Chapter 4 - The battle and Feelings

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(Okay there is a very small part self harm)

Nightmare and Cross were facing off, Cross holding his blade and pointing it towards Nightmare.

Nightmare had his tentacles in a position, ready to block. He was looking at Cross in fear, fear that he could hurt Cross and that Cross might not be able to survive this if he kept this battle up. Even though it wasn't him who was in control.

Cross, on the other hand, was smiling at Nightmare with his blade aimed straight for him. He launched himself at Nightmare and slashed his blade at him.

Nightmare blocked using his tentacles. "Cross don't make me do this! I don't want to have to hurt you!" His response was laughter.

Cross just laughed. "Oh he wants to do this much less than you want to, but he can't do anything about it as long as I'm here, Virus. I can control anyone I want with a single touch, except you and Dream at least. Cross is a very good exception for you though. He's a lot stronger than Classic and I bet that he's stronger than even you."

Dream whispered to Ink and Blue. "I know that they're both the bad guys, but we have to help them. Nightmare is worried, but I also feel another emotion and I can't quite explain it yet."

Ink and Blue nodded, Ink jumping out and chaining Cross up in chains of ink.

Blue then blocked Nightmare from attacking them by moving his gaster blaster in between them.

Dream gave Nightmare a blank look. "Your welcome.....Brother." The three of them left through a portal, leaving Nightmare and Cross there.

Cross started laughing. "Oh how disgusting. The bad guy needing to be helped by the good guys! That's just hilarious. And what's even funnier, the King of Darkness and Nightmares, has feelings for someone! More specifically Cross, who can hear and see everything that's going on, yet can't do anything to stop this."

Nightmare stood there, not knowing what to say. He just stared at Cross, who now knew how Nightmare felt about him.

Cross smiled. "Well I'll be taking my leave, but not without giving you a little gift." He quickly broke through the chains and smirked at Nightmare, before he then stabbed himself with his knife.

"Cross!" Nightmare shouted, running to Cross who had collapsed after Virus left him. Nightmare picked Cross up and ran to find Lezzy, who was in the medical area.

Lezzy ran up to them when she saw Cross in Nightmare's arms. "What happened?!" Let exclaimed worriedly, grabbing Cross and laying him down on a bed, then checking his injuries.

Nightmare was on the brink of tears, but he kept himself from showing his emotion. He realized he couldnt say the truth, but when he spoke it didn't stop it from showing in his voice. "H-He was attacked a-and I wasn't over there i-in time and he g-got hit. J-Just help him p-please."

Lezzy nodded, concerned. She'd never seen him so upset. "Don't worry Nightmare, he'll be fine. Just... Leave me so I can get to helping him."

Nightmare just nodded and left the room, the door closing behind him. He started pacing around, thinking that Cross was going to die.

An hour had passed as Lezzy began her work. She needed to help Cross quickly, hurrying to grab supplies she needed during the hour that passed by.

Lezzy called to Nightmare from the room when she was done. She had told Nightmare that he should wait in his room and that a guard would come get him.

Nightmare walked into the room, looking as though he had been crying. It had been a few hours and Nightmare saw Cross sitting up and he ran towards him. Cross looked at Nightmare and remembered about what had happened and hearing about Nightmare's feelings towards him.

He felt some heat come to his face as he just smiled at Nightmare. Nightmare looked Cross up and down to make sure he was alright and he ended up just staring at him. Lezzy left them alone in the room to talk.
"You alright, sir? You're uhh... staring." Cross asked.

Nightmare snapped out of his 'trance'. "Oh yeah s-sorry..." Cross was nervous now, as he didn't know what to do.

Nightmare was just about to say something, but before he could say anything, Cross had already teleported away.

Nightmare sighed and sat down. "What am I going to do now? Cross knows that I have feelings for him, so what's he going to do?......Probably leave and never want to talk to me again....."

(Well that was another part of this story done! I hope you enjoyed it and this book so far. Enjoy whatever comes next in life and maybe one of those things will be this story. Have a great day.)

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