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Song on shuffle today is "Glow In The Dark" by The Wanted (who sadly broke up earlier this year - January 2014) I suggest if you feel like having a dance before/ during/ after reading this chapter you put this song on and pump up the volume. (Unless you're wearing headphones, then be careful.) See you in a few days(:

I wash my hands as soon as I leave the toilet cubicle, wanting to be as clean as possible. I wander over to the glistening white sinks and turn the tap on before pressing down on the soap bottle so the cold liquid runs freely onto my palm. I then place both of my hands underneath the warm to boiling water and make a soft foam to clean with. Next up, hair. Oh crap my hair is still wet. I slide over to the hand dryer and untie my tiny ponytail; turning the noisy machine on and leaning my head underneath it so the heat touches my frizzy and wet mob of hair. Fifty was right, this must've been why I felt and do feel so cold. I let my hands run through my oak brown hair; shaking my head once it is mostly dry and walking out to see my best friend feeding his little girl.

"Someone's had a bad hair day." His Irish chuckle appears from his perfectly structured mouth. The mouth that has his soft lips on.

"Well at least I still have hair. I can already see the Grey hairs and bald patchess." I let out a light giggle as I re-posistion myself back infront of him.

"Very funny. At least I don't have patches of blue still in my hair." He leans over and lifts my fringe to see part of my hair still blue after dying it a few years back.

"I did get it touched up, and it could look a lot worse. At least it's hidden under my brown locks. Talking of hair. You need to shave soon as Christian Grey is free of stubble." I reply raising an eyebrow as I take a sip of my orange juice that Dornan must've ordered when I was in the ladies.

"About Grey. I really am sorry that I acted like him out of turn. I shouldn't have done. So, I want to make it up to you. Now, I understand if you say no." He looks at his little girl whilst placing her back into the pink buggy.

"I'm all ears, Jamie. Fire away." (Especially if it involves us kissing again... okay stop! This is getting fucked up, he's your best friend and you're both in relationships) I say just before I take another sip of the freshly squeezed juice that the cafè produces.

"I want you to come with me to Vancouver. We leave tomorrow morning." A bright smile appears on his face just before I do something very un-lady like. I spit my juice everywhere.

"Y-you what now?" I'm surprised still, wiping my chin with a tissue to remove any access juice. "You want me, to fly to Vancouver with you, tomorrow?" He doesn't reply. All he does is take my wet hand and nod his head.

"Yes. I do. Look, there's no point going by myself with this little Las. I was looking through some old reports of me from the first shoots and I must've took Amelia and the new born Dornan with me as there were photos. I've spent so much time away from you, I just want to be with you. It would do me a massive favour as I wouldn't have to take you abroad over Christmas like we planned and you could look after the little one. Please, Olivia?" He looks at me with kind eyes that melt my soul. My eyes instantly roll before I stand up and curl myself onto Jamie's lap, ignoring everybody staring us. Bold move, Olivia.

"Okay. But what about the ticket and I need to pack and my passport? I have no idea in where it is." I look up at him, nuzzled into his soft neck, inhaling the smell of his freshly distributed after-shave.

"Don't be mad, but I have Taylor on the case. He is at yours now packing for you and tracking down that bloody passport of yours." His expression then turns into something cold and like he has been wounded.

"Amelia was meant to be coming with me but now she has her own things and her own work schedule she can't make it." Within that instant I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek multiple times. Fucking stop now, Smith!

"Get over yourself!" I joke causing him to laugh and look down at me. His bright blue eyes sinking into my soul and mind. My brain reacts by biting my lip and blushing. His free hand pushing a strand of hair behind my ear and his lips moving closer to mine. Before you know it, he is kissing me again. He's doing it again. I can't resist the urge of responding. Why does he keep doing this? I respond to it before closing my eyes and sink into a sweet heaven. It doesn't last long though as there is a tap on my shoulder.

"Why hello, baby. Nice to know that you're not cheating on me then." Oh man. It's Jack. Mad Jack. Triple fuck!

"You're one to talk." Jamie snakes his arm around my waist and peers up at him.

"Do you really want to have a fight? Here. In front of your little girl and everybody dining." Jack tenses grabbing me by my floral cardigan.

"Not really no." Jamie smirks still sitting down. A little help would be nice, Jamie. "Excuse me, this man is attacking my dear friend. Can you please get rid of him?" He says to the blonde waitress who has just placed our food down on the small wooden table; oblivious to Jack's grip on me as she is too busy drooling over Jamie, once again. Yes, I know he's hot but please help.

"Your friend? But I just saw you.. never mind. Of course babe- I mean sir." She blinks, waking herself up before forcefully making Jack let go of me and leading him to the door.

"See, look what you've done now. You've got yourself in trouble as well as me. Will you keep your lips to yourself? You are a married man who recently admitted that Amelia is your 'dream girl' in Vogue UK." I say brushing off the dirt Jack put on my cardigan. No, you want his lips. You want to kiss him over and over again. No stop. Argh!

"How am I in trouble?" He tilts his head to one in question.

"Because of this." I grab my phone from my ripped jeans pocket and show him the pictures of me and him smooching that are all over my twitter timeline.

"Looks like I'm going to get an upset phone call in a few hours." Jamie screws up his face. "But until then, can we please eat this breakfast as I am a very hungry man." He winks once more causing me to giggle.

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