{Chapter 2; Dear Kaycee}

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Dear Kaycee...

I wanna start off by saying your my best friend and I couldn't have asked for anything better than to have someone like you in my life, you know how to light up anyones day with your perfect smile or your so contagious yet so beautiful laugh.

But the point is that I have fallen so hard for you and I definitely came to terms with it and have fully admit to myself that I indeed like you Kaycee Catilin Rice and all I want if for you to be mine.

... But I don't want to risk everything we have, what if it doesn't work out or what if you don't feel the same, would it cause things to be awkward or would we stop being so close just because it would cause things to be awkward?

So thats why I'm writing you this letter to just inform you on my feelings.

Theres so much I wanna tell you but I don't wanna give away my identity so I'm sending this to you anonymously so that hopefully you never figure me out...or maybe you will and if you do I wouldn't be surprised I mean your literally a walking genius.

Love, Anonymous.


Sean sighed as he reread the letter thinking wether or not he should send it to her, but he knew that if he didn't then he would regret it for a long time...so he folded it put it an envelope and sealed it before grabbing his keys and heading to his car but not before getting stopped by his mother.

''Sean Lew where do you think your going at this time of night while its raining" his mother Miya said crossing her arms as she looked at her son.

"Kaycee left her notes for class in my bag and asked if I could bring them to her and I couldn't decline" he lied which made him feel really bad but what do you say to your mom 'I wrote Kaycee a love letter and I'm going to give it to her but she doesn't know its me

With a great sigh and a few minutes of thinking it over Miya let him go "You better be back by 10 that gives you and hour" she said before Sean nodded and ran out the door in the pouring rain and got in his car and started to drive to Kaycee's house


After a 45 minute drive he got to her house and sighed as he parked the car starting to get really nervous "You can do it Sean" he said before nodding and getting out of the car before walking up to the door and placing the letter on the door before knocking on the door and heading back to his car before the door opened. He watched her sister Kylie open the door and grab the letter before looking around and hiding back inside. Once she disappeared he let out a sigh of relief and headed back home.

Kaycee's pov

I was sitting in my room watching the office on Netflix as I didn't have anything to do until I heard a knock on my door, I got up and walked over to meet Kylie ''Hey whats up?" I asked wondering why she was knocking on my door so late. 

"Someone left this on our door and its addressed to you" she said as she hand me the envelope as I nodded "Goodnight Kylie" I smiled before closing my door and walking back to my bed sitting down and opening this mystery letter.

I closely read over it as I was quite stunned I mean 'this is obviously someone in my friend group but who?' she thought to herself as she only hopped that it was possibly Sean who wrote it but there was no evidence that he did so she couldn't make any assumptions just yet.

After reading the note I had the sudden urge to do the same thing that this mystery person did but send mine to the only guy I like...so I got up and grabbed a note book and ripped a piece of paper out before starting to write down my feelings...

Dear Sean...


Hey guys so I updated again only for the fact that I don't have home work and I don't have school tomorrow so I gave you guys another update, and to be honest I think I might double update tonight since in in a writing mood and I wanna write what I have before I forget what I have in mind so you guys are lucky. Anyway ill update in a couple minutes to an hour I don't know how long it will take me but yeah thanks for reading also I don't mind feed back and if you guys have ideas or want to see something in this book { thats related to it of course } send them my way I would your guys input on this book since I get writers block quite a bit but thats all for now love you all.

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