{Chapter 18; Undeniable love}

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Could this girl make him fall for her any deeper?

These were Sean's thoughts everyday and if he was honest his answer would be yes...

Saturday morning would usually be an amazing day for any teenager who didn't go to a party and drink until they were hammered then came home and got laid, in this case Sean and Kaycee spent the day with headaches that could kill and sat around watching Friends.

The day felt long and tiring up until they got to a master class they were taking of Glens. Upon walking into class they saw Bailey and Kenneth along with the rest of their friends as they were taking so Advil before they started class. 

Kaycee sighed as she winced at the pain in her head, shaking it off she grabbed Sean's hand as he was trying to leave and pulled him close to him forehead to forehead "If I'm taking this class with a killing head ache and my body being sore from last night so are you mister" she said before dragging his over to their friends.

Tati looked at the two and sighed "You two look rough I mean what did you guys do?" she asked laughing slightly with Joshes arms around her waist. Tati and Josh have been having a thing for a while now but they never made anything official.

"Nothing, we sat on the couch all day" Sean said putting the water bottle back in my bag after taking something to help with his hangover. 

"Alright class lets start" Glen said standing in front of the class room. They were learning a dance to the song 'Taki Taki' by Dj Snake. It was definitely a fast pace choreography but nonetheless fun, while the group danced they had totally forgotten their head aches and danced like it was a regular day.

"Can I have Sean and Kaycee out on the floor please" Glen asked as everyone clapped. Upon walking into the middle of the dance floor hugging each other before getting in place, then the music started.

After the dance Sean pulled Kaycee back after she tried to leave and hugged her tightly feeling her wrap her arms around his body before she looked up at him and kissed his lips softly then heading back to the other side of the room to stand with her friends.


Few days later 


Kaycee's Pov

Everyone was chilling in my room as we were waiting for the video of Taki Taki to drop, talking about casual things like how hard being homeschooled or how much we hated online schooling since some of us had to do it online instead.

"Guys the video dropped" Sean said watching the notification come up on his laptop so everyone crowded around to watch, girls on my bed and boys on the floor. Sean clicked on the video and we all quieted down to hear and watch the video the we couldn't wait for.

During the video we watched Glen kill the choreography and once we calmed down from cheering her on through the lap top we settled down for the kids, and too our luck Bailey and Kenneth was up first and to say they slayed the dance would be such and understatement.

After all our friends had gone and a few other kids from that night, this only left me and Sean to go and surprise surprise the last video was of Sean and I. Hearing all the comments from were heard but one stood out once the video ended. "You can't tell me that the way they look at each other is undeniable love" Julian said and everyone sat there nodding.

"Its true, you can literally feel the lust and love that you two share" said Bailey who sat in Kenneth arms while he had his head on her shoulder.

I looked over at Sean seeing him looking back at me, I flashed him a soft smiled before tuning back to everyone "Well, its hard not to love someone so much when they have cared for you through so much" I said looking down as a blush crept its way on to my cheeks painting them with a light pink.


Third Person Pov

Sean pulled Kaycee into his lap kissing her head softly before whispering sweet things into her ear while their friends just watched in awe.

"Now now, don't wanna be saying to much now do we?" Tati said causing the couple to look at them "Why?" they said in unison, laughing for a brief second. "Well, we don't want you two to run out of things to say at your wedding" Tahani said laughing while their friends around them joined her.

Kaycee rolled her eyes then looked up at Sean who simultaneously looked at her, sharing a soft kiss. 

"Oh Kayc, whats on your finger?" asked Bailey before Tati got up and grabbed her hand seeing the ring Sean had given her. See Sean and Kaycee haven't told their friends about the ring yet since they wanted to moment to their self for a bit, with the exception of their parents. 

"It's a promise ring Bails" Kaycee said looking at Sean as he just smiled. The girls all looked at her happily before tackling the petite brunette in a hug. "Thats so cute!"


The next few days have been full of fun and excitement. 

Kaycee had been scrolling through her instagram before coming across an old Weirdo Wednesday video that some fan had posted. She smiled softly before down at the bleach blonde laying in between her legs, arms wrapped around her waist while he slept peacefully.

Kaycee ran her fingers through his hair softly which woke the boy up. The girl giggled before kissing his head "Wanna film a video with me for my youtube?" she asked in a hushed voice since the boy was still trying to wake up. 

He smiled before leaning up to kiss her on the lips then her neck "Of course baby" he whispered in her ear. "Sean, that tickles" she said before getting up from the bed to grab her camera.

Sean got out of bed and threw his sweater over his bare chest walking over to the mirror. 

"I still cant get over the fact that we dyed my hair blonde" He said running his fingers through his hair. Kaycee walked up behind him before jumping on his back "I like it" she said kissing his cheek softly. 

Sean smiled and rolled his eyes before walking over to the camera and setting Kaycee down. She walked over and started to record and took a seat beside Sean.

"Hey guys, welcome back...."


I know this chapter is short and the fact that it took me two days to write it.

But I really liked the idea when I started it but then hated it halfway through so if this seems a little choppy and not that good thats why.

But heres a chapter, I might be doing another tonight but we will see.

Also before I go can we talk about how Kaycee is turning 16 TOMORROW!

Im so excited but im so sad at the same time cause she's growing up to fast:(

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter bye<3

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