Chapter 5 - Losing Memory and A forbidden love

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(Error tAlkS liKe tHis)

After finding out that Nightmare had feelings for Cross, Cross left to his secret spot where he went to sometimes to think. He asked himself out loud, "Why me? Out of everyone who works for him, why does he like me?"

As he was thinking to himself aloud, Chara appeared next to him. "So Nightmare likes you, huh?" Cross looked towards them upon hearing their voice. "Chara! Where have you been?"

"Asleep... I woke up when you did after Lezzy healed you, but I decided to wait until now to speak." Chara said.

While Chara and Cross were talking, someone was watching them. Well, what they saw was Cross talking to 'no one'.

Cross heard a footstep and quickly turned to face them. Before he could react, he was knocked out.

Back at the castle, Nightmare was on his throne. He had asked Error to go and look for Cross. Error had told him that Cross had a secret spot where he went to, to think. He said he would check there first, but when he came back to tell Nightmare it wasn't good news. "SiR, I cOulDn't fInd hiM iN hiS secReT spOt. I cAn't FinD hIm aNywhEre."

Nightmare got up from his throne quickly. "Then find him! Look again just find him. NOW." Error bowed and hurriedly left the room.

Nightmare was now getting worried for Cross, as the last time he left for a long period of time he almost died.

Cross was just waking up and he was in an unfamilar place, but someone walked up to him who definitely was familiar. It was Outer.

Outer was a skeleton that had originated from a universe that took place in space

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Outer was a skeleton that had originated from a universe that took place in space. He was someone Cross didn't know too well.

"Outer. What do you want and where am I?" Outer didn't respond and just moved aside to reveal Dream, Ink, Blue, Fresh, and Geno. Geno was holding some sort of vial and Fresh was next to him.

 Geno was holding some sort of vial and Fresh was next to him

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Geno was a skeleton that had suffered a genocide. He had a permanent bleeding scar across his chest. Because he had a certain amount of determination, he had survived the attack with his Chara.

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