Chapter 6 - Confrontation and Author's note

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Nightmare was just in the throne room pacing around, wondering how to deal with Cross' memory situation. That's when Fell, Dust, Killer, and Horror burst in the room. Fell was the first to say something. "Sir, Error has been taken by Empire of the Sun! We need to get him outta there before they do something awful to em!"

Nightmare stopped immediately and thought for a moment. "We have no choice now I guess. Time to have a little 'chat' with my brother and his friends." Everyone nodded, but Killer asked, "What about Cross?"

Nightmare was already shaking his head. "No. We can not risk anything with him if his memories are almost all gone." Cross was hiding amd listening. Chara was beside him. "Cmon lets follow them. I wanna see this." Cross nodded in agreement.

The others teleported to the outside of the base of Empire of the Sun. Cross followed close behind, but out of view. Nightmare shouted to get the attention of Dream and the others. "Come out Dream! And bring Error with you!" A moment later Dream and Blue came out in front of them with Error trapped by Blue. Dream glared at his own brother. "If you want Error back then I want something in return. Give me Cross and you can have the glitch back." Error growled at Dream and looked down. Nightmare laughed. "Not a chance. I'll never give you Cross." Dream narrowed his gaze. "Then I guess I'll just kill Error." Blue summoned a gaster blaster, ready to fire at Error.

Then Ink came out of nowhere and knocked Blue and the gaster blaster away from Error. "Take him and go!" Ink pushed Error over to Nightmare.

Error quickly ran, or stumbled, forwards toward Nightmare and opened a portal for them to step through. "Not so fast, brother", Dream called to them. Nightmare stopped and turned around. Dream had his bow and arrow aimed at Nightmare, so if Dream fired the arrow it would kill him.

"Sorry brother, but this is as far as you'll ever get." Dream released the arrow which shot at Nightmare. In a blur, something had charged in front of Nightmare. Once Nightmare could clearly see, he saw Cross holding his knife in front of him, which he had used to deflect the arrow. Cross threw his knife at Dream's bow and knocked it away from him.

Cross turned and pushed them all through the portal, which he then walked through himself. The portal closed behind him and he looked at Nightmare. "Cross! What were you thinking?! Something could've happened to you..." Nightmare was giving Cross a worried look and he looked him up and down to make sure he wasn't hurt. Cross looked confused. "Sir, you know I do my job no matter what happens." Nightmare sighed and lowered his voice. "I know you do..."

Nightmare looked to the others. "You are all excused and someone get Error to Lezzy." The others left and Killer brought Error to the medical area. "Come and walk with me." Nightmare turned and walked out of the room, Cross trailing behind. After a moment of silence Cross spoke up. "Why did you want me to follow you, Sir?" Nightmare didn't answer his question, but instead whispered to him. "Y'know you don't have to call me that, I won't kill you for it."

Cross looked at him, confused. A horrible, painful death sounded like something Nightmare would give someone who disrespected him, or didn't treat him with enough respect. "Also I wanted you to follow me so we could... Talk." Cross nodded. "Of course!" Nightmare sighed and whispered to himself. "I love you..." Cross looked at Nightmare. "What was that?" "Nothing." They reached Nightmare's room and Nightmare went in and shut his door. Cross walked the rest of the way to his own room. Chara had been weirdly quiet lately, but they were now floating beside Cross. 'You like him don't you?' "Who, Nightmare?" 'Yeah, him.' "Maybe..... Its none of your business." 'Heh Crossy has a crush on his boss.'
"S-Shut up" Cross blushed slightly. Chara laughed at Cross. 'Whatever you have to say to yourself to feel better.' Cross rolled his eyes and laid down on his bed. Whatever Chara said after that wasnt heard, as sleep came for Cross.

Nightmare was in his room laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. "Ugh how could I be such an idiot? Its my fault he lost his memories for me not trying to stop him from leaving. Its all my fault that Cross is even having these problems. If I hadn't gone to his AU and let him come with me, he wouldn't be in this mess." Nightmare quickly sat up as he came up with an idea. Even if it broke Nightmare's heart, he only had one other choice.

To fire Cross...

(I hope you guys enjoyed this part, and yep I'm leaving it at a cliff hanger!
It isn't too much of one, in my opinion, but it might be a big deal in your guys' opinions.
I hope you look forward to the next part and what this will become.
But guys, I have news.
When this story is finished, I'm going to most definitely be making an ErrInk story.
I might even start it during this book, but that depends on if I have the time.
And with all that being said, enjoy your day guys!)

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