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This chapter's song is another one by The Wanted (don't blame me, it's the shuffle. Lmao) This time it's their third UK single, "Lose My Mind." Hope you're enjoying the story so far and that you enjoy this chapter very much. If you do leave me a little comment saying what you like so I can continue doing so ;) love you.

I'm sat in my large and red bedroom that belongs to me and my blue haired fiancé. Why am I sat here wallowing about my life? I am wallowing because of the stress; of the mess I have gotten myself into. Surely I should be happy though as I am getting married tomorrow, right? Every girl's wedding day should be the best day of their life; the day they've always dreamt of. For me though, it really isn't. A typical wedding day is the day where a girl marries her prince charming, but I wouldn't exactly call Matt a prince. In all honesty Matt is my last chance in love. It was stupid and has gotten me into a heck load of trouble. I ran away from my home country, England to move all the way over here; to America. I spent weeks buying a new passport, a plane ticket and finding accommodation. Three months in I was engaged and one month pregnant. Now I'm seventeen years old with a nine month old little girl and having cold feet the day before I'm supposed to get married! Do I love Matt? Probably, but not anymore. Why am I marrying him? I'm not. I'm sat in my large and red bedroom next to my large and very full suitcase-

"Ma'am, Mr Dornan is on his way. He just had to make a stop somewhere. Do you wish for me not to let him near you?" Taylor startles me from my dream; my arms wrapped tightly around little Dornan.

"Wh- oh, no it's fine. He does pay you so even if I didn't want him near me it wouldn't really matter." I sigh, yawning as he sits beside me.

"You have a good point there, Miss Smith." He says sat up straight with his legs crossed. "I am your security guard though." He nudges me lightly in the arm.

"Maybe so, but I don't fancy on getting on the wrong side of him again. How is he anyway after the whole slap?" I smile lightly as baby Dornan grabs my finger with her tiny hand.

"You have bruised him, ma'am. He has literally got a purple and green bruise on the bottom of his cheek." Taylor grins lightly.

"Oh man, I knew I had a strong slap as I slapped him yesterday, but I didn't think I could cause him bruising." I laugh feeling guilty yet pleased with myself. It's not funny. It's fucking abuse! "He can't go on set with a bruise." A sarcastic gasp appears just before I see the devil himself approach us.

"What are you two laughing at?" Big Dornan smiles at me but snarls at Taylor. Gees, you really know how to burn a soul, Jamie.

"I was surprised at how strong thy hand could be, "I smile back before handing Amelia's child over to Taylor and stand up to hug James. "I'm sorry!" I nuzzle his neck; kissing his black and blue bruise. Stop before you do something stupid, again...

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been such a hypocritical... well, Fifty." He kisses my head; then standing back to hand me some roses. "For you, madam." He puts an arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. Does he feel the same way about that kiss? Has he now realised it was great?

"Thank you, but I'm not sure if they'll survive a nine hour flight to Vancouver." I joke as he links arm with mine and starts to walk towards a book shop. "Wait a minute" I hesitate before grabbing Jamie's daughter from Taylor and placing her in her pram before re-linking mine and Jamie's arms; continuing to walk to the shop ahead.

"Taylor could've got her, you know." Jamie firmly says as a fan takes a photo. Great a fucking fan picture with us linking arms. The press is gonna love us at the moment.

"No he couldn't have. He doesn't have enough hands for the luggage and to push her. No argument needed." I reply looking back at Taylor and waving at him; causing a light blush to appear on his cheeks. "He is a human being, you know?" I stick my tongue out at Jamie as I push the buggy into the small book shop, filled with many best-sellers and vintage novels and non-fictions.

"I do know that, yes. Aliens aren't my type." He winks as he wraps his arms around my waist once I have stopped at a book shelf. You really want press to be suspicious as fuck, don't you? You're fucking with my feelings and it sucks. "Any book recommendations?" He whispers in a hushed tone.

"How about E.L Jame's exotic novel, 'Fifty Shades of Grey.'" I joke looking up at him. Look at his eyes, not the lips.

"I've never heard of it." He chuckles as his little grabs a copy off of the bottom shelf.

"She obviously likes it." I giggle; carefully taking it from her hand then giving it to daddy Dornan.

"Why are you handing me this? I don't want this book." He lies, reading the blurb sneakily.

"Of course you don't, you want the whole trilogy." I snatch the book off him and shove the trilogy into his chest. "No buts just take them. Read one, if you don't enjoy it I'll have them as I'm paying for them." I continue notioning my head towards the counter causing him to sigh and move towards it.

"I flipping hate you sometimes, Miss Smith." He places the books on the counter and moves aside so I can pay.

"It's a mutual feeling, sir." I whisper cheekily as I hand my money in so the man at the checkout can't hear. "Thank you." I smile once he has bagged up the books; me and Jamie then walking to our terminal gate.

"I believe we have a flight to catch." Dornan takes my arm as we walk over to board our eight o'clock flight.

"You love me," I whisper

His eyes widen further and his mouth opens. He takes a huge breath, as if winded. He looks tortured- vulnerable.

"Yes," he whispers "I do."

"How's the book?" He smiles up at me from his movie just as Christian announces his love for Anastasia.

"It's good, even though I've read it before." I smile back, removing an earphone so I can hear him talk but still hear my music. "Why aren't you reading yours?" My eyebrows narrow.

"It's kind of awkward when you're reading a sexual book aimed at women when you're a nine hour flight and an air hostest walks by every five minutes.

"I did give you the choice of sitting next to the window." I laugh as I lounge in my first class seat.

"I thought you still had travel sickness so I let you sit there. It's alright, I'll read it in-between shoots when I'm not hanging with you and that little one." He holds my hand as he looks beside him to see Taylor and his 'lil las in the aisle next to us.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Just continue watching you're movie. I'm gonna get some sleep, good morning-night." I kiss his cheek before falling asleep against his shoulder. No dirty dreams, Smith.

*Author's Note*

The 'Fifty Shades Darker' quote belongs to E.L James and all copyright goes to her.

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