New Students

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, letting me know it is time for school. I got up when my phone started to buzz. I looked to see that I got a message from my friend Jackson.

On the phone:

Morning Y/N!- Jackson

Morning.- Y/N

I'm gonna come and pick you up for school! I'll be there in 20 minutes!- Jackson

Ok, take your time.- Y/N

End of texting

I placed my phone down on my nightstand next to my bed. How can someone be this excited in the morning, whatever, I need to get ready for school. I went to my closet and got a pair of black yoga pants with a black T-shirt of with a skull picture on it.

(AN: I like wearing dark clothing. I'm not goth. Sorry for having the character like this.(○゚ε゚○)

I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail. I then grabbed my bag, phone, and keys then waited outside for my friend Jackson. Within ten minutes my friend Jackson came to my house to pick me up to take us to school.

Jackson's car:

"Hey Y/N! Are you excited for school?!" Jackson said with excitement in his voice

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"Hey Y/N! Are you excited for school?!" Jackson said with excitement in his voice.

"Hey Jackson! How can you can you be so excited on going to school? I would rather sleep in." I said to Jackson as he started to drive to school.

"Why you ask? Because I get to be with you. That's why I'm excited for school!" Jackson said as he looked my way while he was driving.

"Keep your eyes on the road so there wont be an accident." I also looked at him.

"Yes mom. At least try making more friends at school." He replied and looked back to the road. In an hour we reached the school and Jackson parked his car in the parking lot. As we got out of the vehicle we went our own ways since we didn't have the same class. I went to my locker to put my bag in there and grabbed my things I needed for history. I got to class and sat in my seat that was in the back of the room near the window. I was the only one that sat in the back while other people were in the front. I don't like talking to other people really besides Jackson. I looked out the window, waiting for the teacher to come in and start class. While I was waiting I heard the students talking.

"Did you hear about the seven transfer boy students coming to our school?!" One girl said all excited like.

"Of course! I heard that they're going to be in our class!" All the girls in the class started squealing like crazy. Seriously, what is wrong with girls these days? Why are they always like this? I thought to myself. The teacher that walked in and everyone put their attention on the teacher as I was getting my things out to get ready for class to start.

"Good morning class, today we have seven new students. Would you please come in. Everyone, including myself looked to see seven boys come into the class. The girls started to fan girl over them and I was getting annoyed with them.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Please introduce yourself." When everyone became quiet they started to introduce themselves.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. I'm also called world-wide handsome. Please take care of me."

"My name is Yoongi. I don't really like being bothered by people. Please take care of me."

"Hello! I'm your hope, your my hope, I'm Hoseok! Please take care of me."

"Hi. My name is Taehyung. Please take care of me." He flashed everyone his box smile.

"Hello! I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you. Please take care of me."

"Hello! I'm Jungkook. Please take care of me." He flashed everyone his bunny smile.

One of them wouldn't take their eyes off me. I looked behind my to if he was looking at something at the wall and I saw nothing there. I looked back at him and he continued to stare me. The guy called Jin tapped him on the arm and the guy came back to reality and introduced himself.

"Hi. My name is Namjoon. Please take care of me." He smiled and showed his dimples that he had.

"Thank you, please take the seats in the back. " They bowed to the teacher and made their way to the back where I was. I looked at them coming to the back seats and saw the guy Namjoon sit next to me. As they sat down the teacher started the class. I would be writing things down in my note book on the subject we were learning and have a feeling like someone is looking at me, but ignored it.

After an hour of history I went to my next class. In every class I went to they were there as well. I was constantly having the feeling that someone is looking at me. I started to get annoyed. After 4th period was lunch. I grabbed my things and left to go to lunch. I got my food and sat down and was eating my food when I saw people come to my table and placed their food on the table.

"Would it be ok if we eat here?" I looked up and saw the new students. I just nodded and they sat down.

"You already know us, but could you tell us your name?" Jin asked.

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." I said while getting nervous.

"There is no reason to be nervous around us. We won't judge you." Hoseok said. I don't know why but after he said that I didn't feel unconformable anymore. The guy called Namjoon was sitting on my right while the guy Jungkook sat on my left. As we were talking my friend Jackson came.

"Jackson!" I got up and went to hug him.

"Hey Y/N!" He gave me a hug in return.

"Y/N, who are these people?" He pointed to the new students at my table.

"These are my new friends that I made. They are also new here." I went to sit back down at the table but Jackson stopped me.

"Y/N, stay away from them." Jackson said with concern.

"Why? You told me to go make new friends. I did and now your telling me to stay away from them." I was starting to get mad. By this point everyone in the lunch room were looking at Jackson and I.

"Y/N I-" I cut him off.

"No Jackson. You can't tell me who I can be friends with. You don't control me." I ran out of the lunchroom, went to my locker to grab my things and went home. I walked home and on the way I was hurting inside.

"Why Jackson? You wanted me to make new friends and I did. Now your telling me not to be friends with them." I was talking to myself. I decided that when I get home that I'll make myself something to eat and relax watching some TV to get things off my mind.

Thank You for reading this. I'll try my best to update this daily as I can.

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