{Chapter 4; Lake House Party}

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Dear Kaycee

I can't help but love you, your kindness is so overwhelming at times that it makes me just wanna grab you by the waist and kiss your soft lips but then remember that you most likely don't feel the same way about me and it would cause you to hate me.

You're probably wondering who the hell I am and I wanna tell you so bad but I can't not till I know how you feel.

Also probably wondering 'How will you know how I feel if I don't know who this is' well ill give you hints from now on and in every letter you will get one fact about your self every letter that only I would know.

So first fact: your favourite breakfast food is French toast with fresh fruit.

Love S.


Kaycee's pov 

I woke up to Sean coming in to his room from what seems like a shower. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes as I yawned and stretched before looking at him while he grabbed clothes. 

While he did that I caught myself checking him out which is a new thing for me because I've checked him out before but I guess this is the feelings I have talking because damn he looked good.

I soon looked away realizing that he was walking back out of his room "Be ready and down stairs in 5 I'm making your favourite " he said before leaving and changing in the bathroom.

I nodded even though he already left the room, so I got up and walked to my dance bag and went to pull out new clothes, usually I keep a few pairs of black or grey leggings in my bag and a few different shirts but I ended up pulling out another letter which is weird because I didn't know how long is was in there for so I opened it and read it.

"Love S? Who even is S?" I questioned myself before shaking it off and grabbed a grey pair of leggings and a red cropped sweater before heading to the bathroom to shower.

Once out and dressed I walked down stairs and saw breakfast, French toast with fresh fruit. 

I smiled and sat down next to Sean and started to eat and of course it was amazing I mean everything Sean cooks is out of this world.


Sean's pov

On our way to class was quiet that is until Kaycee spoke up.

"So I got a letter from a random person that other night about them confessing their love to me and then got another one this morning but is said love S, who's S?'' she said turning her her to me as I shrugged like I didn't know. 

"What did it say in the letter" I asked her taking a quick glance at her before turning my head back to the road. "They said that their gonna start giving me hint on who they are by giving me a fact that only they know about me"

"What was the fact?" I asked again just wanting to hear her voice again since we don't talk much during car rides as the silence is nice before we get to a loud and hectic class. "That my favourite breakfast food is French toast with fresh fruit which we had today I mean its all so confusing to me" she said as she leaned back in her seat.

I let out a soft chuckle 'Come on Kayc your a smart girl how do you not know its me'  I thought as we pulled into the parking lot of the dance building.

"Well looks like we both have secret lovers" I laughed as she just giggled, Damn I love that giggle.

Class was normal like always but everyone couldn't stop talking about the lake house sleepover party Kaycee was having tonight which meant we would have to leave class early to go and board our flight.


Kaycee's pov

We got to the lake house around 3:30 ish as all of us ran inside and changed to go swimming before dinner.

I was walking towards the water before feeling my body being lifted off the ground and being thrown into the cold water. 

Upon coming back up I wiped the water from my eyes and looked at all my friends laughing and video taping me as I watch Sean running behind Kenneth "Sean Lew your so dead" I said was I got out of the water and ran after him before catching up to him and pushing him and poking him and generally just teasing him.

"Okay. okay im sorry but it was funny" he said trying to walk away from me "It was not funny Sean the water is freezing" I said waking after him before sighing and giving up before walking over to my girl friends shaking my head.

The girls just laughed and after a while I just joined in, can't beat them join them right?

We soon all started to swim which just ended up becoming a huge splash war but soon after that we started to do partner water wrestling which I ended up being on top of Seans shoulders without my consent.


After dinner we settled down and started to play card games and it didn't take long for me to win the first game we played which wasn't a shocker to all my friends since they know how much I love card games. 

We all decided that cards got boring with the same people winning half the time so we decided to play a bored game called Sorry. 

As time passed we slowly got tired and all sat on the couches or on the floor with snacks and watched a few horror movies.

I was kinda scared and jumping a lot which caused Sean to grab my hand to not only calm me down but to calm himself down, guess he's a scary cat like me.

I got up half way threw the movie to refill the snack bowls. Walking into the kitchen I set the bowls down I looked up and saw that Sean had followed me "What are you doing I thought you were watching the movie?" I asked seeing him move closer to me.

"I wanted to come help you and I need to tell you something" he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"What is it?" I asked confused, what does he need to tell me so bad that he can't wait till later or enough for him to follow me to the kitchen. I saw hime take another step closer to me as I just watched him.

"I know you sent me the letter I know your hand writing to well for it not to be you" he blushed "And I find it cute that your clueless" he said meeting my eyes. By now me and him were only inches apart from each other.

I myself blushed "Okay you caught me but how am I clueless I'm confused" I said trying to think of what he might be thinking.

"Time will do you a favour" he said kissing my jaw line before smirking and whispered in my ear "Your cute when you blush" he said before pulling away from me and putting his hands in his pockets before leaving the kitchen with me still dumbfounded. What does he mean. 

I shook my head and filled the bowls before heading back to the living room sitting next to Sean once again. 

Through out the night I kept feeling his hand either on my leg under then blanket or grabbing my hand which both caused me to flush more than I already was. 

Hours later we decided to change into pjs and get ready to head to bed, walking to my suitcase I saw another letter. 

I opened it and read it.

Dear Kaycee

Your cute when you blush and get nervous.....


Another chapter down and I feel proud of it, let me know what you think and what do you think will happen in the next chapter? Will Kaycee figure out who is writing the letters or will she still be oblivious? Anyway I love feed back so let me know who I did, also send me things you wanna see happen in the book I love your guys input and it would help me a lot in later chapters when I start to get writers block. Anyway I'm out love you guys.

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