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There is no song for this one so I'll get right into it. Hope you enjoy the last chapter. See you soon loves .

*Olivia's P.O.V*

Did I actually just tell my best friend that I love him? I'm such an idiot right now. So now have I not only just been told to kill my baby by its father, I have lost my best friend and his wife has probably banned me from seeing their daughter for life. Where am I going now? I'm going on my date with the father of my child in hope of seeing April one last time, and then becoming completely hammered. I have one problem though, I have no idea in where this fancy place is. All I have is my phone, about seventeen pounds of British money (which isn't very helpful out here in Vancouver), three dollars and ninety-nine cents and my hotel door-key all stuffed inside of one of the pockets on my dress.

"Ma'am is everything alright? Mrs Dornan went upstairs around five minutes ago looking for you and Jamie as we heard very loud, well um- shouting." Taylor startles me as my mind races through my thoughts. The whole of  Vancouver probably heard.

"Y-yes I'm fine. There's been a slight change though. You're driving me and Matt there instead of us all getting a cab together." I lie through gritted teeth, then hearing a baby cry and realizing that he is carrying Dulcie's baby seat with her inside it.

"Are you sure? I'm meant to be looking after this one." Taylor raises one of his brown eyebrows. Lie, lie like always.

"Yes, I'm sure. Do you actually believe I would lie to my own security guard?" I would as I'm lying to you now.

"No, of course not. It's just sir would usually tell me, not you. Can you look after this one as I drive then?" He hands baby Dornan over to me as a sweet smile appears on my red lips. "I don't actually have a car to drive, and I have no clue in where I am driving to, Miss Smith." He scratches his head as I click my fingers and run over to the reception desk in the hotel foyer. I'm going to steal one of Mr Dornan's cars.

"I'd like to have the keys to my car please. It's Olivia, Olivia Smith and is under Mr Dornan's name." I burst out quickly to the light haired man behind the desk.  I can't believe I'm taking my best friend's rental car- fuck. No, you've got this.

"Certainly, ma'am. The picture on the system is a match." He smiles, sighing lightly. "Here are the keys that you requested." He says after typing my request into his computer, and spinning his chair around to face the pin board, and grabs the keys.

"Thank you." I politely reply, grabbing the keys, and turning back to see a very confused Taylor.

"Here you are. I will give you the directions in the car." I hurry us both out into the hotel garage to pick up Jamie's car.

*In The Car*

"Ma'am," Taylor pipes from in front of me as he drives to my daughters house, and my arms now full from embracing Mr and Mrs Dornan's baby. "How did you get his car so easily? Surely a burglar or criminal master mind could get it that easy if you could?" He looks straight at me in the rear-view mirror.

"Here's the thing. Jamie put all of his cars under mine, Jamie and Amelia's name. It's in case of an emergency, and I need to escape or what not. No, this is not technically an emergency, but it is a crisis involving my friendship with Jamie. They believed it was me as they have a picture of me on the systems. If they became suspicious though they could ask for my fingerprint, and ID for more proof so they know it's me taking his car, and not some face-stealing jerk." The little baby that is nearly one years old is giggling as I tap her nose with my finger. I'm so happy James created this system. It's really handy for times like now.

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