Chapter 12 - An Unusual Alliance

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Nightmare woke up to find that everyone was gone. He looked around and saw Cross facing away from him, so he walked over. "Cross?" A quiet sob echoed the area they were in. They were still in Waterfall, but it was a bit darker, still with sobs echoing around. Nightmare slowly made his way towards Cross, but immediately stopped when he heard Cross say, "Why did you do this Nightmare?"

Nightmare was taken aback at what Cross said, not knowing what he meant. Cross turned around to face Nightmare, tears staining his face and a large slash mark across his chest. "You broke your promise Nightmare. You said you would protect me, but you can't even do that." Nightmare took a step back. "No no no this can't be happening. I-I didn't break the promise. You can't die!" Cross laughed. "This is all your fault. You got me killed. You broke..a..promise." Cross turned to dust in front of Nightmare, who collapsed onto the ground.

Nightmare heard shouting, but it was really loud and it sounded like Cross. He tried to ignore it, but it got louder and louder and all that was said was his name. Then it shouted again once more. "NIGHTMARE!!!" Nightmare shot awake. Cross looked at him with a worried expression. Everyone was there and they were looking at him, shocked.

Nightmare wiped his face which were tear stained and looked at them as if nothing was wrong. Cross was the first to act. "Are you okay Nightmare?" Nightmare put on a blank look and made sure that his tentacles didn't show anything in how he felt. "Yes, I'm fine. I think I might know where we can stay." The others looked at him in confusion waiting for an answer. "Ink. Take us to the rest of the Empire of the Sun."

The others looked towards eachother and Ink nodded, opening a new portal. They all walked through, ending up at the very front of the base. Ink knocked on the front gates. The gates swung open, causing Ink to take a few steps back. Dream and Blue instantly ran over and hugged Ink. Error growled and Dream and Blue let go of Ink and looked at them. Dream in particular was glaring at Error, who winced and looked away, clearly remembering what has happened between them.

Blue was the first to ask. "What are they doing here?" Ink nodded to the others. "They need our help, and this is where we thought they could get it." Dream and Blue looked like they didn't believe it, until Nightmare walked forward, supporting Cross. He sighed, not particularly wanting to say this, but he had to. He had to for Cross' sake. "Dream. Brother, please. Someone named Ink Nightmare has taken over our castle and is after us and Cross. I-I think they plan to do something bad to Cross so please just help us." Dream looked startled by this, especially the fact that Nightmare referred to him as brother. Dream, to Nightmare's surprise, nodded and moved aside for them to come in.

Dream led them throughout their base. Nightmare hissed, not happy with all the positive emotions around. Dream took notice of Nightmare's uneasy feeling. "Don't worry brother. This is probably just temporary for you, so you won't have to stay here for long." Nightmare nodded as they all continued to walk throughout the place. "Once we deal with Ink Nightmare and Virus, this alliance is over."

They ended up in the medical bay, where they layed Cross down on a bed. Dream nodded to Error for him to get on a bed as well. "Cross, Error, you both need to rest." They both shook their heads, refusing to do what Dream says. "Sir, wHat dO yoU reCommeNd?" Nightmare scowled at Dream. "Cross will rest. Error, do whatever you think you should, but if you do decide to rest like Dream says, I won't put it against you, since it'll be YOUR choice, NOT Dream's."

Error nodded and Nightmare smirked at Dream, who kept a calm look, but obviously mad at Nightmare. Nightmare could sense the angry feeling. "Aw is my bro, mad?" Dream rolled his eyes. "Just don't break anything." Error got up from the bed and Cross fell asleep. Nightmare stood by Cross to make sure Dream didn't come and do anything. Error walked over to Ink. "HeY Ink. YoU miNd sHowIng mE arOund." Ink nodded and walked to the door. "CyA sIr. TaKing a LooK aRouNd."

Nightmare just nodded, not particularly paying much attention. With that, Ink and Error both left the room. The others just stood there not knowing what to do. Nightmare sighed. "I know you all will want to take a look around, so go on ahead." The others looked at eachother, wondering if he was serious. They all decided to look around so each of them left in different directions.

Dream watched as they left and then turned to Nightmare. "Brother, I'm going out for some important business." Nightmare rolled his eye and took his gaze off of Cross. "Sure, whatever." Dream left the room so it was now just Nightmare and Cross, since Blue must have followed Dust. "Don't worry Cross. They'll help."

Ink Nightmare stood impatiently in his throne room. He was expecting someone and they were late. He had watched them as they entered the base of the Empire of the Sun. He entrusted Virus to find Cross and the others, but luckily they came back into his viewing range. Virus had been told to go retrieve their new ally. Virus walked through the entranceway to the throne room. "Well hello there." Ink Nightmare said to Virus and the guest. Someone spoke from the shadow of the doorway. "They're at the base, like you hoped. It will all go according to your plan to stop Nightmare." Ink Nightmare laughed. "Well its nice working with you, Dream."

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