Chapter 13 - Betrayal

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Nightmare was still sitting beside Cross, who was asleep on a bed in the medical area. Someone had come in a few minutes after Dream had left and used something on Cross that would keep him asleep, yet also heal him. When they had come in with something, Nightmare felt uneasy and nearly tried to stab them. He almost had done so, but Cross had woken up slightly and noticed Nightmare's freaked out state. He had told Nightmare to calm down and that it would be fine. Still, Nightmare couldn't help but worry.

Lezzy walked into the room and saw Nightmare. She sat down beside him. "How's Cross doing?" Nightmare hadn't responded so Lezzy waved her hand in front of his face. Nightmare looked up. "Oh. Sorry Lezzy. I spaced out. What was it that you wanted?" Lezzy got worried by this. Usually when Nightmare spaced out that meant that something was wrong or that something bad was likely to happen. Another thing that worried her was that Nightmare would usually notice and say something like he was fine or he would say that he felt like something bad was going on. It had saved them once.

Nightmare had spaced out one time and when he realized this, he had said that he felt like there was an intruder. The others said that it was just paranoia, but he still told guards to search the place. Luckily, this order led to one of the guards finding Outer, who had come to try and take Nightmare. Outer ended up escaping, but what happened with Nightmare might just have saved him if he wasn't paying attention.

Lezzy decided not to point out this and just asked her question again. "I asked, how's Cross doing?" Nightmare didn't make eye contact with Lezzy, but still answered. "He's doing better, but he won't be awake until the drugs or whatever wear off. And they won't wear off at all unless he stops getting it. I wanted to tell them to let him stop taking it, but they told me that if he was awake, he'd probably be in pain."

Lezzy got suspicious of this. If Cross was being healed, then it wouldn't hurt if he was awake. She decided to say something, but before she could do anything, Dream came back in. "Hello again brother. You too Lezzy. I hope Cross is feeling better." Nightmare looked over to Cross and didn't say anything to Dream.

Lezzy sighed, knowing Nightmare wouldn't respond. "Cross is staying asleep because of some medicine. Atleast he's healing." Dream smiled widely. "Thats great! Hope he can be awake soon." Lezzy nodded. Dream turned around and walked out of the room. He called out to them. "Make sure nothing happens, I'm going to see where everyone is!" Lezzy rolled her eyes. "Sure. Whatever."

As Dream walked away he laughed to himself. "The plan is working, just like Ink Nightmare said it would." Footsteps were heard behind Dream and he turned around to see Killer there. Killer shook his head. "I knew something was up. You lied to us! When Nightmare finds out he will-" Dream cut him short. "Oh. He won't find out. I'll make sure of that." Killer was about to say something, but Dream hit him hard in the head with his staff. "Now time to go 'take care' of the others." Dream grabbed Killer and dragged him away.

Ink was now showing Error his own room. Ink's room was filled with art supplies and there were a bunch of papers scattered around the place including on what seemed to be an art canvas, but it was so cluttered that it just looked like a pile of papers. The only reason Error could tell what it was, was because of the fact that it had the legs of it sticking out. It was just an absolute mess.

Error watched as Ink started cleaning things up a little. He was very confused. "Ink, how can you tell where anything is in here?!" Ink shrugged and grabbed an entire pile of papers. He set it on the floor and it turned out that Ink was clearing off a bed. They both sat down on it.

Dream poked his head into the room. Ink waved at him. "Heya Dream! What do you need?" Dream almost decided to come in later, but decided to just do it then. "I need to borrow Error for a minute." Error was about to refuse, but Ink was already nodding his head.

Error sighed and got up. He walked to Dream as he left the room. They walked a little bit away from Ink's room, until Dream stopped and Error had to ask. "WhAt dO yoU wAnt?" Dream smiled. "To get you out of the picture." Error went wide eyed and was about to yell out, but Dream knocked him out with his staff.

Ink was getting worried, since Error hadn't come back after Dream had needed him. He decided to go with what he had been telling himself. That Dream probably needed Error to do something. Still, it shouldn't have taken this long. Ink decided to go and search for him.

Nightmare had stayed in complete silence throughout the hours. Lezzy had gone out to look for the others. Lezzy hadn't come back and Nightmare was starting to worry. Nightmare gazed around the room. Someone came through the doorway and Nightmare expected it to be Lezzy, but it was Dream. Dream glared over at Nightmare.

Nightmare stared at Dream and then sighed. "What do you want, Dream?" Dream laughed. "Oh I want you and Cross. This war between us needs to stop, and I know how to do just that." Nightmare felt uneasy and he felt like something was wrong. "And how do you plan on doing that?" Dream's smile widened. "With Ink Nightmare's help, of course."

Nightmare immediately got up. He hissed at Dream and his tentacles went up into an attack position. "Stay away from Cross. When the others find out, they'll-" Dream cut him off. "Oh I've already taken care of them. They can't help you now, and you can't stop me." Dream quickly drew out his bow and shot an arrow at Nightmare. The arrow hit him right in his 'stomach.'

Ink stood just outside the doorway and gasped, but quickly covered his mouth. Nightmare was going to pull the arrow out, but when he reached for it, he doubled back in pain. He collapsed onto the ground, shaking from the pain he was in. Dream turned around and saw Ink. "Oh Ink, sorry that you had to see this. Well I have no choice." Ink was about to question, but Dream shot forward and knocked Ink out.

Dream opened a little portal window. "Ink Nightmare. I have them. I'm coming to you now." Through the portal, Ink Nightmare spoke. "Good. I'll see you soon."

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