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Who knows who Panic! At The Disco are? I do and today's song is one by them and it is called "Nicotine." I suggest that you do listen to it whilst reading it (if you want, of course) as it shows how affected Olivia gets with Matt and how their relationship was basically nothing with the awful things they did. Sorry it's such a downer. Bye ❤

"Olivia, how very pleasant to see you again." Matt scowls; standing and placing his hand out for me to shake; myself refusing his offer. Get lost, Lloyd.

"I'd love to say the same thing, but that would simply be a lie. And unlike you, I don't want to lie to our daughter." I release Jamie's hand and stand behind April who is still holding Dornan's hand. All you ever has done is lie to her, Smith, so don't play that card.

"And what have you ever done for her? You left her when she was only a baby." He walks closer.

"What do you want to drink, April?" I ask, ignoring his comment. She spins to face me and smiles crookedly from me and her arsehole of her father arguing.

"I'm only meant to drink water, mum. So, that I guess." She looks down just before I get down on my knees so we're level. Water? I know I abandoned her, and that you're not supposed to have much sugar whilst wearing braces, but she's only allowed water? Bullshit.

"Since when? He buys you all of those things like your phone, and CITA merchandise, but you're only allowed to drink water? Well that's going to change right now. I don't care what Matt thinks, what do you want to drink?" I hold onto her hoodie lightly. Stop pretending to give two fucks, Smith.

"Um... a milkshake! A chocolate one!" She beams at me.

"Good choice, I like the sound of one of them but I'm not allowed one as I might ruin my suit." Jamie chuckles wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me back up. I swear to God, stop it with the arm thing!

"Then that's what you're gonna have, sweetheart!" I take her hand and lead her and Jamie over to the counter; ignoring Matt's glare from beyond.

"I'll get this as you're going to need to save your pennies." Jamie says in a bittersweet way.

"Shut up, you only have two options at this moment. You either be a jerk and leave right now or stop making an argument out of everything." I whisper back as I notice April looking at the cakes.

"What do you like the look of, darling?" I smile at her sweetly. Lies, it's all lies. "I suggest a piece of red velvet cake." Jamie holds my hand tightly. Get the fuck off of my hand, it's not fair.

"Yes please, mum. I'm going to go and sit with dad. I'll see you in a few." She skips off in a funny matter and sits next to Matt.

"I choose the option that I don't lose my best friend in. No more arguments, even if you do drive me mad." He releases my hand and gets out his wallet to pay.

"I mean it, Jamie. I've had enough of us arguing, it's getting old." A sigh comes from my mouth as he gathers some crisp dollar bills from inside the leather wallet.

"I know, so am I." He sighs also, taking my hand in his free one; my head shaking at once and my hand pulling away from his.

"Also, stop with the whole flirting thing. You have a wife Jamie and I know you love her. I've seen the way you look at her, and your little girl. We're best friends. No more snogging and lap hugs, and hand holding and sleeping in the same bed. Just normal hugs and support." I look down at my feet knowing that he probably hates me, but deep down knows this was going to happen sooner or later. "I'm not that hungry, just get what you want, a chocolate milkshake, and slice of red velvet cake for April. I'll be over there if you want me." A quiet voice appears from my lungs as my body shifts and leads me over to my now big girl. Well done for standing up for yourself for once. I bet he won't listen though.

"Who's that then, your boyfriend? I always knew you had a thing for married men." Matt chuckles in a way that I can't tell if he's joking or is trying to wind me up.

"That must be why I didn't marry you then. That and I simply didn't love you as much as I thought I would." My arms scoop down and pick up April, placing her on my lap. "Aren't you meant to be at school little miss?" I tickle her causing a cute laugh to appear from her throat.

"Dad called up school and said I wasn't going in today because I'm ill." April goes all shy; my eyes looking directly into Matt as I see those blue eyes that I once fell for. Look away now, Smith.

"You definitely can't eat this then, can you?" I tease picking up her slice of cake off of the tray Jamie is holding; his arms then placing it beside me on the table just as he sits there, and grabs his coffee.

"Looks like me and your mother are going to have to eat it for you." Jamie winks; causing her to giggle and put on a fake pout. Jamie then picking up a fork from the tray and taking a slice and eating it. She's not even his child, and he's a better parent to her than I am.

"What is he doing here then if he isn't your boyfriend?" Matt nods in Jamie's direction before looking straight back at me again. Don't go there, Lloyd.

"Have you heard of the word 'friend'? I guess not though as every friend you have seems to end up around your stupid little finger of yours. Me and you started out as friends and the only thing good to come out of that was April. I feel sorry for Alessia as she is truly a nice person who guess what, started of as a friend." I let April down so she can sit opposite me and eat her cake, once I have pride the plate off of Jamie.

"Olivia, that was uncalled for, he was just asking a question." Jamie smiles at me before leaning back in his chair and crossing his leg over. "I am on set here and I fancied a coffee, but as Amelia needed to do something with my daughter, I thought I would come with my friend." He takes my hand in advance to me letting go and giving him a glare regarding what we discussed a few minutes earlier.

"What film are you on set for? I'm guessing it's a film as you don't look much like a singer or model to me." Matt claims in an unkind manor. Just because he has a life unlike you.

"He is on set for Fifty Shades of Grey in-fact, do you not read the news? I'm sure April showed you the photo of me and Jamie sharing a passionate moment a few days back with the caption 'Fifty Shades has found a new Grey.' Also, for your information, he was a model and is best known as the Golden Torso." I maintain my attitude with the arsehole and father of my child.

"Will you two just stop it? Look I know you don't get along, hence the reason mum left twelve years back, but just please, try. I asked Alessia and she agreed that you two need to have some alone time to talk about: what happened, my future, and to find your common grounds again." April stands up, sitting back down once her temper has lowered. Fuck, I hate how right she is. I don't wanna make up with him, though. He's not worth the effort.

"I'll have to ask Jack, but if Matt can be mature for one minute then it's fine by me. I suggest dinner. Before you ask, Jack is my boyfriend whom I love dearly." I already know this is going to go down poorly with him.

"Dinner it is. I can be mature if I need to be." He stops and shrugs his shoulders. "Move on so quickly then did you?" Mr Lloyd looks at his nails.

"Wow, super mature guys. Me and Amelia are going out for a meal tonight at this really nice restaurant called Lapeilah Restaurant & Bar. I can have Taylor pick you up at eight, Matt." Jamie nods his head.

"That's fine by me. You know where I live. We'll see you then." Matt stands,  places on his jacket and takes April, leading her out of the little coffee shop. April giving me a heavy wave.

"That's great, I'm really glad to hear it's happening." My best friend lets out a disapproving sigh and turns away. This is not going to be fun.

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