Friends Argument 2

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It's been a few weeks since I moved in with Namjoon and the others, and when Namjoon proposed to me. We all went back to school to finish the year off.  Jackson and his pack went to go track Suho down since my brothers said that he probably went somewhere else.

Yoongi was able to make the students and teachers think that I was at school when I was gone. During the time at school I never saw Jackson. He never came to school and every time I tried to call him he wouldn't answer. It was finally the end of school and we will be graduating tomorrow. The others saw that I wasn't myself and they became worried about me, especially Namjoon. Namjoon wrapped his arm around my waist then spoke.

"Hey Y/N, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately and we're worried about you. Please tell us what's wrong. Don't keep it to yourself because it will hurt you more if you keep it in." Namjoon said as he pulled me closer to him.

"It's just that he hasn't come to school since that day." I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sure he's fine Y/N, he's a werewolf after all," Taehyung said. We were all quiet for a while until Jimin spoke.

"As much as I hate the idea we can go to his place and see if he's ok." I looked up at Jimin. Jungkook then spoke.

"I agree with Jimin. I don't like the idea myself, but what I hate is seeing you sad." Everyone else agreed. we got in our cars and headed to Jackson's house. He lived in the woods so we had to park our cars outside. 

The walk to his house was beautiful(picture above). The sound of the birds singing, the wind blowing in the trees, and the others laughing and telling each other jokes. Namjoon and I were in the back, hand in hand. 

"Hey Y/N?" Namjoon then spoke.


"So I was thinking that a few days after we graduate we can get married before the night of the blood moon. That's only if you want to." Namjoon ruffled his hair. I stopped which caused him to stop as well. 

"Are you serious? I wanted to marry you right after you proposed to me. How about we get married after graduation?!" I looked into his eyes. Namjoon turned to look at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest as smile appeared on his face.

"The sooner the better." He brought his lips to mine as we slowly kissed. We ignored on what was happening around us. That was soon interrupted when Jin spoke.

"Ok you two love birds, lets get going." Namjoon and I pulled away and just laughed. We started to walk again and Namjoon placed a kiss on top of my head. After a few minutes we made it to Jackson's house.

I looked at Namjoon and he placed his hand on my back, telling me that it was ok for me to go

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I looked at Namjoon and he placed his hand on my back, telling me that it was ok for me to go. I hugged Namjoon and thanked all of them for taking me here. I ran up to the door and knocked while calling his name. After a few tries the door opened revealing Jackson.

"Jackson!" I wrap my arms around him, but he never returned the hug.

"Jackson, why haven't you been at school? Our graduation is tomorrow. Do you understand that I was worried about you?" Jackson said nothing and just looked down.

"Jackson, I'm talking to you and I expect an answer." I looked at him with my arms crossed. Still nothing.

"You know what, forget it. I wasted my time here." As I turned around Jackson finally spoke.

"Why did you come to my house?" I turned back around and looked at him.

"I was worried about you. You haven't shown up at school and you never talked to me after the engagement between Namjoon and I."

"Why should I care? You're part of those bloodsuckers now, hell you're freaking marrying one."

"And what are you trying to say Jackson? That I should hate them for who they are?" I started to get mad at him but I want to hear what else he's going to say.

"It's all their fault, especially Namjoon's fault for coming to the school and making you remember your past life! If they never came to the school you wouldn't remember your past, you wouldn't be marrying a vampire, and you wouldn't be a blood giver just so Namjoon will become king of vampires, hell you wouldn't remember that you had brothers!" Jackson said as he looked at my eyes, his hands forming into fists. I went to grab his arm, but he jerked away from me.

"Don't touch me after touching those bloodsuckers." My heart hurts hearing him say all these things to me. Yugyeom then came to Jackson and placed his hand on his shoulder. 

"Jackson, just calm down. We can't decide what happens, but what we can do is accept Y/N's choices and that her and Namjoon are meant to be together. They had a past life together, it's fate." Yugyeom told him.

"And it all could've been prevented if Y/N never saw those bloo-" I slapped Jackson across the face. He then looked at me shocked by my actions "Y/N I-."

"Don't Jackson, I don't want to hear it! Ever since they came to the school and I got my memories back you have changed! Why can't you just accept that Namjoon and I are meant to be together! We are soulmates and you can't choose who you want to be as your other half! If you can't accept me, Namjoon, my brothers, or the others, stay away from me. I don't want to be you!" I ran to Namjoon in tears. As soon as I wrapped my arms around him he wrapped his arms around me.

"Shhhh, I'm here." Namjoon then handed his keys to Jin and asked him to call Kai to come and drive his car back home. Namjoon looked ahead of him and saw Jackson looking at them. Namjoon was angry at him for making me cry and for the mean things he said. 

"Hey Y/N, give me your keys, I'll dive us home ok?" I nodded as I reached into my small bag and handed him the keys. Namjoon then picked me up bridal style and he used his speed to get to the vehicles. When we were there the others were there with Kai.

"Sis, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Kai walked over to me and held my hand. I looked at him and spoke.

"J-Jackson, h-he blames Namjoon and t-the others for come to our s-school and making me r-remember my past." Tears started to fall from my eyes again. I felt Kai's hand tense up.

"No Kai. P-please don't go to him." Kai then relaxed and said that he'll respect my wishes." Namjoon walked us to my car and placed me in the passenger seat. he then put the seat belt on me. then closed the door. I looked out the as Namjoon got into the drivers seat and started to drive. Everyone else followed behind us.  He took his right hand and held my left.

"I love you Y/N." He lightly rubbed my hand with his thumb. I started to love his cold skin touching mine. His cold skin doesn't bother me anymore.

"I love you to Namjoon." We drove back to the house after a long way. A few minutes of Namjoon driving I heard the cry of a wolf, and I instantly knew it was Jackson.

Sorry it took so long. Well here you go and I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter because it seems like BTS did😂

 Well here you go and I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter because it seems like BTS did😂

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