{Chapter 19; You & I}

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"Hey guys, welcome back...."

"Today I have a special guest with me as you can see, and yes this is Sean Lew with blonde hair" Kaycee laughed softly kissing his cheek before turning back to the camera "Today we are doing the boyfriend tag because I didn't plan anything until like now so I'm going to write some questions then we will be back" she laughed and turned her camera off.

A few minutes after Kaycee typed out some questions on her phone she turned on her camera and looked at Sean and couldn't help but run her hand through his hair and kiss him softly before starting.

"Okay, easy question. When did we start dating?" she said looking over at the blonde beside her. Sean smiled and looked at the camera "October 21 2018" he said before looking at Kaycee "Correct"

"Next, when was our first kiss?" Kaycee smiled seeing Sean look confused for a second before smirking "Our first kiss was......um wasn't November 14th?" he said looking and the brunette as she shook her head "Close, but no it was the. 13th of November" Sean ran his hands over his face.


Sean's Pov

After filming Kaycee got up and looked over the footage before turning to me and smiling "We should go swimming" she said giggling, I smirked and nodded "Okay".

I took off my shirt before heading over to my bag and grabbing my swim shorts since before I came over Kaycee told me too. I quickly changed into them not even noticing that Kaycee had changed as well.

Once we had finished we went down stairs and out side to her backyard, Kino and Lulu following us. I set my towel down and walked over the pool, dipping my foot in. I jumped back due to it being a little cold, turning around to say something to Kaycee I felt hands go to push me into the pool so I grabbed her hands and pulled her in with me.

Once we both emerged from the water we looked at each other with stern faces, which only ended seconds later due to us busting into a fit of laughter. I pulled the brunette in front of me closer and wrapped my arms around her small waist.


After swimming for hours Sean and Kaycee decided to get out and go make something to eat, both starving teenagers made their way down stairs after changing and into Kaycee's car. They planed on going for a real official date since they still haven't done that which is a little weird.

Kaycee got in the drivers seat and started the car before driving off to a small cafe that they actually met in a couple years back when Kaycee moved to LA. 

Sean grabbed out his phone and took a video of her before posting it on his instagram. He captioned the video with 'Date night with this beaut'.

Kaycee parked the car after a tough 20 minute drive to this small cafe in down town LA. The brunette sighed "That was the longest I've ever driven" she said softly before taking the keys out of the ignition and opening the car door. The blonde shook his head, laughing at the small girl before getting out of the car himself.


Upon walking into the cafe 'You & I' by John Legend was playing and after listen to the lyrics while waiting for their drinks Kaycee turned to her boyfriend and looked up him, him looking down at his phone with his arm around her waist.

"Can this be our 'first dance' song at our wedding when we get married some day?" she asked softly, eyes sparkling with love and lust. The boy looked away from his phone and focused his attention on the small girl wrapped in his embrace. "Of course, anything for you princess" he simply smiled and leaned down to kiss the girl he got to call his on the lips. 

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