmare felt a presence and smiled evilly. "Ah, Virus. Nice of you to join us. I have a job for you. Get to Outertale and grab Cross. You need to control him, like before. Go, quickly." Virus, who was controlling Storyshift Chara, bowed. "Of course. I'll get there immediately." Virus smirked and then disappeared. Ink Nightmare laughed. Everything would go according to his plan. Soon. Soon he'll have what he wants.

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