{Chapter 3; Dear Sean}

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Dear Sean...

Ugh where do I start I mean your my best friend the one person I can tell anything to knowing you'll keep it a secret and not tell anyone unless I let you know that you can.

You know how to make me laugh when I don't want to or you know how to cheer me up when I'm sad and its so incredibly hard to stay mad at you.

You've given me a shoulder to cry on when I'm in a bad situation and you listen which is rare to find, someone that listens is definitely a winner in my book. 

But I've been hiding something from you..and every time I see you I wanna tell you so bad but I can't it gets stuck in my throat every time and I just wish it was easier to tell you that....

I'm in love with you Sean Lew.

I love how you know the right words to say like you don't even need to think about them ou just instantly know, I also love how freaking genius you are at dance and when it come to choreographing pieces. 

I don't know what else to say other than thank you for being a great friend but I want to be more than just 'Friends'.

Love Anonymous


After Kaycee finished writing the letter she yawned since it was already really late and she had three master classes tomorrow morning and then a few regular classes that evening plus she was going to Seans that night for dinner and to practice their World of Dance choreography even though the show ended they still liked to do the dances since they would be teaching them at the ImmaBeast tour.

She got up and changed into her pjs before turning off her lights and getting cozy in bed slowly falling asleep with the thought of Sean finally being hers.


The next morning was rough for both Sean and Kaycee, with Kaycee going to be late and Sean tossing and turning all night causing both of them to be really sleepy.

Arriving to class Kaycee said hi to her friends as she set her stuff down next to Seans ad slipped the letter into his dance bag before walking over to greet her friends properly and sat down as she began to stretch.

"So I'm having a sleep over party tomorrow  do you guys wanna come we going to the lake house and everything'' asked Kaycee as she looked at her friends satisfied when everyone agreed to come.

They started to lean this new dance by Jojo again it was the last dance of the day and it was quite intense and a very intimate partner class. 

After an hour of learning the choreography for Overdose by Chris Brown They started to film. Sean and Kaycee were asked to dance this piece after about three or four duos had gone so they gladly went up and started to dance like they usually do but the difference with this dance unlike any other was, its very intimate and your constantly touching your partner and this was a new kinda dance that Sean and Kaycee were new too.


Kaycee's pov

After class I met up with Sean and we drove to his place for practice. Once we got to his house he showered then I did, knowing that I would be gross and sweaty I brought extra things and showering at each others places after a class was a normal thing.

Coming out of the bathroom after getting changed I walked down stairs and was greeted with homemade pizza that Sean had just made " Your so sweet" I laughed before we both sat down and started to eat. 

After a bit of talking, watching a few episodes of friends and just goofing around we decided to start practicing. Upon coming into the garage I heard Sean searching through his dance bag for something before hearing him "Whats this?"

I turned and looked to see what he was talking about and saw the letter I wrote but played it cool "I don't know open it and read it" I said watching him do as I said before looking at his face to read the emotion that was happening.

"Its a confession love letter thing but it doesn't even saw who wrote it" he said looking up at me as I just smiled "Well they obviously know you personally" I said reading it over like I've never seen it before.

"Well sucks for them I only have eyes for one person" he said before putting it back in his bag as I felt kinda hurt by his actions.

I shook off the feelings and just followed him before grabbing the blindfolds and handing him one "Lets start" I said trying my best not to sound disappointed.

We started with the qualifiers routine and worked our way up to divisional finals before agreeing that we were gonna add the brother routine we did to the mix because we both love the choreography, well I like it cause it reminds me of Sean in a way but thats beside the point.

Finishing up we checked the time and it was really late so my mom, Seans mom, Sean and I all agreed that I should just sleep over and that Sean would drive me to class the next day since we both had the same class that day.

Sitting in Seans room I see him at his desk as he seemed to be writing something, I didn't think much of it so I shrugged it off and continued to look through instagram before yawning and falling asleep on his bed.


Seans pov

I sighed as I was thinking of what to write and really hoping Kaycee would come over and my identity to be exposed. I noticed that it got really quiet so I turned and looked over to see that Kaycee had crashed on my bed and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

I turned off my light after putting the letter in her dance bag and walked over to my couch laying down and falling asleep.


After both Kaycee and Sean had fallen asleep everything was falling into place, slowly but surly they will soon figure out who each other are in the letters as Sean had wrote yet another love letter to the one and only Kaycee Rice. starting with the all to familiar line that started everything.

Dear Kaycee

I can't help but love you.....


Two updates in one day sorta I mean I got distracted so Ive been writing this for a while but I'm happy with the out come but don't forget to vote and also leave suggestions also what do you guys think will happen next chapter at the lake house? :)

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