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Song for this chapter is "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran. Enjoy. Bye bye bye!!


"Olivia, are you nearly done yet?" I hear my best friend say in his lovely Irish accent; my best friend being actor and model Jamie (James) Dornan himself. And his accent coming from a lovely place in Ireland called 'Holywood' (Yes it is spelled like that as Jamie points out in his current twitter bio of August 2014).

"Nearly, I'll be down before you know it." I respond placing my fake diamond earrings into my pierced ear-lobes before I slip on my red heels and head for the stairs.

"Okay, well hurry up please. I don't really want either of us getting caught up due to the flipping tabloids. I've had enough people taunt me with all of this Christian Grey business and clearly you don't need to be involved, no offense." Jamie grunts afore he notices me at the top of the stairs; his jaw dropping slightly.

"Darling, close your mouth, you're not a goldfish," I titter before continuing. "And none taken, I've always said I don't really wish to be seen in the public eye, especially with a married man! All sorts of speculations could break free and get loose."

"Fair point and um-well, you look absolutely astonishing! Jack is a lucky guy." He grins as I reach the bottom of the stair-case.

"Oh Mr Dornan, you're such a charmer. What would Mrs Dornan say if she knew you were flirting with your best friend, eh? I do beg of you not to refer to that name tonight as I am in need of some serious best friend time." I allege before giving him a small wink.

"Well, still. He really is one lucky guy and he needs to get that in that thick skull of his. And Miss Smith, I believe our carriage waits." He leers trying to perfect a British accent.

"Using my last name now, are we? Well then sir, we must be going, lead the way! Oh and please don't ever pretend to be a typical British person, again. I am rather fond of your Irish accent." I state a fact taking his arm as we head in the direction of the door.

"And the truth comes out. I think I've changed my mind and no longer wish to take you," He chortles before winking as he stops to place a piece of hair behind my right ear.

"Oh, so funny, we both know you want to take me." I kiss his cheek, causing him to blush a bright shade of scarlet

"Oh, kissing your best friend? I wonder how Jack would react to that." He supposes before I glare at him, un-amused as I grab my black clutch and leave out the door.

"Ugh, for pity sake. Stay with me!" He sighs as he clutches my hand firmly and pushes past the tabloids. My ego screams loudly as a few of them get shots of me and Jamie looking weirdly suspicious with our hands together. I pull away a few seconds after re-entering reality and tread on ahead.

"Jamie! Is it true that you love playing the big man himself in the movie for Fifty Shades of Grey because your inner God is exactly the same as Christian Grey's?" I hear a young man examine from behind as Dornan pushes through and re-grabs my hand.

"No! I told you to stay with me; your safety is my main priority, Olivia." He murmurs harshly into my ear as another person snaps a picture of it. I roll my eyes and keep my mouth firmly closed until we reach his Audi.

"And I've told you plenty of times that I don't wish to be seen with you in public with photographers and journalists about." I sulk putting my seat-belt on as he places the key into ignition.

"I'm sorry but it's not exactly my fault, is it? How did I know they were going to turn up on your door step? I didn't." He stresses as he runs a hand through his hair and starts to pull away from outside my house where the tabloids still are. How the heck did they find out where I live?       

"No, I'm sorry. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Oh and Jamie, put your seat-belt on." I complaint looking out of the blackened passenger window.

"Right and are you alright? I know I'm not. I just want everybody to leave me be and let me live my life. Is that too hard to understand?" He sighs in return as he fastens his seat-belt and gently takes my right hand before taking the wheel with his free hand and continuing to drive.

"I know you do, Jamie, but it'll all be over soon, I promise." I beam frivolously giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Maybe, but that's only until the next Fifty Shades movies and the new series of The Fall." Jamie sighs once again. "Don't avoid my question, Olivia. Did they ask you something?" He glances over quickly as he continues to talk and drive.

"Eyes on the road, James! And no they didn't ask me anything. Honestly, no I'm not alright nor okay." I respond looking out on the traffic ahead of us.

"Well I refuse to continue driving unless my best friend is happy and/or content." He glitters pulling up at a bus top.

"It's to do with Jack, and you can't park here! It's a flipping bus-stop!" I protest as I remove my seat-belt.

"That clarifies why you become all touchy every time I mention his name. Do you care to explain what or am I going to have to get it out of him?" He questions me, raising an eyebrow, clearly ignoring my bus-stop remark as a bus drives by, and honking its horn.

"He sent me a picture of him and his supposed "cousin" getting ready for tonight's ball. But Jack being the sort of person he is, I don't believe it is his cousin." I say, trying my hardest not to cry in front of my best friend.

"Show me this famous picture," Jamie clasps hold of my chin so he can look sternly into my green eyes. I pull back promptly from his touch and grab my mobile before finding the image, showing it to him; his hand snatching it in an instance. A few seconds later he switches off the screen and puts it inside his blazer pocket. "Ignore it and him. He doesn't see what he has and for sure doesn't deserve a fine young lady like you." He smiles kissing my forehead before I hug him ever so tightly, knowing that I will bump into Jack for sure sometime tonight.

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