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Chapter eleven loves. Today's song on shuffle is "English Love Affair." By Australian, 5sos. Hope you enjoy the chapter. See you soon. :)

"Olivia! Will you hold up already?" I hear the evil monster that is Jamie behind me.

"Why the hell should I? So you can threaten to hurt me again? So you can be some jerk to me?" I turn around to see him hurried with his little girl in her pram as he pushes it along towards me.

"I'm sorry, okay?-" He says before I cut him off mid-sentence.

"Sorry is just a word, James. It has no meaning to me anymore. It's simply a word which can be found in the dictionary under the letter 'S'." I turn my heel again and continue walking, ignoring the people glaring at me and Jamie having a public debate.

"Oh come on? You simply refused to eat just because I'm trying to protect your sorry ass from that douche of a boyfriend." He shouts once he has finally catched up to me.

"I don't need some security guard watching my every move though, Dornan. I'm not bloody perfect like you or your wife. I don't like the celebrity life style and I certainly don't like you acting like Christian Grey at my house just because you happen to be playing him in the movie. So get this, you're not Grey as he isn't real and I hate your life style." I shout even louder in his face, spitting after I have finished what I wished to say.

"Wow, real mature, Liv. Sorry for trying to be a good friend." James walks back hurt; dissapointed; scared.

"I can be even more mature if you want. Guess what? You're not perfect either and you seem to forget that. Just because you're a well known actor and model it doesn't give you the right to act all cocky and pretend you're perfect. Get this, you're not! Neither is that crying monster of yours or your wife!" I finish leaving him stunned before I walk into the road and cross it, trying my absolute hardest to not get run over.

"So that's it? You're going to be a total bitch to me and my family and just walk off like that? What happened to never walking out on eachother?" He shouts loudly into my ear once he has also made it through the traffic of London. I hold my breath before turning to face him.

"What happened to not being your character outside of work? Just because you have to go back to Vancouver on Monday for re-shoots and you're stressed as Amelia has gone to God knows where in Paris and you have to take that one. It doesn't mean you can suddenly be a jerk just because I disagree with one of your ideas." My mouth tenses as I slap him, taking us both back with shock. Fuck I broke my rule of gender equality. Fuck nobody should be abused. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"How do you know about Monday?" He lifts his face after my violent abuse to his left cheek, his other hand still holding onto the buggy.

"I do read the news. I'm not that thick, Dornan. I can read and I do know what a jerk is, so-" He cuts me off by grabbing me by my coat and kissing me. His lips moving against mine as he lets out a soft groan and I smile against his soft lips. My best friend just passionately kissed me... and in public daylight... fucking hell. Is it wrong that I slightly liked it?

"Will you be quiet now and let me buy you breakfast?" He smiles after pulling back and looking around to see people with their phones out, probably from recording and taking photos of the intimate moment. Be quiet? You just going to pretend like that never happened, Jamie? Maybe he didn't like it as much as I did?

"Okay but you are going to be all over my twitter timeline and the internet in the next four seconds so be warned." I blush as I walk behind the buggy and take it from him, our arms linked at the same time.

"I know. It did make you shut up though which is what I was hoping for." His lips form a cheeky and young boy smile "You really do know how to smack, Miss Smith." He winks.

"Oh I know, Mr Dornan. And let's just hope Mrs Dornan doesn't see that you kissed me." I sigh jokingly as we enter a small coffee shop on the corner of Great Tower Street. Great, the last thing I need is Amelia biting my head off for hitting and then kissing her husband.

"I'll just say you came onto me and I couldn't push you away." Well, I think anybody would come onto you Jamie... Stop it, Olivia! Shut the fuck up.

"So you grabbed my coat and kissed me back. That makes total sense doesn't it." I roll my eyes and push the buggy over to a free table. "I do hope you turned off the oven and stove and locked the house door." My lips harden with a serious expression.

"Now you think I'm stupid? You know I am very safe and am in to my precautions. And anyway you saw me turning off your stove when you were pouring orange juice or whatever you were doing." He pulls back a chair for me to sit in before I sit and he tucks it under the table.

"Just have to check. I can never be too careful with you, 'Fifty'." My eye winks as he sits himself down in his creased shirt (which he must have put on before he came to find me) and suit trousers; removing the matching blazer and placing his little one onto his lap. He's being cute and normal again. I have my best friend back!

"What are you smiling about, Olivia?" My best friend whispers whilst holding his little girl in his arms like any caring father would.

"Just how one minute we're arguing and the next you're kissing me and buying me breakfast." A smile appears on his lips as his head tilts to one side; his hand grabbing mine.

"That's because you're my best friend and this is our ordinary life, baby." He kisses my hand kindly as the tall blonde waitress comes over. Did he really just call me "baby"?

Oh the times when Jamie would flirt with any and every girl who was tall and either brunette or blonde. How I miss those times. I look up at him with kind eyes to see him staring at me instead of the incredibly pretty young girl. My fingers intertwined with his as I make my order up on the spot.

"I think I'll have some granola and berries please." I look up towards the young lady who is practically dribbling over Jamie. Why am I jealous of her looking at him?

"Any preference on the berries, ma'am?" She replies in her strong Manchester accent still staring at Dornan.

"No, thank you." I scowl at her with jealously because I can as she can't see me.

"I'll have some toast and a sunny-side egg please." Jamie looks at me with a glare. She is still oblivious and carries on looking at my best friends chiselled features. Chiselled and hot features. Hmm that kiss was- Olivia! No!

"Oh Jamie. I think you must have dropped your wedding band." I lie quickly slipping it off and hiding it in my hand.

"What?... Of course. Coming right up." She whispers startled by the fact that he is married. I feel your pain, love.

"You would've thought that the baby would've gave it away that you may be a married man and have your own family." I slip his golden ring back on and sigh.

"Hey, what can I say? That's the Jamie Dornan effect for you." He winks kissing the cheek of his little blue eyed angel.

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