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Amanda's P.O.V:
I rest my head against the cooling glass window as Carisi drives me back home. 

"You still awake Amanda?" 

"Yes." I laugh, yawning tiredly.

"Doesn't look like you will be for much longer." Carisi jokes, chuckling. 

I smile contently staring out of the window into the dark night. The stars barely visible amongst the clouds hovering in the sky. 

"Want me to make food when we get back to yours?" Carisi suggests.

"Yeah sounds good, don't want anything major just a sandwich or something. I'm more tired than hungry to be honest." 

He nods and continues driving while I think about getting a good night's rest tonight. The cold breeze escaping through the window brushes over me causing me to shiver. 

"You cold?" Carisi laughs. 

"Yeah it is pretty cold tonight." 

"I'll shut the window if you'd like and I'll turn the heating up. I think I have spare jacket in the back of the car if you want that." 

"Yes please, I'll get the jacket too if you don't mind."

"Its fine, it's right behind you on the back seat." He explains. 

I turn around and fell in the darkness for the jacket. A silky material brushes my fingertips and I pull it towards me. I wrap it around myself and absorb the warmth it brings. 


"Yeah I'm starting to warm up a little now." I whisper, drifting in and out of consciousness. 

My eyes slowly begin to droop before exhaustion engulfs my body and I drift into a mystical world of sleep. 


"Amanda ou need to get up, we are outside your house." Carisi whispers softly, nudging me slightly. 

I sigh as I sit up and rub my eyes to clearly the sleepy dust. I slip out of my daze and hand Carisi his jacket back. 

"Thanks." He beams. 

He holds his hand out to help me get out of the car and we take a slow stroll to my apartment. We reach the door and I pull my keys out of my trouser pocket and slide the key into the door. I open the door and invite Carisi in. Frannie gets up and bolts for Carisi and proceeds to jump up him. 

"Amanda help." He laughs as Frannie starts licking him to death. 

"Frannie come on." I say, shaking the dry food  bag. 

I fill her bowl with dog food and tap her dog basket so that she will lay down and stop bothering Carisi.

Carisi gets up and creeps passed Frannie and grabs me a glass of water. He comes and sits down next to me and I move up next to him. I gently lay my head on his shoulder. 

"You still want dinner?" Carisi asks.

"No I think I just need to get some sleep tonight." I yawn.

He nods and gets up. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Amanda, have a goodnight." 

"Night Carisi." I say, fighting to keep my eyes open. 

He lays a blanket over me and says goodnight once more before leaving me to fall asleep on the sofa. 

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now