Chapter Three - Music

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"You disgraceful, worthless, shit!". I dodged the glass vase that was thrown at my body. I stared at my father in disbelief as he continued to throw objects at me.

"I didn't do anything wrong!". I yelled back. My mother was cowering behind the corner to where the bedrooms were. Her face frightened, yet disgusted at my fathers actions. She never hurt me, she was just too scared to be alone with my father. So she would do anything to keep me here with her, no matter the costs.

"What did I wake up to this morning?". He glared at me. The eyes he was giving me was daring me to play his game, so I put my piece at the start of the game board.

"I don't know what your talking about". I replied. He slammed his hands down on the kitchen table, making my mother jump out of her skin, but I didn't move.

"Vomit! This morning I woke with vomit on my body. And why was that?". No matter the costs, no matter the insults, no matter the bruises, I was not about to loose this game.

"Because". I said with an emotionless face. My mother started to get curious and peek her head out more from behind the corner. I have never stood up for myself like this before, so it must be taking everyone by surprise.

"Because why?". His eye began to twitch. I knew I was playing with the rifle, but something in me urged to continue on. I held my breath, I knew what ever was about to happen, I was not gonna be good. I knew the risks, but the urge was just too strong.

"Because you are a lazy piece of shit who just drinks and shits everywhere while beating on your family cause you have nothing better to do". I released my breath, and for a second the world stopped. Everything around me didn't move, even the birds stopped chirping at that moment. My mother held her mouth, while my father slowly started to grin.

"Go get it". He said while still staring at me.

"Richard no.". My mother whimpered.

"Now Bitch!". He screamed at her. She let her tears fall from her face, and she went back to the bedroom. When she came out, my heart skipped a thousand beats. My father grabbed it, and lifted it up to his shoulder. "Give me the shells". He demanded while still grinning. My mother slowly lifted up the red shells to my fathers shot gun.

I looked to my left and saw a vase. I heard the pump of the death machine and I acted fast. I threw the vase at him as hard as I could, and bolted for the door. I was too slow, my father dodged the glass and grabbed my neck with his meaty hands, and yanked me to the floor. He gripped my neck with all his strength as I fought for air. I searched the floor for a glass piece and was in luck. I grabbed the sharp piece of glass, and jammed it into his forearm.

"Ah!". He winced in pain. He let go of his grip, and slapped me hard across the face. He got up and pulled out the glass from his body, and started kicking me in the gut over and over again. Every kick sent my breath further and further from my body. It was like dull knives being shoved as hard as possible into my chest. He finished kicking, and I was fighting like hell to catch my breath.

It was long after he stopped I felt a new pain. This one made me scream my heart out. The sharp pain in my stomach screamed at me and began it's unbearable fire. My father released his grasp from the shard of glass now in my stomach, and reached for his shot gun. He raised the gun to my forehead with the most wicked smile I have ever seen, and put his finger on the trigger.
Out of nowhere, my mother threw herself at my father, and tackled him to the ground.

"Run!". She screamed at me. I realized the situation and raised my body off the floor. The pain was screaming at me to stop, but I knew I couldn't. I pulled out the glass and I gasped for air, and stumbled out my front door. I ran into the woods just as a shot roared threw the afternoon sky. I ducked from the sound and threw my body through the wooden wonder land. I ran as fast as my body would let me, seeing the trees and shrubs fly past me. I tripped and fell onto the mossy ground. I gasped for air and turned my body upwards to face the sky.

"Ah". I whimpered through breaths. I lowered my hand down to my stomach and felt the warm liquid ooze from my body. The sky became blurry, the sounds around me melted away.

"Larson, are you okay?". I heard a voice say. A man's face showed up in my blurry vision, but it was too late. My vision had turned to complete blackness, and the world faded away.


I opened my eyes in a flash, and gasped for air. My pain was gone, all pain was gone actually. I sat up in the complete darkness. A white fog rolled around on the ground all around me. The darkness morphed into trees and a dull lit moon. I was suddenly in a dark forest.

"Greetings". A loud and deep voice shook the ground beneath me. I almost jump out of my pants, and shot yo off the ground.

"Who's there". I whispered.

"I am many things". The voice slithered through the trees as I twirled around to take in my surroundings tying to find the spice of the voice.

"Are you going to tell me, or do I have to fight to you too". I replied. The voice chuckled and it seemed like it was coming from behind me, but there were only trees.

"You already lost a fight today". It replied. My stomach began to turn into knots, but I never lost confidence.

"What do you want from me?". I stopped twirling, and started to walk slowly in the darkened woodland.

"Your life has been shortened. Your life has been absolute hell. Your life, was nothing. So thus, I must offer a solution to your suffering". It was the deepest voice I ever heard in my entire life. The way it sounded, the way it moved around me, it made me sick.

"Show yourself". I demanded. The voice chuckled once again, and began to get louder.

"As you wish". It hissed. The darkness in-front of me became darker. Even when it was pitch black, it was still somehow getting darker and darker. From the darkness, two red eyes and a giant white smile appeared in-front of me. I gasped and stepped back a few steps. "Hello Larson". The voice no longer echoed, as it was right in front of my face.

"What are you". I whispered.

"I am everything you wish to be". It chuckled. I hung my head low to face away from it.

"Why are you here". I whispered again, this time more fearful.

"Don't you wish you can stand up for yourself? Don't you wish to be known throughout life? Don't you wish to get off the sidelines?". The entire situation was completely insane, however I was still intrigued.

"Why me?". I asked.

"Why not?". It replied. I have no idea what this thing truly was, but for some reason I was buying all of it.

"What do I have to do?". I asked cautiously.

"Time will tell child, time will tell. There will be people to help you along the way, but don't be fooled by the deceivers . Just follow the music ». The smile seemed to be growing, but my curiosity was growing bigger.

"Fine. Make me better". I told it with confidence. Hell this all could be a dream, why not? His smile grew extra wide and he held out his blackened hand. His fingers were very long with sharp black claws on the end of them. I took his hand and shook it. My eyes began to become heavy. The forest was being taken away like a wicked tornadoes passing threw. The last thing I remembered was the last statement he made that would forever shake me to the core.

"Remember, there's always a price for making a deal with the devil".

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