{Chapter 20; Surprise trip}

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It was a normal Friday afternoon and Kaycee was walking into the imma space dance studio. 

She tore her attention away from her phone when she heard someones voice, looking up she saw Sean as held her favourite flowers in his hands. "Sean, whats going on?" she asked placing her stuff down slowly making her way over to the boy.

"Well...I knew that you were going through a tough time with what people were saying on social media so me a few friends and your family decided that..." 

Suddenly the lights came on and Sean pointed to the mirror, Kaycee turned around to see her friends and family dressed all summer like with lays on "Were going to Hawaii" Sean said smiling. Kaycee felt the tears stinging her eyes as she ran and hugged her friends and parents thanking them. 

The brunette turned around to look at the blonde and ran over to him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso. "Why are you so sweet..." she said looking him in the eyes, he just laughed and kissed her cheek "Come on now, I always have a sweet tooth for you" he said putting her down and handing her the flowers.

Kaycee shook her head and kissed him softly hearing everyone in the back cheer and or clap.




Kaycee's Pov

We all landed in Hawaii around noon which still left us time to unpack and still have time to relax.

I headed into the little beach house we had and headed up to mine and Kylie's usual room and set my suit case on my bed. I walked over to the balcony we had and stepped outside smiling as the ocean breeze blew over my body.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pulling me close to their chest, turning my head I looked up at the person I had fallen so damn hard for. "Hey" was all I could manage to get out since he leaned his head to rest on the crook of my neck. "We're all going to go swimming so put on that cute bikini I saw you pack and meet me down stairs in five" he whispered into my ear before kissing my head and leaving.

I stood there frozen thinking over the events that just happened, this didn't last long before I heard a squealing Tahani and my sister just laughing. I headed back in and looked at the two girls before me, the girls I could call my best friends.

I giggled at the two before grabbing my bathing suit and changing in the bathroom.


Upon walking onto the beach everyone was surprised at how beautiful the view was, palm trees giving the perfect amount of shade and the waves of the ocean crashing softly when hitting shore. 

Kaycee and Tahani looked at each other before grabbing each others hand and running towards the water. Sean just watched laughing at his two crazy friends....well friend and girlfriend. He shed the shirt he was wearing before running lightly over to the girls.

Tahani and Kaycee were now chilling and walking around the shore line when Tahani pulled out her phone videoed Kaycee "Do a backflip" she said walking backwards filming her best friend, while Kaycee was getting ready to do her backflip two arms picked her up and spun her around. 

Sean laughed and threw her over his shoulder and heading towards the water before going to throw her in, Kaycee wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto him tightly. "No!!" the small girl screamed while the boy couldn't contain his laughter.

"Sean, you throw me in this water and I will literally kick your ass" the brunette said looking up at the blonde holding her in his arms. He thought about it before shaking his head and threw her into the water, with the exception of her screams and pleas of him no to do it.

After coming up from being thrown into the water Kaycee looked at Sean before running after him, Sean on the other hand had already started to run towards the family and Tahani who were video taping everything that happened and giggling as well. Sean ran behind Devon and started to move around when Kaycee was trying to get him.

Kaycee had given up after she felt tired and shook her head going to lay down on a beach chair letting the sun kiss her skin, Tahani by her side the girls talked about random things like they usually did which would end up being a completely different and weird topic then the way they started it. 

Sean was passing by while throwing a foot ball with Brad and Devon, to this Tahani tapped her friends shoulder and Kaycee looked over to see the boy passing so she got up and kicked him in the butt. Sean turned and looked at the girl "What was that for?" he exclaimed while crossing her arms Kaycee smirked "Told you id kick your ass" she said turned around.

Sean smiled and pulled her back by the waist and kissed her head "Well I'm glad you forgave me" he whispered in her ear "Nuh uh mister, I never said I forgave you and just a reminder. I'm in control later" she smiled kissing his lips leaving the boy stunned before leaving his grasp and walking off to the beach house with Kylie and Tahani.


Later that night after dinner everyone went to bed since they wanted to be up early to see the sun rise and to go and do other fun things around the resort. Sean and Kaycee had other things in mind though.

The two sat down stairs on the couch in the dark scrolling through instagram and twitter that is until Kaycee shifted her body to look at the boy "I love you, you know that right?" she said softly while Sean smiled looking at the girl. "Yeah, and I love you too" he said pulling her into his lap. 

Kaycee just smiled and kissed him sweetly but with a hint of domination and as she said earlier, she was taking control and tonight Sean let her. With that the night was filled with giggling, hickeys and some other fun activities.


Upon waking up in the morning the two were lucky no one else had woken yet so they could quickly get dressed without it be awkward and head to get ready. 

Kaycee walked into her room and saw Kylie was up and curling her hair when her sister had walked in "Where have you been last night?" she asked while Kaycee grabbed some clothes. "Oh I fell asleep on the couch" she half lied to the older Rice sibling.

Kaycee did end up sleeping on the couch but with a certain someone and everything they have done but her sister didn't need to know that. "Well telling from the hickeys on your neck and some muffled giggled and other noises.....you didn't just sleep on the couch last night" Kylie said getting up and passing the shorter brunette. Kaycee blushed before turning "Don't tell mom and dad please" she said worried.

"Nothing to worry about mini me, your secret is safe with me now get dressed, wake up Tahani and lets go get something to eat" she said walking out of the room.

Well todays gonna be long...


Another chapter did and done.

Took two days but I did it!

Anyway I don't feel good so ill leave this here but don't forget to comment what you thought and vote.

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