{Chapter 9; Not again}

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Continuation of the previous chapter so read that plus this will be a kind of mature chapter you have been warned.


"Well you can complain all you want but ill just say this, karma's a bitch" he smirked and walked out to the kitchen of their hotel to make breakfast.....

Kaycee looked stunned before following him to the kitchen "Sean we have interviews today" she said walking over to him and turning him to face her.

"Just put make up over it" he said as he leaned against the counter. 

"I don't wear make up so I didn't bring any" she said letting a small huff.

"Yeah well I don't know what to tell you, you might just have to suffer like me" he said turning around and started some eggs and bacon.

Kaycee shook her head and headed off to go take a shower.

Sean was finishing up breakfast as Kaycee came out dressed while Bailey and Tahani walked threw the door and sat on the couch.

Kaycee looked over at the girls and ran over hugging Tahani, well more took them both out since its been a hot minute since they last saw each other. 

"Oh my god! How was Mexico?" Kaycee asked as she got up along with Tahani "It was amazing but I'm so happy to be back with my friends" she laughed.

Bailey looked between Sean and Kaycee before covering her mouth as she started to laugh "Oh my god" she said bursting out laughing.

Everyone stoped and looked at her confused.

Bailey looked at them and smiled "Sean and Kaycee its so noticeable that you too had sex last night I mean first off the clothes on the floor and your guys' necks are covered in hickeys I mean have fun covering them up from everyone"

Not again...

Kaycee rolled her eyes "Sean Lew I wanna kill you so bad right now" she whined as she walked back to the bathroom to recollect herself.

Sean looked at Bailey and shook his head before serving them breakfast.


Later that day

Kaycee ad Sean were sitting in chairs in a room as they were waiting to start the interview.

They both wore black turtle neck shirts with black pants and black shoes. They were really hoping no one asked about the marks that were visible not a lot were visible but a few were and definitely didn't look like burn marks so that was a no go.

The interview had started and it was going great until the interviewer asked some personal questions.

"So the world knows your together, now Sean how did you ask her?" he asked.

Sean looked over at Kaycee before nervously laughing "Its kinda a private subject so I think its better to keep it to ourselves so it makes it just that little bit more special" he answered scratching the back of his neck.

The interviewer nodded "Also what was that fight about I mean I didn't look to good" 

Sean rolled his eyes looking at this guy ''That fight broke out for again personal reasons and the guys swung first, I know that it wasn't right to retaliate but I couldn't let him get away with it" Sean said irritated.

"I think thats a wrap" Kaycee said standing up and grabbing Seans hand walking out of the room, hearing all their fans screaming for them.

Sean shook his head as he kept Kaycee close.


Kaycee's pov

Once back at our hotel Sean and I went to our room to change.

Sean still looked very upset so once he got dressed I pushed him to the bed and sat him down looking at him.

"Its over let it go you had every right to be mad at the guy who hit you and you had every right to keep those questions personal so chill out" I said leaning my forehead against his "Theres no need to be upset so go take a hot bath and relax"

Sean looked up at me and sighed "Join me and ill relax" he said as I just nodded and walked off to the bathroom to get everything set up.

I heard our hotel door out and close before hearing the girls and boys "Anyone here?" Josh said looking around.

I tied my hair into a pony tail and walked out into the living room to meet them "Bad timing guys" I said seeing their faces turn with confusion "Sean's not in the greatest mood so come back in....An hour and a half then we will have a sleep over game night" I said and they all nodded before walking out.


Sitting in a hot bath with the person you care about the most is one of the best feelings.

Sean pulled me closer to his body as he put the bubbles from the bubble bath all over my face so I smashed him which turned into a war, but it was fun.

I saw him finally calm down and just letting everything go.

We soon got out cleaned the water off the floor then got dressed which took longer then needed since someone doesn't know how to keep their hands to their self.

Our friends came back and we started to play many different games and ate a lot of junk but it was our last day so we didn't care to much.

"Ou we should go walk around New York I mean were in the city that never sleeps" said Julian and none of us could disagree so we put our shoes on and headed out for a night on the town.

We took so many photos and just goofed around as we did so.

I was walking along with Tahani, Bailey, and Charlize when we saw flash lights from phones and heard the boys Sean, Kenneth, Josh, Julian and Big Will say all together "Damnnn" so we all turned around and saw them recording us so we started to be the goofs we are for the videos.

We came to a spot were there was a band playing on the street and people crowned around to watch so we stopped to watch.

We all seemed to enjoy them so I took the girls hands and walked out and started to dance before the boys came and joined us which made everyone around cheer louder for the band and us.


''Sean I dare you to do a front walk over" I said looking at him, Seans not the person to do all that contemporary stuff so this was gonna be a show.

Sean got up and went to go do the front walk over, for the most part it was good until he landed.

His feet slipped as he gave up and landed on his back, I felt bad but I couldn't help but laugh.

He stood up and did a bow before continuing with the game.

We put on a movie and got arranged into our sleeping order everyone with their couples {Don't @ me}

Me and Sean, Bailey and Ken, Josh and Tahani and Charlize and Julian.

It definitely didn't take long for people to fall asleep I mean everyone past out in seconds except for me. 

I laid my head on Seans chest as he wrapped his arms around me in his sleep.

I scrolled through Instagram before looking up at Sean and the rest of our friends who were out so I took a little video of them before turning the camera around to face me as I kissed Seans cheek and posted it to my story.

I laid my head back down before falling asleep peacefully in a room full of my Family.....


That last line sounds weird but trust me its meant to be cute. Well heres another update I know I said I was gonna update twice yesterday but I ended up feeling sick so I headed to bed but its here now and I hope you enjoyed it.

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