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Hi. So the song for this chapter is "Good Girls" by 5SOS (5 Seconds of Summer). Idk if it goes with this chapter but it's a good song anyway so if you haven't I suggest you go and listen to it. Bye.


I smile at Jamie; captivating a sip of tea. "Faultless. Just the way I like it. The perfect mixture of tea, milk and Dornan." I grin; placing my cup back down on its saucer.

"Glad to hear it, Miss Smith. There's still a lot I need to know about you, considering I have known you for twelve years or so. Tell me, why didn't you take your father's name?" He smiles, undoing his top button on his crisp white shirt.

"You're a nosy fella, aren't you?" I roll my eyes as he nods his head; listening intently. "Well, I just never met him so there was no point taking his name if I didn't know him." I lean back in my chair as he leans forward.

"Fair point made there, Miss Smith. You really do have a load of courage inside of that delicate body of yours." He grabs my hand kissing it as there is a knock on the door. "Excuse me a moment," He coughs; walking out of the room. As soon as he has gone I stand up and go over to his desk; sitting behind it and placing my feet up on it.

"Do you have any interests outside of work?" Dornan winks, walking back in to see me behind the grey desk.

"My interest is my work, James." I laugh, going reluctant as he sits on the desk near the chair I am sat in.

"Indeed it is. Sorry about that, by the way. Andrea just got a call from Amelia, telling her she has left for the airport as she has got a few shows all over Europe. It looks like she might get to Paris before me, Liv." He sighs looking bleakly down at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry? Who has the little one then? She surely wouldn't leave her all alone." I take his hand and kiss his ring finger.

"Don't be sorry, I'm used to it, really. I just barely see her, and I love her so much. And of course she hasn't, she found a last minute baby-sitter." He reaches at my head as I kiss his hand.

"I know you do, Jamie. I don't know what else to say apart from make use of the time you do have together," I exhale, looking up; my eyes searching his for a spark of happiness.

"Thank you," He replies before pulling me up quickly into a hug, his arms wrapping around me tightly as my hands run through his soft hair. "It's funny in an ironic way how a person called Andrea actually works here." He chuckles quietly into my ear, giving me some reassurance.

"I suppose it is, yeah. Maybe that's why they chose this building." I smile pulling back looking into his eyes, then kissing his cheek causing him to flush bright red.

"Maybe, Miss Smith. I'd like to know more about you." Dornan laughs prior to tickling me and picking me up so I'm sat on his desk; Jamie then standing up so he can sit in the office chair.

"Well, you already know what my favourite book chain is," I wink, making him smile his shy smile. "This is going to sound quite peculiar but I used to adore your old walk. It's what made you stand out; that and your striking looks and startling acting." I laugh uncontrollably.

"I think everybody knows your favourite books, Liv. And good save." He reaches over the desk and grabs the newspaper before hitting me with it.

"Hey! Never hit a hungover woman, or any woman or anybody, to be fair. You've just asked for it, Grey!" I say in between giggles as I jump off the bureau and pushing his chair.

"Pushing the Golden Torso away, are we? I knew you didn't like me but I didn't think I was that ugly." He looks at me innocently wheeling him back over to me.

"Speaking in third person, are we?" I glint avoiding him and sitting down on the circular table beside the cold tea. "One point to Liv!" I titter once more as I stand on the table declaring my victory.

"I don't think so-" Jamie leers before somebody bursts into the room; cutting him off mid-sentence, causing me to lose my balance and fall off the small, grey table.

"Jamie, the tabloids are here. Did you give any indications of where you might be?" A tall, blonde man wearing a blazer, t-shirt and black jeans asks as he looks at me, puzzled.

"No, but I was on my social media accounts so anything I posted could've picked up my location," Dornan replies as he comes over and takes my hand to pull me up.

"Thank you," I blush as he pulls me up too quickly causing my hand to end up on his golden torso.

"Anytime," He lightly smiles putting an arm around my shoulder; removing my hand from his chest and placing it into his warm palm.

"So what do we do about the tabloids?" I interrogate, looking at the blonde stranger with a mutual look.

"We do nothing and just leg it. Come on." Jamie says checking he has everything before leading me to the doors which the blonde figure is standing by. As soon as Dornan opens one of the tall silver doors he squeezes my hand and walks nonchalantly over to the lift; pressing the control to call it.

"I bet you've been in enough elevators over the past year or so," I giggle once we have got in and the doors have shut.

"Oh, so funny! Olivia, this is solemn! I need you to stay with me unlike last night." He sighs grabbing my chin, kissing my cheek chastely. "Now, come on!" He states, grabbing my hand tightly, kissing my knuckles prior to putting his arm around my waist and leading me out of the elevator to the building's lobby; my body tingles.

"Mr Dornan," A security guard, wearing all black nods at the real life fifty; walking us to the car.

"Thank you, Taylor." Jamie smiles sternly as we reach his Audi. "Before you ask, yes his name is actually Taylor, I hired him for you. Surprise!" Dornan shocks me once I have put my seat belt on.

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