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As per usual. Song for this chapter is "Drunk" by Mr Ed Sheeran. This part is a flashback of Olivia when she was in North Carolina twelve years before this was set. Enjoy :)


I've done it again. I've left him all alone with our little girl whilst I go out and get drunk to forget my problems; all my worries only getting worse. Where am I? Some small bar in Wilson, North Carolina I suspect. Did I drive here? Will I have to get a cab or walk home from all of the alcohol I have consumed before returning tomorrow afternoon with a brutal headache to find my car? I search through my pockets for my keys and phone to see I have missed something or rather. The mobile device tumbles in my hand as I put it back in my pant's pocket. Pants? What an unusual word to use for trousers or jeans. Pants. I guess I'd better start using it though as I am now an American civilian. My wobbly legs reluctantly stand me up and start to slowly walk me over to the bar door; my mouth screaming for more booze as it is so dry. Why booze and not water or a cup of tea or something? I roll my eyes at myself as I leave the crowded building and stagger home in my dark-rose pink heels. My head whirls as I stumble from side to side and corner to corner; large groups of people trying to get through and have a fun Friday evening. Oh the fun of booze. I would say how fun it really isn't but that would make me a hypocrite. I can't even remember why I have done this. Why is it that I have gone out and screwed up my body once again?

I tumble for my keys in my 'pants' as I near the small but affordable house that me, my boyfriend (technically he is my fiancée but that is too posh and I don't like the word) and our newly born little girl live. My throat kills as I cough stupidly loud and unlock the door. Once entering the building that I call home I slip off my heels and stagger into my kitchen to find him at the table. Crap. He looks mad; angry; disappointed. I ignore his stare and continue to pour myself a glass of red wine. He comes up behind me and disposes of the entire bottle by throwing the dark liquid inside down the sink and smashing the bottle causing a cry to appear from upstairs. My little baby April...

"Olivia, wake up!" Jamie scares me as I jump up from my memory; my pajama top entirely covered in red wine. Of all the things, you had to go for a bottle of red to fuck up once again. "Goodness sake. I can't leave you for one minute without you screwing up." He runs his hand through his chestnut brown hair as his lips form a hard and straight line.

"Where's April, and Matt, and my car?" My heart is racing as panic finally reaches me and my brain.

"Your car? Your car is in your garage and Matt and April are in North Carolina as we believe. Why?" He looks confused and a tad concerned.

"I just had a flashback. It was about me out getting drunk before returning to an annoyed and disappointed Matt. That's all I can remember. I don't even know why I did it. But he smashed my wine bottle and April started crying.." Why did I do it?

"The bottle smashing was me picking up your alcohol evidence and accidentally dropping it before picking up the remains," He shows me his hand so I see a bloody wound on his palm. "The baby crying was my little one as she was tired." He screws up his lips to one side before I grab his cut hand and kiss the palm of it. He flinches before his lips form a kind but sincere smile. Oh my poor and kind Jamie.

"That makes sense but I haven't dreamt about it for a while now, James. Maybe I shouldn't have left them in the first place. I should've stayed and looked after them both. How are you my friend?" I sit up and crawl into his lap for a Dornan hug; they never fail to make me feel better. Smith, don't get too close for comfort. He's your friend, okay?

"I wish you would stop complaining, Smith." He mutters, joking of course as his hand runs through my notted hair. "I became friends with the shy, funny and awkward girl I met back in university before we both moved to London. I told you when you were ready to tell me about your past that it would not change the way I thought and still do think of you. I am your friend because you have never changed for anyone, not even me. Okay?" I nod almost instantly before kissing his stubble and smile against his cheek.

"Thank you," I whisper quietly "Where's the little one sleeping?" I change the conversation subject, trying to calm both Jamie and I down.

"Next door in your spare room. I can take her home and come back tomorrow morning if you want? I'd rather I didn't as I don't want to leave you in this state but It's your call." He pushes me off his lap, coldly: indicating he is mad at me for yet another one of my alcohol sprees.

"I don't know why you would want to stay. It's pretty clear that you're annoyed as fuck." I cross my legs and arms; trying to look tough.

"I'm not mad. I'm disappointed. And mad as fuck? If I was I'd start tickling you like this!" He smirks as his hands tickle my arms.

"Don't make me laugh, Dornan, you bitersweet shit. I'm trying to stay mad at you for being mad at me." I compose myself trying my hardest not to give in.

"Oh yeah? What about now?" He winks pulling me up and into a bear hug, causing my arms to loosen and wrap around his lovely torso. I nod my head and look up at him. "If I'm that bittersweet, I guess I should get leaving, don't you?" He holds me at arms length.

"I don't, no." He smiles and hugs me once more as I breath in his heavenly scent.

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