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Chapter 13's song is "Another One" By Conor Maynard. Hope you enjoy. Love ya'll so so much!! Bye :)

"We have two minutes before we have to be in that taxi and out of here, so get a move on!" Jamie's Irish accent echoes up my stairs at 5am on the day which me and him travel to Vancouver.

"Just hang on a minute will you. Do you want somebody breaking into my house?" I call back as I lock the final window of my house.

"Well not really but it would be quite funny." He says still shouting even though he has entered the room which I am in.

"It's a rhetorical question, idiot." I hit him playfully as I brush past him and out of the spare room; locking the door once he has left.

"Me, an idiot. Oh no, baby. You must simply be stupid to think that." He picks me up and slings me over his shoulder, carefully carrying me down my flight of stairs. Again, with the "baby".

"Stupid maybe, yes, but it is true. The only thing you're good at is being attractive." (Blow your fucking cover why don't you, dickwad!) I wink. A few seconds later Taylor bursts through the wooden front door, causing Dornan to drop me on my wooden floor.

"Oww." I rub my head; pretty sure that I can feel blood.

"This better be important, Taylor." 'Fifty' mutters picking me up off of the cold floor, cupping my face in his warm yet sweaty hands and kissing my forehead.

"Sir, ma'am. We really must be going if you want to miss the heavy flush of press at the airport." At that moment James grunts and nods his head before taking my hand and leading me out of house into the cold rain of Britain.

"B-but where's baby Dornan?" I protest as he locks my door with his spare key.

"She's in the car. Don't sweat it. It's not like I'm going to leave my own daughter behind." He smiles crookedly; kissing my cheek and walking to the taxi which sits infront of my house.

"I wouldn't put it past you," I roll my eyes in a matter of joking and open the door for him.

"Ladies first," He smiles nodding his head into the black seated taxi.

"Men just before," Within that moment I bite my lip. Stop biting your lip!

"That is not true so in you go." He nudges me in, causing me to land face first right beside baby Dornan's car seat.

"I do hate you sometimes." I cross my arms before doing my black seatbelt and looking out of my tinted window; Jamie climbing in behind and Taylor starting the engine.

"Then why do you keep on kissing me?" My Irish best friend teases, placing his hand on my knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Please don't ask why.

"First of all, it's you who keeps on kissing me and second, you're Jamie Dornan. Who on Earth wouldn't want to kiss you?" I face him, smirking lightly as I let my head rest on his shoulder. Fuck. I've blown it now.

"Quite a few people, probably." He chuckles, running his free hand through my hair. His left hand undoing my seatbelt just before he pulls me onto his lap. Jamie stop. You don't get how much this is affecting me!

"Oh come on. You're a married man. This is getting silly." I say out of fact. It's true, he is. As much as I hate reminding myself that he is, he is a husband to a beautiful wife. Man, I'd kill to be Amelia (not literally of course).

"What? So I can't even hug my best friend now without being accused of cheating on my wife who I do love but miss." He looks at me with one eyebrow raised. If you love her, stop fucking with my heart and stop kissing me.

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