{Chapter 12; Dear baby girl...}

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Dear babygirl...

This weekend has been filled with so much laughter and fun times that I never wanna forget, but theres something I have to tell you and I didn't know how you would react so after your done reading this please call me...here goes nothing.

I'm leaving to travel after the wedding and won't be back till next year which means I won't get to spend Christmas with you...

It broke my heart when I got the call from my mother over the weekend, I didn't wanna go but I don't have a choice and its a big opportunity and I would love for you to come but I got told I couldn't bring anyone other then family.

I really hope you understand and I promise as soon as I get home you will be the first person I'm coming to see.

Just remember to keep a smile on your face not only because it looks gorgeous on you but for me, also dance your heart out while I'm gone I don't wanna be the reason you slack off in class.

I love you with all my heart and I'm gonna miss you princess.

Love, Shamu.


She felt the tears slip down her cheeks as she finished the letter, putting it down and wiping her tears she grabbed her phone and face timed Sean and embraced herself for whatever he was gonna say that wasn't in the letter.

Once he answered she couldn't help but show the fact that she was hurting as the tears just fell in the silence that we had fallen into without saying any words to each other yet.

Sean broke as he saw her in pain, that he caused.

''Kaycee I'm so sorry I can try to back out if It means I can stay with you and make you happy" he said chocking on his words as he himself was trying to hold back the tears.

Kaycee shook her head, letting the tears fall "Sean go you have so much going for you and I shouldn't be the one stopping you from living your dream'' she said wiping her tears with her sleeve looking at him through the screen.

He sighed and looked down "I don't wanna go I mean look at you now, I can't imagine what it would be like when I leave'' he said letting the tear escape his eyes.

''Don't worry about me I have amazing friends that will keep me occupied while your gone, beside we can always face time'' she said trying to lighten the mood which didn't work in their favour.

''Kaycee we have to go" Kaycee heard her brother yell from down stairs before looking back at Sean.

"I forgot I was going out for the night with my family...I'll call you when I get back" she said standing up as he nodded.

"I love you baby girl and don't think otherwise" he said blowing her a kiss as she giggled softly "I love you too, Shamu" she smiled before hanging up and heading down stairs.


Sean's pov

How am I going to last a year without seeing her....

This thought kept going through my mind while I did some free styling in my garage to take my mind off things but it only seemed to make matters worse.

It was getting pretty late and I hadn't heard anything from Kaycee so I grabbed my things and started to head inside and upstairs when I heard the front door open and then close.

I set my things down and head back down stairs to see who came in. I walked over to the front door and came face to face with the girl who had my heart.

She smiled at me and ran into my arms, wrapping my arms around her waist lifting her up only for her to giggle. 

I pulled back and looked at her "Kaycee its late what are you doing here" I smiled pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"My parents called yours and let me sleepover because they saw how broken I was when I told them that you were leaving for a while so they let me come over...'' she said shyly.

I laughed and kissed her lips while my right hand landed on the nap of her neck and my right hand laying softly on her waist pulling her closer.

She giggled into the kiss while she gripped my shirt to keep stable that is until I pulled away.

"I would love to show you some love tonight but everyones hoe so we might have to wait till tomorrow'' I said smirking seeing her cheeks redden.

I loved having that effect on her...

I grabbed her back and started to head up to my room and started to get ready for bed since we both seemed to be extremely tired from everything we had to do today not to mention we had to get up to teach a class the next morning.

I grabbed a pair of pyjama pants and got dressed. Turning around I saw her throw her clothes into her bag and walk over to my closet and grabbed a sweater putting it on.

It fell on her body quite nicely, I mean she was way smaller then me so It was pretty big on her but she didn't seem to mind.

We both got cozy in bed before I pulled her closer to me.

I felt her grab my hand and inter lock our fingers before I felt her body relax and her soft snores fill the silent room notifying the world she had fallen asleep.

It took me a while to fall asleep but as soon as I did the world seemed calmer.


Well heres another chapter I wasn't planning on updating today but after reading another seaycee book I felt like I needed to so yeah. I know its short but I feel like it explains more then what I meant for I to but again I just hoped you guys liked it. And if you haven't go follow my fan account on instagram for some edits and cute seaycee pictures.

Instagram- seaycee_lewser

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