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Hey lil flamingos. Hope you're enjoying this story/ fanfic. I was thinking of writing a part 2. Who knows. If you're enjoying this remember to vote and comment on it please. Jokes, only if you want. The song for this chapter is "Love" by American Authors. Bye.


"Right, Olivia, I'm going to help you upstairs and in a way, help you out of that lovely dress and rather uncomfortable beholding pair of heels you are wearing." Jamie says setting my house keys down then aiding me back up the stairs.

"I may be slightly drunk but you really have no idea in how naughty that sounded." I chortle as I enter my blue bedroom.

"Oh dear, quiet you! I'm just going to choose you something comfy to put on so you can relax better," He rolls his eyes at me as he opens my wardrobe and has a little rummage.

 "Again, with the eye rolling. You really do have no inner Christian Grey," I sit on my soft, newly cleaned bed and watch him.

 "You make that sound as if it were a bad thing, and again with the Fifty Shades!" He sighs flinging a king-size jumper at me along with a pair of leggings. "Now, go and put these on, I'll be waiting out here for you," He lingers, pushing me into my ensuite bathroom.

 "Yes, sir." I respond under my breath once he shuts the door. My tall legs then quiver me over to the mirror to remove my makeup before I slip off my stupidly uncomfortable shoes. After doing so I place my leggings on and scramble out of my red dress before picking up the jumper and chucking it on as I head for the door; grabbing some plasters on the way out.

"There's my best friend, and don't think I didn't hear your comment because, I did." He chuckles as I place my plasters down on my bed and sit beside them.

"I'm pissed, okay? My brain just says what it wants and my mouth produces the words," I wink sarcastically at him as I remove a plaster out of its pack and place it on one of my two blisters.

 "Nah, I think you just need some tea inside of you. Some Jamie Dornan tea!" He beams gathering me up as I'm half way through putting my second plaster on.

"Darn you, Dornan" I fake pout as we once more reach the bottom of my stairs; my hands eradicating my ruined plaster and placing it on his forehead.

 "I don't think plaster suits me," He says putting me down on my sofa and removing the band-aid. "One Dornan specialty coming right up!" Jamie chuckles his wonderful laugh and wanders into my kitchen.

 "That's a shame. I think you should wear one at your next shoot. The broken Golden Torso." I shout so he can hear me; lying down on the sofa as I do so, hearing my mobile ring.

 "What on Earth?" Are you joking me?! Of all the things you could've made your ring tone, you made it that?" He says listening intensely to my ring tone. My ring tone being the trailer for his latest film, Fifty Shades of Grey.

 "Yes I did, are you going to answer that or what?" I giggle standing up and jumping on his muscular back.

"What about you? I'd like to know more about you." He winks up at me, talking along to the trailer.

"There's really not much to know about me, look at me," I giggle, continuing the joke as it continues and I hedge off his back.

"I am..." Jamie gaits into the kitchen making my tea as the kettle has boiled, taking my phone with him.

"Jamie, who is that calling me though? It may be important," I protest following him and sitting on the kitchen work top.

"Somebody who is best known as Elena Robinson," He smirks up at me; showing me the contact picture as he places the spoon down. "He really is a jerk; I don't think you even understand."

"Enlighten me then," I jump down so I'm standing right in front of him, my hands running through his hair.

"I swear, if he ever does anything to physically hurt you, a big part of me would die inside. I would never forgive myself." He exhales, looking directly in my eyes as he holds my cheek.

"It wouldn't be your fault, though. It would be mine for getting in his way. I would take full blame for his actions." I reply looking down at my bare-feet.

"Oh, no. Shh now. Do you want to know something, Liv?" He asks gently pulling my head back up so I face him as I nod my head lightly. "Christian Grey is no monster, but Jack is." He continues, pulling me into a hug before he pulls back and carries me over to my sofa, bridal-style.

"It's like I have my own Jack Hyde. Evil but somehow gets a way around your head." I whisper as he lays me down gently on the seat before going back into the kitchen to grab my tea. "Fifty shades of evil."

"I'm being serious though, Olivia. If he as much damages a hair on that beautiful head of yours, you come straight to me and I'll show him something about hurting my best friend." Jamie looks me sternly in my eyes; handing me cup of tea.

"Baby Dornan is very lucky to have you as protection. It's like you're going to go all Grey security style on me and ask Taylor to follow me around." I reply as he sits beside my legs as I take a sip of my tea, lightly burning my tongue.

"First of all, Taylor's name is Jason, Jason Taylor. Second, the person who plays him in the film is Max Martini. And if I have to, then yes, I will find security to keep you safe." Dornan takes the tea from me and places it on my coffee table before defeating his bow-tie.

 "I wish he would stop calling me," I roll my eyes as I stand up and go to discard the call from Jack, once again.

"Leave it; I think my best friend needs a dance." Jamie derives in behind me and puts my mobile down before leading me to the living room.

"Oh, Jamie." I breathe as I place my arms around his neck; his arms going around my waist as his hands rub my back

"Shh, close your eyes and relax." His voice undertones in my ear formerly to him saying all of his lines to the trailer again.

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