Chapter 9 - Capture, Feelings, and Torture

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Cross and Ink Nightmare were now working together and trying to come up with a plan. Ink Nightmare couldn't reveal his true plan, so he went with planning one with Cross.

Ink Nightmare was getting impatient, but he had to wait, especially when Cross could be so useful to him. Cross knew the castle like the back of his hand and Ink Nightmare could use that. He knew that when Cross knew what was happening, that he would fight back. Ink Nightmare would have to work around that fact.

Cross came up with a plan, that could actually work. "We can sneak in through the secret tunnel to the castle. It's used for an emergency if we have to evacuate the castle. No one will be in there. Then we can go to Nightmare and you can do whatever it is that you were going to do to help me back in."

Ink Nightmare found that idea actually to be worth listening to and it helped him, so he agreed. Cross lit up with excitement. "We'll do it at nightfall. Get some rest." Cross nodded and laid on the ground, falling asleep so he could be energized when he got to see Nightmare again.

Ink Nightmare laughed. "Oh I can't wait to see your face when my real plan unfolds."

Error was walking around. Atleast, he was trying to, alone, but Ink insisted on helping him. This mean't that Dust kept following him around. Ink had been upset that it wasn't him walking around with Error, but it was for the best. Ink had to leave so Dream and the others didn't get too suspicious. Error had been upset about Ink leaving, and truth is, he did want someone to stay with him and help him, but he wanted that someone to be Ink.

Error turned around and Dust quickly hid from view. Error rolled his eyes, since he knew that Dust was following him. Error turned around and hid a smirk. Dust called to him. "I know what you're gonna try to do, Error. Don't you dare think about teleporting." Error sighed, annoyed.

The others were in a room, thinking of what they should do. They had told Lezzy everything, from Error and Ink, to their planning on how to get Cross back on the team. Lezzy had agreed to the planning, and to not saying anything about whats going on between Error and Ink.

Nightmare was in his room, doing work. He had things to do, however, he couldn't get his mind off of Cross. Or about the strange presence that he felt. The presence was dark, and ominous, and it was eery, like a hundred spiders crawling along him. The presence seemed to be growing stronger. There was immense hate and despair that came with the presence, but there was another presence that seemed familiar. He couldn't quite describe who it was. He siged and continued on with his work.

Cross and Ink Nightmare were outside the escape route of the castle, which would be their way in. It was nighttime, but earlier before they left to come to the castle, Cross had explained that it's always night where they were currently, and that they all knew when the times were even without a normal daytime cycle. They all had also gotten used to seeing in the dark and finding where they needed to go.

Ink Nightmare hid his smile of how this was all going to plan, but Cross didn't bother. His happiness about being back spilled out of him like he had finally gotten to where he loved after years of being away. It disgusted Ink Nightmare who, like Nightmare, could sense others emotions, even if the one feeling the emotions were letting them spill all over, as he had been smiling WAY to much for Ink Nightmare's liking.

Ink Nightmare gave a sheepish smile and turned to Cross. "Lead the way," Ink Nightmare put his tentacle out in front of him, ushering him to go forward. Cross' smile widened, if that was even possible, and headed onwards into the tunnel, Ink Nightmare following close behind.

Nightmare was just finishing his work, when he felt the same two presences. One was happy, but in a way that was sinister and the other one, the familiar one, was just outwardly happy for some reason. The presences seemed closer than they were before. He pushed the feelings aside and sat in a chair at a desk. He grabbed a picture. It was a picture of him and Cross.

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