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Woop, my 10th Chapter! Enjoy. My song on shuffle is "I'll Be Your Strength" by my all time favourite band, The Wanted. It is kind of a song, but if you need comfort I suggest you listen to it. Love you and see you next week.

When I awaken it's light outside with the sun shining through my thin and light curtains. My head is rested on Jamie's chest and my hands are intertwined with his. Amelia really is one lucky lady to have him as a husband and father of her child. Talking of children, I hear Jamie's angel cry rather loudly from next door. I quickly push the douvet back and scramble out of bed, trying not to wake up Dornan. As soon as I'm up, I slip on my cute, flamingo pink bunny slippers and head out through my bedroom door. Yes, success. Please stay and sleep Jamie? You need it after last night. I then wander next door and quietly unlock the door (Jamie obviously locking it so she's safe) and going over to the massive queen sized bed her tiny body lays in. I carefully pick her up and cradle her fragile and tiny head in my hands as I stroke her small amount of hair. Oh April, I'm sorry I left you. A tear falls from my eye as she stops to cry and her hands curl around my finger. My heart breaks a little as it is what I miss about being my little girl's mother.

"You're a natural," Dornan steps in quietly behind me in his suit trousers and T-shirt which he must had been wearing under his white shirt.

"Well you learn something when you're a mother yourself. April was around this age when I abandoned her." I sigh gently passing his angel to him, gently letting go of her fragile head.

"Get over yourself." He winks kissing my cheek as he hugs his little girl. I can see the love in his eyes as he does so. "Have you fed her?" He smirks looking at me as he heads towards the spare room door.

"No just no! That is disgusting! I didn't even do that with my own child so if you excuse me can you go and bottle feed her as I go for a shower?" I nudge him out the door, cringing wildly.

"Alright but don't be too long as I'm cooking breakfast. If I'm not mistaken I saw some Bacon and sausages in your fridge so we're gonna have a full English breakfast." He replies walking down a few steps with the little one in his arms.

"Can't wait to call for the fire service." He laughs sarcastically at my comment before continuing down the stairs as I trot over to my en suite bathroom. My stupidly skinny legs then take me over to my bedroom wardrobe to grab a towel and a pair of ripped jeans and a crop top with a floral cardigan. I smile at the cute outfit before heading back into my bathroom to shower.

Once I'm done I hop out and towel dry my body and hair before placing on my adorable outfit, place some strawberry studs into my ears and tie my hair back into a tiny ponytail. I smile contently at myself in my mirror before placing my towel on a radiator and walk down the stairs following the heavenly smell of fried Bacon and eggs.

"The house is still in one shape then." I giggle walking past the 'lil one in her pushchair and into my not-so clean kitchen.

"Of course it is. I'm not that big of an idiot thank you very much." He smiles his young smile causing my heart to clench. "Are you going to dry your hair, missy? I really don't want you catching a cold and become ill because you haven't." He strikens as I pour myself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Stupid caring, Jamie.

"I'll do it after I've eaten. No point letting my food get cold just because you are being such a bossy pants." I poke my tongue out as I grab two dinner plates out of the cupboard followed by some tomato sauce from my over-stocked fridge.

"I could kill you sometimes. Oh and by the way, Taylor's coming round later to talk security plans." Jamie smiles coyly as he turns my hob and stove off.

"No, I don't think so. You can't just go inviting people round my house whenever you feel like it. Especially some cocky security guard just because of your twitching palm." My lips form a hard line as I turn to face him and lean against my kitchen counter.

"First of all I can because I helped you pay for this house and it is legally under my name." Darn, he's right! It is indeed. I forgot all about that. "And secondly I am if you want to ever leave the house again. I don't trust that.. jerk to not hurt you again." He pauses trying to think of a suitable name for Jack.

"I'm an adult Jamie, not some stupid and teenaged school girl." I scowl at him, crossing my arms.

"Liv, I'm not going to argue with about it so take your breakfast and shut up." He sighs handing me my plate with a mountain of food piled on top of it.

"I'm not hungry." I lie, eating him away with my anger.

"God help you I don't have a tie. Just go and eat!" He roars scaring me slightly, causing his little girl to cry.

"Fine I will eat but I'm not eating here." I storm out of the kitchen with my inner goddess staring at me with an agreeing smile on her face.

"Where the hell are you going?" He says following me, his blue eyes full with regret.

"As far away from you as I can get. I don't know what happened just then but that wasn't the Jamie I met in university, that was the Jamie who loves being Grey." I say placing my coat and white vans on, storming out of my own house to go eat breakfast elsewhere.

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