Chapter 42

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~ Third P.O.V ~

The Phantomhive servants ran down the corridor reaching a corner they could hear voices from down the hall.

"Hey Michael you go check down there and I'll check round here" one man said

"Yes, okay" the other started walking down the corridor.

Once the footsteps got closer and started the man started to turn the corner Mey - Rin had him at gun point uninformed straight at his head and Sebastian spoke.

"If you want to live you will be quiet and say we were not here!"

The guy nodded frantically, just then they heard voices coming from down the corridor.

"Hey Michael have you found anything yet?!" The mans comrade shouted.

Sebastian turned to him and whispered "don't say a word about us or your dead!"

The mans comrade was getting closer "Michael are you there?"

"Uh...uh..yes I am...fine.....everything's haven't found anyone here James so....the coast is clear...." Michael shouted nervously down the corridor. "Right okay well I'll check the west wing. Hurry up and move on to the east wing, okay?!" The mans comrade ran off.

The servants looked at Sebastian. "Now...Michael was it?....well Michael as you can tell we are Phantomhive servants thank you for cooperating with us it was a wise choice". "Yes we are not people you should mess with!" Bard added trying to scare the man.

"Now Michael we would like to know where our young master is being held! do you know?!" Sebastian asked staring at him with his magenta eyes. "I....I think he's in the north wing or maybe the basement...." He stuttered.

"Which one damn you!!!!" Sebastian grabbed the mans shirt still having his magenta demon eyes staring at him. "THE BASEMENT....The basement...he's being held there in the south wing!...".

"Great now where are we currently?" Bard asked. "We are in the north - east wing I think..." He replies.

Sebastian lets go of his shirt, "great now take us there!" He demanded. "I'm sorry but I can't....I need to go back to work and...and I'm not prohibited to go's only for the top soldiers and Alois himself.....I'm...I'm...sorry.." He stuttered once more.

Mey - Rin turned to Sebastian still having the gun pointing to the mans head, "what now Sebastian?". "Well what we do now is we kill this man!" He responds brutally.

"But why Sebastian?! Isn't that a bit harsh?! He's already helped us this much the nicest thing we could do is let him go free" Finny protested. "That wont be able to happen, Anyways Finny we already have the information we need from this guy and if we let him go he could tell everyone what we are doing or where we are heading so I suppose it's best he dies" Sebastian explains.

"Well when you put it like that I suppose it makes a little sense...I don't agree with it but it has to happen..."Finny looks away from everyone else looking like he was about to cry.

They waited a couple seconds whilst Mey - Rin and Sebastian talked then Finny walked over and pined the man from behind. "Don't miss Mey - Rin" Finny said anxiously "i have never missed so don't worry".

Mey - Rin looked at Sebastian and he knodded.

"Any last words you would like to say?" Bard asked. The man was about to speak but decided not to.

Mey - Rin steadied her gun and aimed right between the eyes of the guys head, she waited a couple seconds and shot once then after the guys body went limp she shot again. The man fell to the ground. Everyone stared down at the dead mans body. As Sebastian looked up from the dead man he could see Finny was crying.

"Why...why do people have to always die when I'm around...I hate seeing people die...its just wrong to kill someone!!!!" He cried.

Sebastian walked over to Finny and looked him in the eyes "Finny no human would ever want to kill another human, no one would think that's right, we know it's wrong but it had to happen and you understand that. I bet Mey - Rin hated pulling that trigger imagine how she feels right now" Sebastian wiped away Finny's tears.

Finny looked over at Mey - Rin. "Just like Sebastian said I hated pulling that trigger and it gets me every time but...". She was cut of by voices being shouted from down the corridor.

"I heard gunshots from this direction!!!" One shouted

"And I heard voices!! It must be those servants!!!" Another man shouted back.

The servant had no clue what to do and looked at Sebastian who looked concerned himself. He thought for a second and thought up a plan.

"Okay so the south wing is down the corridor the men are coming from which means we need to get down there somehow. So all we need to do is get past them somehow so the best way to do that is kill every single last one of them!" He explained abruptly.

"Isn't there another way that doesn't include death?!" Finny asked anxiously. "No Finny! You will need to get blood on your hands sooner or later especially if you want to save the young master! Do you understand?!" Sebastian shouted. Finny just nodded.

~ a couple minutes later ~

"Alright everyone get into your battle stations and get ready to fight!" Sebastian cried. "Yes Sebastian!!!" The servants say in unison.

"Now go!!! Go save the young master!!"

The servants charge round the corner and charge right into battle with the Trancy Army.

"We are the Phantomhive servants and we are there to protect our young master!!!!!! we will do what it takes to bring him home safe and unharmed!!!! If we couldn't do that then what kind of servants would we be?!!!!" They all shouted in unison.

"FOR THE YOUNG MASTER!!!!!!" Sebastian shouted.

"THE YOUNG MASTER!!!!!!" They cried.

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