{Chapter 11; Drinks up}

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Sean's pov

Everyone that slept over at Charlize for her birthday were chilling in the backyard while I cooked breakfast I mean not only did I offer but everyone voted for me to cook for them which I really didn't mind, its one of my favourite things to do.

I got everything out to start making waffles and was about to start when I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind, turning around I looked down at the brown green eyes that belonged to me.

I laughed "Kaycee what are you doing in here you should be relaxing with everyone'' she smiled before kissing my cheek then pulling away from my embrace.

"Thought you might want some company and an extra pair of hands'' she said looking at the recipe I had on my phone.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face "You don't need to help me" she looked at me and sighed "I know but I wanted to help" she giggled before starting to mix the dry ingredients as said on the recipe.

I started to do the wet ingredients and soon enough breakfast had been served but not without a big mess to clean up.

Kaycee was sitting next to me and ate with the rest of our friends. I wasn't a hungry person in the morning so instead of making my self a plate I picked off Kaycee's which she wasn't to happy with but gave up trying to swat my hand away when I would go take a piece.

"So whats on the agenda?" asked Tahani and all of us shrugged while looking at each other before Kaycee blurted out "We should let loose and have fun tonight" she smiled while we gave her confused expressions.

''I mean lets have a little party like real party where we drink and stuff" she said.

Where is all on this coming from, Kaycee was usually the 'good girl' in our friend group and drinking at our age wasn't ideal but everyone seemed to like the idea so I went with it I mean how bad can it be.


Later that night everyone was chill in or around the pool in our bathing suits since it was hot here in LA.

Kaycee got up and headed into the house so I got up and followed her "Kaycee we can't drink were to young" I said seeing her pour everyone drinks as she giggled "Sean chill one drink win hurt anyone" she said before grabbing a drink that contained some kind of liquor and a lot of pop and handed it to me. 

I took a sip and to be honest it wasn't bad you couldn't even tell there was anything other then pop in the cup so I helped her take the drinks out to our friends

After a while and few drinks we were either on the grass dancing or in the pool doing whatever people do in pools.

A song that me and Kaycee have danced to played so she got out of the pool and grabbed my hand before doing the choreography for 'missing you' by Blake McGrath.

everyone watched and a few joined in as fun. We weren't drunk but we all definitely had a buzz going on...Unless your Julian he might be drunk I mean he did have a few more drinks then everyone else.

I looked over at Kaycee and smiled before walking up to her and picking her up bridal style and walked over the pool jumping in with her in my arms.

Once we came up we laughed before I pulled her in for a soft kiss.

God I love this girl so much but how do you even tell them you love them when you guys haven't been dating for to long?

I heard a few people laughing while Kaycee was next to me in the pool blushing like crazy "I love you too, Sean'' she giggled looking at me.

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