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Hey so new chapter here. Song for it / song I am suggesting is "small bump" by Ed Sheeran as it came on shuffle and I love the song. love you and see you next Friday :)


"Um...okay?" I stutter with surprise as he buckles up and places his key into the Audi's ignition.

"Okay? Is that it? No thank you or happiness? I'm...sorry." Jamie says quietly as he pulls out of the bay and out into the eventful London road.

"Thank you, really, but I don't need some guy following me around. Also it's fucking abnormal that you wasted your time looking for someone specifically called Taylor. That's really going to draw attention to me." I murmur at him, vigilant that Taylor may perceive somehow.

"God damn it, Liv! I can't do one thing right can I?" He says thumping his horn in anger as we hit a red light; his eyes glaring at me with anger. Oh James, please don't be angry with me.

"Sorry, I just... sorry. Keep your hair on." I roll my eyes at him, trying to lighten his mood drastically.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me, Miss Smith?" He winks before grabbing my hand and continuing to drive as the light goes green. Oh Dornan, you really are like my very own fifty shades.

"Why yes I did," I giggle biting my lip as I hear my phone ring. I pull it out of my pocket before denying the call; Jamie looking at me with a curious expression. "Jack," I sigh seeing that I have two missed calls, one email and three texts. The email, two missed calls and one of the texts from Jack and the other two from my best friend, Carlotta (beside from Jamie, of course) asking to meet up at some point this week.

"You okay?" He asks giving my hand a tight squash as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, just Carlotta wants to meet up at some point and Jack pestering me to call or get back to him." I sigh once more as I listen to my voice mail. "Looks like I've got Jack coming over this evening." I remark under my breath.

"What time? I'll make sure Taylor's there as I don't trust that man not to harm you. The jerk" Jamie scowls before I place a finger over his mouth to hush him; being careful not to block his window view.

I burrow my brows. "I have no clue in when he is coming over, but I do know that I don't want Taylor there, listening to what he has to say. It's my relationship, not his." I fold my arms observing out my tinted window.

"Me it is then and don't even think about arguing about it, Smith." He chuckles evilly as he quickly glances over. "Don't!" He says, noticing me open my mouth to argue from the corner of his eye.

"Fine, but you dare interfere and you will be Fifty Shades of black and blue." I pout; nearing my house.

"Deal, but if he as much as flicks you he has five seconds to run before Fifty makes his move." Jamie nods as we pull up outside of my house. Oh James, my protective love.

"So protective, Dornan. And, I like fifty! He's sexy, sweet and caring." I giggle as I climb out and fish through my pocket to find my keys.

"Indeed I am. I'm glad you enjoy him." He chuckles as I saunter over to my red front door and unlock it quickly; holding it open for Dornan.

"After you." He whispers calmly as he places his palm on the door; keeping it open as I walk into my hallway and put my keys on a hook. "I'll close the door then." He sarcally says as he closes it behind him.

"Don't get sarcy with me!. Anyways, don't you want to go and collect the little one?" I exhale slipping off my flats and launching myself onto my sofa.

"And leave you here on your own in the chance that he could be early. No way, Liv." He scoffs, caressing my face with his fingers as he lifts my feet and sits beside me "I'll call the God damned baby sitter and ask them to bring her around. That's if I'm allowed to tell her your address." He kisses my forehead, removing his blazer and placing it on the back of the sofa. My sweet caring Dornan.

"Honey, I think half of the world, if not more, knows where I live." I blush a scarlet red as he kisses me.

"Very true. That red blush is making me hungry. Got any chocolate and flour?" He rises and takes hold of my hand, pulling me into him.

"James, I truly love your idea!" I drag him into my blue kitchen to make a cake.

"Thought so. I'm the worst at cooking though, so be warned." He hits me playfully with his silver-grey tie as I search through my many cupboards for ingredients.

"Can't be as bad as me though, Sir." I batter my lashes at him, flippantly.

"Acting all sweet, are we?" My Irish best friend inhales, closing the cubbyhole and pulling me into his embrace within one swift gesture.

"Only for you, darling!" I smirk as I place my hands tightly on his upper arms; taking him by surprise.

"Miss Smith, are you flirting with me? I'm a married man." He places his arms around my lower back.

"Maybe, Mr Dornan." I giggle looking at him intently "What are you gonna do about it?" I wink once more as he pulls my face into his hands.

"God damn you!" He smirks kissing my cheek, nose and forehead. As soon as I think he has finished, he kisses me gently on the lips; taking me by surprise, and creating a rose blush on my cheeks.

"Hi," I murmur pulling away, surprised by his move. "I was not expecting that. Especially from a married man. What would your missus say?"

"I won't say if you won't, and you're my best comrade, Olivia. I have kissed you before." He hushes me by placing his finger against my lips.

"Deal, but can we make that cake now? I want to be a barefooted lady who is pregnant in my kitchen." I blurt out stupidly.

"Sure thing," He smiles before realizing what I said. "Wait... You're pregnant?!" He roars the house down.

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