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THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST DAY OF LIFE. Sorry, I love today's song. It is "Best Day Of My Life." By American Authors. Such a tune. Bye. ❤

"Mum, why did you leave?" My little angel, April, asks from the back of Alessia's car. Oh man. Fuck. I knew this was going to happen- why am I so surprised?

"Well, I loved your father for a very short amount of time as it just simply wasn't working. I was very tempted to take you with me, but at the time I had no idea in where I was going, so I thought you would be better with your father. He has just proven me wrong, though." I look back at my little girl in her pink glasses. "I didn't think it would be very fair on you if I ended up on the streets." I pause as my phone rings. It's Jamie, no surprise there.

"Yes, finally some signal! We're in a cab to the hotel, where are you, Olivia?" He asks as his little girl cries in the background. He cares. He fucking cares where I am. Result!

"I'm in Alessia's- April step mother's car to their house here in Vancouver." I reply smoothly

"April? What your daughter, April? You've just got in some stranger's car, are you mad? Wait.. Is Matt there? And I thought you were looking for some girl at the airport." Jamie queeries. Yes it's my daughter, please stop reminding me.

"Yes, my daughter, you idiot. And have you not put the two together yet? The girl was April- look, I've got to go. I'll see you at the hotel in a few hours. Bye-" I hangup, not giving him the chance to reply. I can't deal with him talking about the fact that I'm in a car with my daugher. I can't deal with any of this. Why was I so fucking stupid in agreeing to go back to their house with them? Fuck.

"Step mother. What a way to make me sound like an evil cow." Alessia laughs just before my little girl pipes up.

"Who was that, mum?" Mum. I don't deserve to be called her mum, or in actual fact be it.

"Just a friend of mine, sweetie. I was meant to go to a hotel and check in with him, but I ended up looking for you, you silly thing." I reply; my stomach churning as I know this is a bad mistake.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I fucking wish, sunshine. No- Olivia stop with your raging hormones. You have a boyfriend who you love... kinda.

"April, I'm pretty sure if your mother wanted to talk about her love life, she would've done by now." Alessia smiles as we hit a red light.

"Thank you, but it's fine, Alessia. No, April, he is not my boyfriend. My boyfriend is back home in England doing who knows what. Jamie- the person on the phone just then, is strictly my best friend. Nothing more and nothing less. He is a married man and has a child." I roll my eyes at myself when I mention Jack. He's not really much of a boyfriend.

"So you do have a boyfriend? What's his name? How long have you been going out for? Do you love him? Can I meet him?" April quick fires at me. Calm the fuck down. I know I'm your biological mother, but I only re-met you 20 minutes ago.

"Hold your horses back there." A light school girl giggle appears out of nowhere. "I do have a boyfriend, indeed. His name is Jack and I met him in my last year of university, and I was twenty-three then, so we've been together a good six years?" I take a breath as we pull into the small drive. "I do love him very much." I'm lying, of course. "I'm sure he would love to meet you, but like I said he's all the way back in England." I clamber out of her father's girlfriend's car.

"Oh, yeah. I could always come over and stay with you and meet him. Maybe even be a bridesmaid at the wedding." I've not been here long and she wants to come back to England with me? What the hell! Wedding? With that douche? Is she crazy? "I'm sure dad could use some time with me out of his way." I close her door behind her and take the suitcase from her.

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